News and articles

Absolut Vodka and Coke’s Sprite to combine in canned cocktail

Absolut Vodka and lemonade drinkers will soon be able to sip their preferred cocktail from a can, after drinks makers Pernod Ricard and Coca-Cola agreed to a pre-mixed version made from the...

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Bluetongue has appeared in several European Union countries

The bluetongue epidemic broke out in the Netherlands in September 2023. At the beginning of October, Germany and Belgium, among the previously exempt member states, announced the appearance of the disease...

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Carrefour Polska To Offer Personalised Bouquets At Warsaw Store

Shoppers at the Carrefour store in Westfield Arkadia shopping centre in Warsaw can now avail of the services of a professional florist for personalised bouquets and customised flower arrangements. Carrefour...

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Agrometeorology: autumn sowing needs more and more precipitation

Autumn sowing would need more and more precipitation, and even though moist air will flow into the Carpathian basin in the coming days, the distribution of precipitation will not be...

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Annual inflation in e-commerce is already in the single digits

In all the main categories of the most popular products sold in online trade, price changes below the official consumer price index have taken place over the past 12 months,...

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Food prices are rising more slowly in the euro area and the EU

In September, the annual rate of inflation moderated both in the euro area and in the European Union – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday...

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This is the 11th time that Lidl is helping shelter animals

Lidl Hungary’s 11th Full Bowl campaign, launched by the supermarket chain on the occasion of World Animal Day, has ended successfully. The goal was once again to draw attention to...

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The composted bags disappeared in half a year in the investigation of Humus and Greenpeace

After six months, the shopping bags disappeared in the composting experiment of the Humus Association and Greenpeace Hungary, in which they investigated whether the decomposable bags of grocery stores would...

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MediaMarkt announces a national photo competition

This is the 8th time that MediaMarkt is organizing a national photo competition. Once again, you can enter the competition in 5 categories, four of which will be pre-defined and...

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Indotek Group acquires 47 percent of Auchan Magyarország Kft

The Indotek Group signed an agreement on the purchase of 47 percent of Auchan Magyarország Kft., which controls the retail activities of the Auchan department store chain and owns several...

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Lithuania’s IKI expands autonomous home delivery partnership

Lithuania retailer IKI is extending its autonomous delivery service to new districts of the capital city Vilnius. For the past month, three autonomous vehicles have been delivering products bought via...

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The gluten-free breads and pastries of the year were awarded

In connection with the Magyarok Kenyere program, the gluten-free bread and pastry competition was organized for the second time this year by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Cooperatives and Farmers’...

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Innovation is also key in the food industry

The role of innovation in the food industry is also becoming more and more important, encouraging it will be an important task in the next period, Hungarian manufacturers can apply...

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An expanding world of rum

Az átlagfogyasztó szempontjából a magyar rumpiacot alapvetően néhány erős márka határozza meg, a premiumizáció viszont gyors ütemben gazdagítja a termékválasztékot. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Kelet-Európába a trendek...

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MONKEY 47 Distiller’s Cut 2023 is also being introduced in Hungary

The latest, special collector’s edition of the ultra-premium Black Forest gin has also arrived in domestic bars. MONKEY 47 Distiller’s Cut 2023 will be available in limited quantities for a...

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Bill Gates szerint „a jövő növényi alapú”

A Microsoft egykori főnöke, Bill Gates a növényi alapú hús etikai és környezetvédelmi előnyeit üdvözölte legújabb podcast-beszélgetésében. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Bill Gates nemrégiben a Grammy-díjas...

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The next generation of shoppers is ready for AI, AR and robots

The next generation of shoppers prefers real shopping to virtual reality, but wants technological innovation to enhance the shopping experience: 81% of Gen Z and Millennials expect augmented reality (AR)...

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Magnesium deficiency can cause depression

This year, Quattroceutical Kft. made an online survey* by asking 1,021 people about our magnesium intake habits, because this mineral is at least as important as vitamin C to get...

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Saját márkás tej hódít el értékesítést az Arla Foodstól

Csökkentette éves árbevételére vonatkozó várakozását az Arla Foods a kereslet saját márkás tejtermékek felé tolódása okán csökkenő tejárak miatt. A dániai székhelyű vállalatra a növekvő termelési volumen és a csökkenő fogyasztói...

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18 million workers also need to be retrained for the European green transition

Ma nyílik meg Amszterdamban a megújuló energetikai fejlesztésekre fókuszáló, a több mint 40 országból érkező 1200 résztvevővel zajló európai seregszemle, a The Business Booster (TBB). Az EIT InnoEnergy által szervezett eseményen a zöld gazdaságra...

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REWE Tests Drone Delivery In Rural Germany

REWE Group is participating in a pilot project for drone deliveries in the rural district of Michelstadt in Hessen, Germany. The project, entitled ‘LieferMichel’, enables residents in remote areas of...

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AM Deputy State Secretary: innovation is also key in the food industry

The role of innovation in the food industry is also becoming more and more important, encouraging it will be an important task in the next period, Hungarian manufacturers can apply...

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MTÜ: hotels can be the winners of the autumn long weekend

Hotels can be the winners of the autumn long weekend, according to the data of the National Tourist Information Center, 65 percent of the booked guest nights are in hotels...

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Nearly half of Gen Z will buy holiday gifts on social media, survey finds

Many in the generation expect to spend more than last year and will shop earlier if retailers introduce discounts sooner, according to a Shopify report. Following forecasts of higher holiday retail sales, nearly three-fourths (74%)...

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PepsiCo invests again in Ireland drinks production

A portion of the investment will go towards solar PV installation. PepsiCo is putting more capex into Ireland after completing a €127m ($133.5m) investment project in the same site and...

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MATE supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad

The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad as part of the cooperation agreement concluded by Hungary and Chad. The...

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We can drown in plastic instead of recycling paper: the circular economy is shot in the foot by the proposals of the EP representatives

Last year, the European Commission proposed new regulations to eliminate wasteful packaging and encourage a circular economy. However, the noble objective was jeopardized by the amendments made in the European...

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Balogh Levente bemutatta a vitaminbevitel új generációját, a Violát

A Szentkirályi Magyarország alapító tulajdonosa, Balogh Levente 15 millió magyar vitaminigényét szeretné kiszolgálni az új, innovatív gélvitaminokkal. A Viola termékcsalád négy új étrendkiegészítőjét október 16-án mutatták be, valamint bejelentették, hogy...

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Water champions, aid organizations and food industry companies together drew attention to the key to the future

The food challenges caused by global and regional water shortages were presented at Monday’s event organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Hungarian Food...

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