News and articles

GFM: the government increases the budget of the Food Industry Supplier Development Program by nearly six times

In order to strengthen Hungarian businesses, the government is increasing the amount of the Food Supplier Development Program (ÉLIP) by nearly six times, the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM) announced...

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Inflation will remain in 2024 as well

This year was determined by inflation, which remains on the table. The disinflation process may continue at the beginning of next year, but the pick-up in household consumption will bring...

Read more on New Year’s Eve, Eger, Gyula and Szeged are the most popular among domestic travelers

On New Year’s Eve, Eger, Gyula, Szeged, Budapest and Pécs are the most sought-after destinations among domestic travelers – explained in a statement sent to MTI on Friday based...

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The mandatory deposit system will bring such changes from January

From January 1, 2024, the legal provisions will come into force, which from then on will regulate the mandatory return of the packaging of various types of soft drinks and...

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NAK-Húszövesség: a significant turnover of hot dogs is expected at the end of the year again this year

Despite the change in consumer habits, a significant amount of hot dogs may be sold domestically in the last days of the year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK)...

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Hússzövetség: it is always worth choosing Hungarian meat in the shops, including pork

In any case, it is worth choosing Hungarian meat in the shops, because unlike imported meat, Hungarian pork is impeccable in terms of quality, food safety and traceability – the...

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There will be more than 1,400 beverage packaging return machines in food stores

From the first of January, the mandatory deposit return system of the packaging of soft drinks and spirits – plastic, metal, glass bottles – in some shops; the food trading...

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Tourism agency: the number of New Year’s Eve reservations has increased, most of them for at least 2 nights

For the last weekend of the year, 11 percent more pre-bookings have already been received than in the same period last year, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on...

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GFM: One of the most successful government loan programs of all time can continue in 2024

In order to strengthen Hungarian businesses and increase their performance, the government has decided to continue the Gábor Baross Reindustrialization Loan Program until July 1, 2024, by providing an additional...

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K&H: how much pocket money do young people receive?

On average, young people between the ages of 14 and 18 receive HUF 22,000 in pocket money per month from their parents, according to a survey of the financial situation...

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Agrometeorology: in large areas, especially in the Alföld and the Kisalföld, the water stands on the land

In large areas of the country, especially in the Alföld and the Kisalföld, there is standing water in the fields, which makes it difficult to sow in the mild weather,...

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Gasoline price increase in January – so you can keep more in your wallet

From January 1, it is expected that you will have to pay HUF 40 more for a liter of fuel. So those who drive regularly have to dig deep into...

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Association of Hungarian Meat Industry: such sausages should no longer be bought

The annual sale of hot dogs in Hungary is around 34,000 tons, and 10-25 percent of this is sold in the last month of the year, according to the joint...

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Special features that you hardly knew about Hungary’s oldest champagne cellar

Founded by József Törley, the champagne factory with a history of more than 140 years has been considered a central player in the domestic market since its inception. It really...

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New Year’s Eve firework sales are popular

After the Christmas frenzy, discount champagnes, hot dogs and lentils are lined up on the shelves in most stores, since New Year’s Eve is upon us. It is worth paying...

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You can also pay for New Year’s hot dogs at Auchan with a SZÉP card

At New Year’s Eve, interest in hot dogs and alcoholic beverages, especially champagne, increases every year. There will be no shortage of popular products in Auchan stores this year either,...

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K&H: cash is not cool

Young people basically stick to their Christmas customs, also from the point of view that they still buy the majority of gifts in person, in a traditional store, but there...

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ORFK: you can buy fireworks from Thursday

Class 3 fireworks and pyrotechnic devices can be purchased from Thursday and used between 6:00 p.m. on December 31 and 6:00 a.m. on January 1, the National Police Headquarters (ORFK)...

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There will be a charge for the Interspar parking lot in Székesfehérvár

The sections leading to the Interspar parking lot in Székesfehérvár have been equipped with the necessary structures for paid parking lots. Not by chance, the unlimited free service will end....

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The first phase of the tourism development of Sió has been completed

The first phase of the tourism development of Sió has been completed, in which a bicycle path was built on the Sió embankment from the border of Szekszárd and Sióagárd...

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2023 is the year of record payments in agriculture

In the year 2023, which is full of financing difficulties, it was crucial for the sector that a record amount of more than HUF 1,300 billion in agricultural subsidies were...

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LG will present a dishwasher developed for thermoses and other travel glasses at CES 2024

At CES 2024, LG Electronics (LG) will present its innovative dishwasher specially developed for thermoses and other travel glasses, the LG mycup. The unique solution contributes to everyday hygiene with...

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You can reapply for the grape restructuring subsidy

From January 4, 2024, grape growers will once again have the opportunity to submit subsidy applications within the framework of the vineyard restructuring subsidy. The intensity of the support will be...

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Unilever Acquires Haircare Brand K18

Unilever has announced the acquisition of premium ‘biotech haircare’ brand K18, as it seeks to reinforce its portfolio around higher growth segments. K18 was founded in 2020 by entrepreneurs Suveen...

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SPAR Expands Presence In Spain With Four New Stores

SPAR has consolidated its presence in Spain with the addition of four new stores and the redesign of three between September and December 2023. SPAR Spain partners in the Girona,...

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In terms of actual individual consumption, we fell short in the region

In 2016, György Matolcsy, the president of the Hungarian National Bank, predicted that Hungary would overtake Austria in a few years. However, the detailed summary prepared by now shows...

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Food manufacturers and distributors passed their exams well in the mid-term of the winter seasonal inspection

Satisfying results were achieved in the first period of the winter seasonal food chain inspection. In connection with the summary covering the initial two weeks of the campaign, dr. Márton...

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The domestic meat and dairy industry is losing money, but it receives a lot of support

A significant part of the agricultural and rural development subsidies provided to the domestic meat and dairy industry pose serious challenges to the actors of the agricultural sector. During the...

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You can even pay for the last purchases of the year with a SZÉP card at Auchan

Auchan stores will be open until noon on December 24, taking into account customer needs and habits. According to the usual Sunday schedule, depending on the store, they open at...

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Válaszúton a csomagolóipar

A hazai csomagolási piacnak napjainkban egyszerre több kihívásnak is meg kell felelnie. A szegmensben az egyszerűbb tömegtermékeknél erősebb visszaesés érzékelhető. A gyenge kereslet részben a negatív gazdasági környezet, részben pedig...

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