News and articles

Who are the users?

Széchenyi card accounted for a substantial part of financing agreements signed by SME-s with banks for a shorter than one year term. The largest part of the amount available is...

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Intimately Beckham Night

The new pair of fragrances is intended to grasp the special, intimate, sensual moments of their life which are invisible to the public....

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Everything you want to know about your consumer

Career & Style held its conference on 7. September, where current issues of the consumer market and possible future changes were discussed. In her opening presentation, the managing director of...

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Cup for clients

This is the second occasion that a football cup has been organised by HPS Group for its clients. The Durex team won the tournament played on artificial grass....

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Agárdi Pálinkafõzde five years old

Agárdi Pálinkafőzde celebrated its 5th birthday with a cigar palinka presentation and a card game championship held in its Visitor Centre, on 11. October. Only 1,400 bottles of their limited...

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Hungarian food losing ground

Zoltán Fórián, head of division, Agrár-Európa Kft., pointed out that there is confusion in the press regarding the expected increase in demand and the extent of price rises. According to...

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Our everyday bread from the neighbourhood store

According to data from the GfK Shopping Monitor, small, neighbourhood stores account for the largest part of sales and their market share has increased from 48 per cent in 2004...

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Post/pre mix Colas continue to lose ground

According to Nielsen data, HoReCa sales of carbonated soft drinks amounted to over HOF 55 billion in the August 2006 – July 2007 period, with the rate of decrease in...

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Energizer Ultimate

The new Energizer Ultimate alkali battery is proven to produce 25 % more power compared to the previous Energizer Ultimate battery....

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When food safety is uncertain

In our third and final report about the CIES conference held in Shanghai, we focus on the issue of food safety. The title of the presentation by James Morehouse, senior...

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Protection against forged medicine

STI Petőfi Nyomda has received a HUNGAROPACK 2007 prize for its box which is protected against the counterfeit of medicine. Three-level protection is provided. Markings visible to the naked eye...

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Marketing consultants joining forces

A Club of Marketing Consultants has bee established within the Hungarian Marketing Association. Their objective is to enhance the role played by marketing consulting in business life by providing training,...

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Increasing cost effectiveness a key to survival

Péter Nagy, head of division from PriceWaterhouseCoopers Kft., spoke about the increasing importance of cost effective operation, which is not only the result of market pressures, but also that of...

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Bread dominant

According to data from the Hungarian Association of Bakeries for 2006, per capita consumption of bread was 80 kilos with another 14 kilos of other bakery products. This proportion has...

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From grape to bottle

2007 is really a difficult vintage. It was started with a very mild winter, early budding, but spring frost limited our crop at some vineyard-sites. Hot and dry summer made...

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The Christmas assortment of Milka

A new product has been added to the Christmas assortment of Milka. Karácsonyi Tál is an exciting mix of Alpine flavoured balls in Alpine milk, noisette, nougat cream and marzipan...

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7-8 November 2007, Brussels A unique speaker, Rob Reid, is coming from Los Angeles to Brussels to share his success story at the CIES Marketing Forum. He founded, the...

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Pöttyös at home

The Pöttyös brand was one of the sponsors of the Cultural and Tourist Festival held for the fifth time in Mátészalka. Pöttyös Túró Rudi is manufactured by Friesland Hungária zRt....

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Flying points

Malév and Citibank celebrated their 10,000th client on 27 September. The two companies introduced their joint MasterCard type card one year ago, which can be used to collect bonus points...

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2008 could be the year of Aldi

In her opening presentation on the second day, Mrs. Szalókyné Judit Tóth, director of Nielsen emphasised that it will be the cheaper sales channels and products will show growth in...

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Extreme wine labels spreading

Labels make a big difference when customers do not have a definite idea of what kind of wine they are looking for. Today, the trend is to make labels simple...

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Hoventa – everything that is catering

This year’s Hoventa attracted over 15,000 visitors. The main attraction was the WACS Global Chefs Challenge”, but the 4th Hungarian Barista Championship was also a very successful event. Over 150...

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Chio Exxtra Chips

Chio Exxtra Chips are made from thicker, wavy slices of potatoes in extraordinary combinations of flavours, like sour cream-Mediterranean spices, or juicy ham-honey....

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„A spark appears, and a miracle happens”

A few interesting quotes from my notebook: „A commercial revolution is taking place today in China” Alex Thompson from ITN, host of the conference „ The grey economy accounts for...

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Melon and Japan

The latest, limited edition flavour of Fanta World, melon is here. Communication is intended to remind us of Japan. This latest addition to the Fanta World product line will be...

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Digital and universal electronics selling well

In the central and eastern European region, the sales of non-perishable consumer goods are becoming increasingly concentrated. According to a survey by the Gfk Group, online sales are growing as...

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Solving liquidity problems by factoring

Dr. István Tari , director of Erste Bank Kereskedelmi Centrum and László Stickl, general director of Erste Faktor spoke about the solutions bank can offer to the liquidity problems of...

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Internet banking not very popular among Hungarians

According to an international, online survey conducted by Nielsen, Hungarian Internet users rarely use the net for banking transactions and use ATM machines less frequently than the international average. Only...

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Revival in the poultry market

Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors developments in the world market of meat and poultry. Data from the Price Information System of KSH and AKI can be useful for...

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Côte d’Or

The 200 g size, filled-enriched Côte d’Or chocolate bars are new and irresisitible flavour combinations added to the brand assortment. These premium category products are ideal gifts as well....

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