News and articles

Magyar Bankholding: loan and deposit portfolio in the agricultural sector grew above average last year

Last year, slightly above the national average, the loan portfolio of enterprises related to agriculture and the food industry grew by 11 percent in Hungary, and in the member banks...

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What about the small gas stations after the gas price stop?

It is difficult to decide what is worse: the 600 HUF petrol price prevailing in neighbouring Slovakia, or the fact that many petrol stations at the border are forced to...

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Moody’s and Fitch have withdrawn their investment grade sovereign ratings from Russia

Two international credit rating agencies, Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings, withdrew Russia’s investment-recommended sovereign rating on Thursday. Moody’s has downgraded Russia’s long-term foreign currency and foreign currency debt rating...

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Unemployment rate in the eurozone fell in January

In January 2022, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 6.8%, down from 7.0% in December 2021 and from 8.3% in January 2021. The EU unemployment rate was 6.2% in...

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Mihály Varga: The government is working to mitigate the effects of the war

The government is working to protect economic operators and the Hungarian people from the effects of the war in the neighbourhood, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said on Thursday at...

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The most Hungarian brand

Lately, trademarks have been playing an increasingly important role in the consumer perception of packaged foods and have also started to affect buying decisions more frequently. On the ‘digital shelves’...

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AM: new, bred varieties can help peach growers

In addition to the new, domestically bred fruit varieties adapted to the changed weather conditions, the use of modern technologies is of paramount importance for the sector, said Szatymazon, Parliamentary...

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AM: Heves County has a vibrant economic life and development opportunities

Heves County is a forward-looking example by the fact that food processing plants have made more than HUF 22 billion in development needs for the implementation of their complex developments,...

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Nébih: Penny Market recalls spice fennel

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Here’s the latest Borsodi Szitu: made purely with barley malt

The history of Borsodi Brewery has reached a new chapter. From March this year, the company will renew the recipe for one of Hungary’s favorite beers and brew Borsodi beer...

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NAK: the agricultural economy should be considered a partner in climate protection

It is a common task that the agricultural economy should not be a scapegoat in the fight against climate change, but a sector that all segments of society regard as...

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Agrotax: land prices continue to rise

The price increase on the Hungarian agricultural land market continued in 2021, Agrotax Kft. told MTI on Thursday. The average market price of agricultural land was HUF 1,969 million per...

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Nobody wants to own Sberbank

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) has made significant efforts in recent days to find a long-term solution, notably the sale of the Hungarian Sberbank, which has not been successful,...

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OFA – A new form of support is financing trademark use

The National Employment Foundation (OFA) and Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. have signed a cooperation agreement. As part of this, OFA offers financial support to nearly 50 social cooperatives – form...

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AM: model park forest planted in Ács

With the plantation of 20,000 native saplings, a new park forest was born in Ács. The afforestation implemented with the support of the Rural Development Programme as part of the...

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Nébih: Spar recalls corn delicacy

Spar Hungary Trading Ltd. has withdrawn its S-Budget bacon-flavoured 100-gram corn delicacy, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Thursday....

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Valdor chicken thigh fillet in breadcrumbs seasoned with bear’s garlic and Valdor Nuggets Deluxe

Building on our continuous innovation work in the last more than 30 years and on our high level of expertise, we have developed our latest products, Valdor chicken thigh fillet...

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Magazine: There aren’t any futureproof success recipes or responses

In the latest Future Talks podcast episode Szilvia Krizsó talked to Dr Imre Porkoláb, colonel, director of the Leadership Training Academy at Mathias Corvinus Collegium. The article features parts of the...

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Future Store – Innovations from Digital Advertising and KOCH’s Horserad

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The plenary session of the Hungarian-Serbian Joint Economic Committee also reflected on the war

Mr. Szijjártó held his press conference together with Serbian Economy Minister Andjelka Atanaskovic, as the plenary session of the Hungarian-Serbian Joint Economic Committee is taking place in Budapest on Wednesday...

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Analysts: after last year’s surprisingly strong GDP growth outlooks are increasingly uncertain

After the surprisingly good full-year and fourth-quarter performance of the Hungarian economy last year, analysts told MTI that the outlook for this year was increasingly uncertain due to the Russian-Ukrainian...

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KSH: The Hungarian economy grew by more than seven percent in the last quarter of last year

In the fourth quarter of last year, the volume of gross domestic product increased by 7.1 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. Services contributed by 4.6...

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AM: The Ministry of Agriculture provides 1.5 billion HUF to compensate storm damage

The storm of 30 January 2022 caused significant damages to agriculture, mainly to farmers engaged in sprouted vegetable production. One and a half billion can compensate for storm damage at...

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Eurozone inflation hit another record high in February

The annual inflation rate in the euro area rose to a new record 5.8 percent in February 2022 from 5.1 percent in January, exceeding the 5.4 percent market expectation based...

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We spend as much time in front of the telly as before, but we watch more commercials

In 2021 Hungarians spent 4 hours and 54 minutes in front of the television on average, which was just 1 minute less than in the previous year – reveals the...

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Agricultural Academy Forum on Precision Farming

An agricultural academy forum entitled The Future, or Precision Farming in Practice, was held on Wednesday by the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE) and the Hungarian Agriculture...

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KOMETA Útravaló pork Bologna and Zala cold cut

This season brings the renewal of the KOMETA Útravaló product range. Thanks to the new recipes, pork Bologna, pork Bologna with cheese, pork Bologna with bell pepper and Zala cold...

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The safety of a company may depend on the preparedness of its employees

Our email account is a much more serious threat than we thought. According to a recent study conducted by HeimdalTM Security in Denmark, almost three-quarters of malicious actions come through...

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A coupon fundraiser is launched to help refugees in Ukraine

From 2 to 18 March, 250 HUF donation coupons are available in Tesco stores to support the Ecumenical Relief Organization’s humanitarian aid program in Ukraine. As a strategic partner, the...

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MOL introduced a 100-litre refuelling limit from Wednesday

Mol has introduced a 100-litre refuelling limit from Wednesday, the company told MTI. Mol’s high-pressure well columns, which are mainly used by trucks, buses and agricultural machinery, will continue to...

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