News and articles

The beverage companies reformulate products

The industry is progressively removing the colours concerned from the products it produces for young children.  Southampton University study suggested that: "eating or drinking certain mixes of additives together with...

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After chinese products there is the chinese trade union too

Trade unions should work together more closely to cope with the challenges posed by economic globalization – ACFTU President Wang Zhaoguo said.   The trade union leaders from Albania, Bulgaria,...

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Travelcard from Accor

Thanks to the cooperation between BKV and Accor, seven kind of travelcard can be ordered together with the Ticket Restaurant voucher. It is a simply and economy solution, and the...

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Coop rally secondly

The racers, suppliers of Coop visiting stores and producer plants too.  CEOs of hungarian food industry companies by the dozen will tour the country on Thursday and Friday at the...

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Héliosz-Coop Kft. closed the producing

The excellent quality hungarian Salina cooking oil disappears from the stores' shelves. The small plant, as the other minor plants couldn't manage the cost decrease of raw material. Last year...

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Decree against stress on the workplaces

Until 8 of October after EU-law the Hungarian government has to make its decree against stress on the workplaces.  The EU directive said that attendant of workplace's stress must be...

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One million blackleg workers – HUF 1.5-2 billion damage

The hungarian government makes new decrees to roll back the black economy in the state. According to Ferenc Gyurcsany PM, the business done in black economy is HUF 3-4 billion,...

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Hungary's GDP growth to come to 2.2%, inflation to 7.6% in 2007

The country's GDP is to increase in line with the targets defined in the convergence program, i.e. by 2.2%, according to a release by the Finance Ministry. Next year, growth...

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Unilever the third valuable brand in Europe

Finnish phone maker Nokia is Europe's most valuable brand is Nokia, which the study estimates is worth EUR 32.332 billion.According to the brand value study by the European Brand Institute,...

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IV. Hungarian Days

Hungarian Days from 2-4 October in Budapest at the Great Market Hall. The goal of the event is to introduce the market hall management and publicity the hungarian products. 30...

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No decrease at illegal software use

As much as 42 percent of new software acquisitions are illegal copies in Hungary, which causes damages estimated at USD 111 million to the industry. According to Georg Herrnleben, regional...

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Patrón Spirits at East-Europe

Las Vegas-based Patrón said its entry into the Czech market follows a record-setting year for the company in Europe. Company has finalised a distribution deal for the Czech market with...

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The Hungarian Unilever probably will be not closed

A supervising is probably, but the good efficiency indexes protect the hungarian arm of Unilever from the axe.  From June the Hungarian Unilever is the middle east-european regional center and...

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Food Show in Oktober at Syma Event Hall

Spectacular cooking with master chefs on the big stage, costumers peep and ask at the interactive boxes, where the professionals cook daily and festive meals. The biggest Hungarian and International...

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Food companies are showing a strong interest for allergen free penuts

The process, which does not degrade the taste or quality of treated peanuts, and might even render them easier to process for use as a food ingredient. Peanut and nut...

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Hame buys another Romanian food maker

Czech food producer Hame has bought Romanian firm Antrefrig, raising thus its share in the Romanian delicatessen market. Production of pates and canned meat will not continue in Antrefrig, it...

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Good season at Lake Balaton

The popularity of the Hungarian Sea grow because of the good water quality, the constance developing of accommodations and events, the mature marketing work and the safety. According to a...

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No more hungarian fetas

From 15 Octobor only greek fetas can be on the shelves – cautions the Hungarian Agriculture Ministry. Five-six hungarian plant produce feta, they know about changing since 5 years. After...

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Alleviation of bioetanol fever by OECD

The rush to promote biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel is pushing up food prices and actually damaging the environment, a report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...

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China's knockback

Beijing has rejected consignments of pork from the US and Canada because they contain a banned additive – in spite of a domestic shortage of China's staple meat, which pushed...

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Pepsi wants to make Lipton Eistea more popular

PepsiCo and Unilever have announced a major expansion of their Lipton RTD tea business joint venture.  The two companies confirmed that the partnership will spread to a further 11 countries...

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Horváth Rudolf Intertransport Kft. has opened its new logistic base in Hatvan

The investition costs USD 4.5 million, the hall is almost 10,000 sqm and lying in the industrial park of Hatvan. One day before an other company opened its logistic hall...

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Map on Theodora's bottles

Directorate of the National Park at Balaton and the Kekkuti Mineralwater company signed an 5 years agreement about using the map of the Balaton National Park on the Theodoras' bottles....

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Succesful beginning of Tesco „Color”

One week after the start, the Tesco „Color” has big success at the customers.   Color-products had a huge sales, the most popular was the frozen noodle, but the meat...

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Reál Hungária for Sunday store stop

The company believes in public regulation, where describe that only the small shops in family ownership and the marketplaces could open at Sundays.  Tibor Kujbus, CEO of Reál said the...

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No cash, no creditcard only a fingertip

A new system that scans customers' fingerprints and deducts the grocery bill from their bank accounts has taken supermarkets in southwestern Germany by storm. Almost two-thirds of the people who...

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Safeway Unveils First Solar-Powered Grocery Store

The company installed solar panels atop a newly renovated Safeway Lifestyle store in Dublin, California and plans to extend the program to nearly two dozen stores as part of a...

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50% increase at poultry procurement price

According to analysts from November, retailer must pay HUF 335 for one kilogram chicken, the price was HUF 215-220 before. Import can stop the appreciation.  Laszlo Barany, president of Hungarian...

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Cafe de Colombia is a uniquely local product

Coffee produced in Colombia has become the first non-European Union product to be granted EU protection as a uniquely local product. The specific brand, Cafe de Colombia, joins a list...

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Marks & Spencer takes plastic clothes hanger back

Research suggests Britain has 540 million surplus coat hangers, weighing 17,000 tons. It is suggested as many as 100million a year are thrown away and sent to landfill, where they...

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