News and articles

István Nagy: food self-sufficiency is a strategic issue

In the shadow of the war, food self-sufficiency is a strategic issue – the Minister of Agriculture stated at the round table discussion of the 32nd Bálványos Summer Free University...

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The decline in retail trade in the Czech Republic continued in May

The decline in retail sales in the Czech Republic continued in May. However, the annual drop of 6.1 percent in May is a slightly better result than the 8.4 percent...

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A vállalkozók mentális egészségéért aggódtak a miniszterek: fontos témák kerültek napirendre az OECD KKV Miniszteri Konferenciáján

The SME and Enterprise Ministers of the OECD countries gathered in Paris to discuss how they can help businesses become more crisis-resistant. The ministerial meeting, held for the first time...

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Precision breeding can help mitigate the harmful effects of climate change

One of the possibilities to mitigate the challenges facing agriculture is precision breeding, which is an innovative process in which researchers only use useful properties that occur in nature, thereby...

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Whole Foods restructuring cuts hundreds of jobs

Whole Foods Market is reducing its operating regions from 9 to 6, and the retailer is streamlining the organisation of parts of its global and regional support teams. According to...

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Seasonal food chain checks around Lake Balaton have started

Every year, Nébih coordinates three seasonal food chain inspections, stated Balatonlellén, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the food industry and trade policy. Dr. Márton Nobilis...

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The Magyar Konyha Balaton 2023 Gastronomy Guide has been published

This year’s Balaton Gastrokalauza of Magyar Konyha magazine has been published, which recommends 300 restaurants, bistros, beach buffets, cafes, ruin pubs and other places of hospitality to the readers’ attention....

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Hungarians try to limit their spending on vacation

Most of the Hungarian population tries to keep costs down when on vacation, so they prefer cheaper accommodation or try to reduce the per capita costs by taking vacations together...

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The EU has signed a free trade agreement with New Zealand

The European Union and New Zealand signed a free trade agreement, as a result of which bilateral trade is expected to increase by up to 30 percent within a decade,...

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Two-thirds of employees fear for their jobs from artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has irreversibly broken into the world of work, and companies are already automating 34% of processes, and according to estimates, an even bigger jump will come in the...

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Nébih’s no food leftovers program has received several international awards

The food waste prevention program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has achieved outstanding success in several forums. In addition to being selected as one of the top...

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Dutch online supermarket Picnic launches in Berlin

Online supermarket Picnic has expanded its German activities to fifteen districts of the German capital, Berlin. More are to follow soon. Expectations are sky-high: even before the launch, some 35,000 households...

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Walmart to invest $257 million in beef-packing plant in Kansas

Walmart announced it would invest $257 million to open a beef-packing plant in Olathe, Kansas in 2025, which would create more than 600 jobs. The facility will package and distribute...

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Hungary is once again free of highly pathogenic bird flu

According to the relevant regulations of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), Hungary regained its freedom from highly pathogenic avian influenza. The favorable status for the entire country allows for...

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What should be done with the orders of the Territorial Monitoring System?

In the past period, 28,000 producers have been notified electronically that there are administrative non-compliances or deviations detected by satellite images in their submitted 2023 uniform application. In addition to...

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Cereal bars, mueslis and breakfast cereals

The cereal market consists of cereal bars, mueslis and breakfast cereals. Shoppers have become price-sensitive recently, because of the growing inflation, and this had a negative effect on breakfast cereal...

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What impact will artificial intelligence have on advertising practice?

The DIMSZ Data-Driven Marketing Association and the Self-Regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) organized a workshop to present the common points of connection between artificial intelligence and advertising. How do we envision...

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New marketing and communications manager at Xylem

Márton Vargha was appointed marketing and communications manager of Xylem Water Solutions Magyarország Kft. from March 20, 2023. The specialist with nearly two decades of experience in the marketing field...

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Inflation decreased to 20.1%

As expected, inflation decreased to 20.1% in June from 21.5% in April, which was contributed by almost all factors except the prices of clothing, other items, fuel and service providers....

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MNB: food and manufactured goods curbed inflation in June

In June, the slowdown in inflation continued for the fifth month. Compared to the previous month, inflation slowed by 1.4 percentage points to 20.1 percent; the slowdown was almost entirely...

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FAO Food Price Index continued declining in June

The benchmark index of international food commodity prices declined again in June, led by price decreases for all major cereals and most types of vegetable oils, the Food and Agriculture...

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Consumers cut back on sugar for their long-term health, study shows

In a global survey, Kerry found people are looking for other sweeteners to preserve their long-term health, and increasingly want natural solutions. Kerry found in its latest consumer research that...

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KSH: in June, prices increased by 20.1 percent compared to the same month of the previous year

In June, consumer prices were on average 20.1 percent higher than a year earlier. In the past year, household energy and food prices have risen the most, the Central Statistics...

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Minister of Economic Development: we are on the right track in the fight against inflation

Thanks to the government’s targeted measures, the trend-like and ever-increasing decrease in sanctioned inflation continued: according to the latest data from the KSH, in June 2023 – by another 1.4...

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The Ethical Repohár initiative is launched – BKIK offers a self-regulatory solution for players in the hospitality industry

The Etikus Repohár value community proposes a sustainable, transparent system that meets both consumer expectations and the possibilities of the hospitality and entertainment industry. The Repohár working group, convened by...

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EY: The majority of large companies do not yet see what the introduction of the global minimum tax entails

The vast majority of large multinational companies will be affected by the global minimum tax, yet only a fraction of them are aware of what it will actually entail if...

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Green Club meeting at DDC

Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. (DDC) was a guest of the Green Section of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) at the last green club meeting. The participants were able to learn about...

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Instead of the expected growth, retail sales in the euro area stagnated again

In a monthly comparison, instead of the expected growth, the retail turnover in the euro area stagnated, and in an annual comparison, it decreased in May. The statistical office of...

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The value of the Hungarian coffee market increased by twenty percent in 2022, but the volume decreased

Due to the significant increase in the price of raw materials, the value of the Hungarian retail coffee market increased by 20 percent to HUF 82.8 billion last year, but...

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From the summer round table discussion of the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers

When biting into the funnel during ice cream, hardly anyone thinks of a sacrifice, even though the name of the wafer comes from the Latin hostia, and the product itself...

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