News and articles

Retail sales in Germany jumped in May

Retail sales in Germany grew much more than expected in May. The German federal statistical office, Destatis, reported that retail sales in Germany increased by 13.9 percent in real terms...

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Global food commodity prices rebound in June

In June, global food commodity prices rose for the first time since the beginning of the year driven by a rebound in vegetable oils, sugar and dairy quotations. However, in...

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DS Smith Annual Profit Bolstered By E-Commerce Despite COVID Hit

Packaging firm DS Smith has reported a 5% rise in annual profit, bolstered by growing demand from e-commerce and consumer goods customers, but the company said it was too early...

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Child Labour On Ivory Coast Cocoa Farms Rises During Pandemic, Study Finds

Child labour has increased in top grower Ivory Coast’s cocoa sector during its coronavirus lockdown, according to a report released by an industry-backed foundation. The percentage of children engaged in labour between...

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Carrefour Brasil Introduces Private Label Beer

Carrefour Brasil has launched a private label beer range in partnership with local brewers Way Beer and Startup Brewing. The Nauta brand offers 11 SKUs, of which six are available...

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Magazine: Free from everything…too!

According to Katalin Rosta, dairy business manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft., free-from products have a growing share in the breakfast product and hot drink categories. Flóra Hesz, junior shopper marketing...

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Seventy percent of Internet users shop online

Even before the pandemic, Hungarians used the Internet regularly to manage their various affairs; online shopping and related activities are the most common, with seven out of ten netizens already...

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Beekeeping Association is expected to have the worst acacia honey harvest in the last fifty years

The worst acacia honey harvest in the last fifty years is expected this year – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association told M1 news channel. He added...

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The Ministry of Agriculture will further strengthen conscious consumer behavior

Based on the positive experience of the labeling requirement introduced in the case of pork, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has extended the clear indication of the country of origin...

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MLBKT: PMI has improved but continues to indicate pessimism

The Purchasing Managers ’Index (PMI) has improved greatly, but remains pessimistic, with its seasonally adjusted June value rising to 47.0 percent from 40.7 percent the previous month. Thus, the rate...

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Changes in competition law will strengthen the procedural rights of the GVH

In the future, co-operation between the competition authorities of the EU member states will be strengthened, and their procedural powers will also be expanded and unified, Baker McKenzie said at...

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Cube-shaped watermelons are grown in Hódmezővásárhely

Pap Róbert, a melon grower, started growing cube-shaped watermelons near Hódmezővásárhely. Photo: MTI/Rosta Tibor The growing fruit is placed in the cube-shaped shape for three weeks, during which time the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture has launched a leaf analysis service

The range of services available to farmers at the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has been expanded with a laboratory letter analysis study, the NAK told MTI. According to their...

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Kitchens in children’s catering can be renewed from one and a half billion forints

Support for children institutuions cannot stop even during pandemiological preparedness, so this year local governments can also use 1.5 billion HUF in support for the development of child nutrition, Varga...

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The U.S. economy is performing better than expected in June

As in May, the U.S. economy performed better than expected in June, according to a survey by the London-based financial and economic data provider IHS Markit. As more and more...

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Post-epidemic recovery in Germany will be slow

There can no longer be a “V-shaped” boom, ie a rapid recovery in Germany after a sharp downturn, but a slow and cumbersome improvement in the situation, according to a...

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Euro area inflation rose in June

Euro area inflation rose more than expected in June from a four-year low in the previous month, according to a report by Eurostat. In June, when disease control measures were...

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(HU) Egyre több zöldséget és gyümölcsöt fogyasztunk – főleg a fiatalok

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Family business fight against crisis

It does not matter how the family companies were able to respond to the challenges caused by the coronavirus epidemic now, as they account for 40% of the companies in...

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The new beer regulation may be problematic

The recent proposal to amend the law to add a passage to the Commercial Act that would prohibit restaurants and large beer and soft drink producers from concluding exclusive contracts...

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Costa Rican Coffee May Go Unharvested As Pandemic Creates Migrant Worker Shortage

Coffee connoisseurs across the world prize Costa Rica’s gourmet beans, but local farmers warn that if a coronavirus-induced foreign labour shortage is not resolved soon, the raw material used to...

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Starbucks opening its ‘signing store’

Starbucks Corp. is taking its store concept for the deaf and hard of hearing to Japan. The coffee giant will open its first “Signing Store in Japan on June 27,...

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Walmart unveils new Walmart Health prototype

Walmart is opening a fourth freestanding facility devoted to health-and-wellness. The new Walmart Health is the first store in the format to be opened outside of Georgia. Located in Northwest...

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(HU) Covid-19: a változás katalizátora

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Nielsen: European retail sales increased by almost 10 percent due to the coronavirus

The Covid-19 pandemic had a dramatic impact on retail: after a subdued start to the year, the sector produced 9.8 percent nominal growth in the first quarter of 2020, compared...

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The salary of the shoeseller decreased by 68 thousand

Due to the pandemic shopkeeper’s payroll and headcount decreased – wrote. In April, the number of sellers in the larger stores decreased by 17 thousand. Wages also decreased with...

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Which municipalities have benefited from the rapid growth of the last seven years

GKI Zrt. Examined the changes in the purchasing power of municipalities and districts (net earnings, pensions, social benefits) from 2012 to 2019. The nominal value of municipal purchasing power increased...

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Sour results in the Super Mint Sweet Cucumber Test

The Supermenta program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested 32 sweet cucumbers this time. The results can be said to be sour, as official proceedings had to...

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Savings Bank has slightly improving expectations, but there is significant uncertainty in agriculture

Expectations of agricultural participants improved slightly by the end of the second quarter compared to the first quarter, but the sector is still uncertain, mainly due to reduced export opportunities...

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SMEs can apply for 100 billion HUF in development funding

Small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for 100 billion HUF in development funding: due to more than double oversubscription, the government doubled the 50 billion HUF budget originally announced nationwide...

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