News and articles

Increasing number of private labels in promotional leaflets

According to the leaflet Monitor published by GfK Hungária, growth has continued in the market of promotional leaflets. Leaflets are still regarded as one of the most effective advertising tools...

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Schlumberger White Secco

White Secco is a champagne developed specifically for ladies’ lips. In 2007, it was an outstanding success among Austrian women, owing to its unique flavour and exquisite looks....

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Decreasing prices in agriculture

In October 2008 the producer price level of agricultural products was 16.5% lower than in the corresponding period of the previous year – said the Hungarian Statistic Office.  More specifically,...

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Electrolux cut jobs

The company will fire 5% of the total employees, till now there is no information about from which region.  Electrolux, the world's second-biggest home appliances maker, warned its 2008 results...

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Demand for households papers and desodors grow

According to Nielsen research the common sold household chemicals are the fabric softeners, the toilet papers, dushgels and pocket tissues. The value of the TOP 10 households chemicals is over...

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The production of manufacturing fell by 8.6% in October

According to Hungarian Central Statistic Office In October 2008, industrial gross output decreased by 7.2% compared to October 2007, the index adjusted for working days was equal to the non-adjusted...

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German firms plan wage hike in Hungary

According to a research, commissioned by the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, German firms operating in Hungary plan an average 6.2% wage hike next year. The headline wages at...

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INTERMARCHÉ accelerates contactless payment

Intermarché and Ecomarché stores will use contactless payment technology in France in early 2009. One third of its tills currently use the system.  For payments under EUR20 users will only...

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Collective bargaining ended

Employers and unions agreed at a Friday meeting of the OET to a general wage increase of 3-5% in 2009 and to establish Hungary’s monthly minimum wage at HUF 71,500...

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Pápai Hús in local hands

The government assumed state guarantee on 80% of the loans the buyer would take out from the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB). The buyer was a project company that was brought...

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New CEO at SáGa

The Holland-born Henk Slagt leads since November the SáGa Foods company.  For the 48 years old specialist Hungary is well known, further he worked 5 years at Sara Lee Hungary...

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This year in the first 11 months price increased by 6.3%

According to the Hungarian Statistic Office in November 2008 consumer prices decreased by 0.2% compared to the previous month and rose by 4.2% compared to November 2007.  In November 2008...

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Dutch Supermarket Sales Growth forecast only 3% in 2009

The supermarket sector reported sales of 28.7 billion euros in 2007, a 4.7 percent rise. The sales in the week leading up to Christmas to go up by 7 percent...

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TESCO cuts prices in half in UK

The British retailer, will launch a half price sale on 1,000 products this weekend.  The UK’s largest retailer will launch the promotion on 12 December, with Christmas food, drink, toys...

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Origin and brand is important for shopping Hungarians

According to the GfK Shopper Insight 2008 reseach half of the shopping Hungarians always or often compare the products with different brands.  Almost half of the shoppers hold on to...

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Mobile communication in Tesco

In the 25 biggest Hungarian Tesco the customers with bluethooth-able mobile can get extra information about the retailers actions and other public information.  The information service was developed by Landmedia....

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OFFICE DEPOT to close 112 retail stores in North America

New store openings for 2009 now have been reduced to approximately 20, down from the previous estimate of 40 stores.  Office Depot plans to close 112 underperforming retail stores in...

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VION changed to automated packaging

With high output volumes reaching 4,200 units per week, Vion Food Germany recently decided to adopt automated pakaging for increased quality consistency and cost control. Vion Germany employs almost 7,400...

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Cora would pay for PET bottles

From 15th December the retail chain startes a test periode and collect PET drink bottles in its Budakalasz and Torokbalint unit.  On press conference the retailer said: first of all...

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SPAR opened supermarket in Ajka

The new store is Ajka's first SPAR, but the 391th unit of the chain. SPAR Hungary operates 165 SPAR supermarkets, 29 INTERSPAR hypermarkets, 20 Kaiser's supermarket and 177 Plus store...

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Grand Marnier packed into sensuality

French liqueur brand Grand Marnier started to bring out yearly editions of its iconic bottle in 2003. The limited editions are usually launched at the end of the year, perfectly...

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Magyar Cukor Zrt. is optimistic

The company could stabilized its processing, and it will be enriched in 2009. The plant in Kaposvar works with biogas, the next years sugar will be soon ready.  Magyar Cukor...

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The authority controls thousands of food entrepreneurs and 80,000 products. The office made survey o

According to a press conference of the Hungarian Agricultural Administrative Office, the authority made 6,000 penalty captions from January-October 2008.  The authority controls thousands of food entrepreneurs and 80,000 products....

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57 tons dioxin- incriminating liverish in Hungary

Kaiser-Food Kft. imported in November 42 tons liver from Ireland, from this 29 tons are frosted, but from the rest liver paste were made and sold in the retail.  After...

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Dioxin poisened pork in Romania

3 tons of toxic pork from Ireland arrived into a depot in Bucharest, it was transported to 5 South-Romanian companies – said the Romanian Food Safety authority.  It's sure that...

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EU to scrutinise competition in food retail sector

European Union regulators pledged on Wednesday to crack down on uncompetitive practices in the food retail sector.  Warning of a risk that food retail consolidation might be against consumer and...

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HUF 25 million penalty for Hervis

According to the Hungarian Competition Authority in the company's ads written „old price” was higher, than it was used in the shops, before the actions, so Hervis absuded its consumers....

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Supermarkets are Very Popular In Baltic region

A new survey by Extended Performance Satisfaction Initiative (EPSI) reveals that supermarket chains in the Baltic countries receive strong approval ratings.  The EPSI study found that Estonian consumers are slightly...

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Reopening Heineken Experience

Amsterdam most popular turist atraction celebrated its official Grand Opening on 9th December.  The journey through the New Heineken Experience pulls back the curtain and immerses visitors in every aspect...

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Wine Marketing of 2008 Award

This year Monarchia Winery from Eger won the award, in common wine marketing cathegory the best was the Foundation for Eger Wine Region. The ceremony came to in Urania Filmtheater...

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