News and articles

Dove Supreme Cream Oil Virágos Kényeztetés Krémtusfürdő

A rich mixture of cream and oil with a vibrant fragrance....

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Intense interest displayed towards Anuga

According to Peter Grothues from the Cologne Fair, interest displayed towards this year’s Anuga to be held between 10-14. October is as intense as usual. Over 6 000 exhibitors are...

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Parliament accepted food product line laws

On 29 June by extra procedure, the parliament accepted food product line laws without any votes against. The National Trade Association (OKSZ) protested in a communication. The law listing itemized...

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Hungarians spends 80 billion HUF on cheese

According to Nielsen market research company; cheese is the food which has one of the biggest turnover. The retail sales of cheese are stable and, exceeds 80 billion HUF per...

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Drought and storm – the prospects of Hungarian wheat

Because of the drought, harvest began before the traditional date this year, especially in the southern counties. Rainy weather has no crop increasing impact, in some places it can cause...

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Just a small increase in traffic before VAT increase

Compared with the usual, small or no increase had been measured in traffic in the stores before the VAT increase of 1 July. According to Hackl Mónika Tesco's head of...

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Stable Fruit Consumption

According to the Central Statistical Office; in 2007, food consumption per person was 194 kg, which is one of the lowest value of the decade. Fourteen percent was spent on...

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Tesco – Irish suppliers to worry

Tesco lost a small bit of its market share in the last 12 weeks ending on June 14 compared to its 30.9 percent market share of last year. According to...

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Tortellini Ltd. blocked due to contamination

Tortellini Ltd. blocked its tortellini, ravioli and lasagne products, which are eatable until September 2009, in order to protect the health of the consumers, due to the toxin contamination of...

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Firms do not save on training

Four-fifths part of the companies did not reducted the expenditure on education in the past half year, despite the financial difficulties – reveals the survey of British Institute of Directors....

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Tesco and Fortis UK to form new partnership

Tesco Personal Finance (TPF) and Fortis UK have announced that they are in exclusive discussions to form a new partnership to provide motor and household insurance. Jointly the companies will...

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Lapsing vegetables and fruits standards in the European Union

From the 1st of July, despite protests of the big producers, the community level marketing standards for 26 different vegetables and fruits will be terminated. The EU regulated since the...

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Stagnant economy and rising unemployment

According to Ecostat and Világgazdaság the economy stagnated in June. According to the datas of Central Statistical Office, the unemployment rate increased to 9.9 percent. The economy is still in...

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The McCafé chain remains the market leader in Hungary

The McCafé chain increased its turnover by 24.5 per cent in 2008, and maintained its market-leading position on the a domestic café market. 2.6 million guests were served in the...

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Seven-hour technical break at Tesco stores

Because of the VAT change a technical transition will be required in the 24 hours open hypermarkets of Tesco. The stores will be closed between 23 pm on the 30th...

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Chemical residue was found in peppers and strawberries

The Levegő Munkacsoport (Clean Air Action Group) found chemical residue above the permissible limit quantities in peppers from Morocco and strawberries from Hungary. The civil organization investigated 17 strawberry and...

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USA – savings rather than consumption

The deposits of commercial banks increased 1.7 percent and reached 7,500 billion USD in May. If the savings rate rises with the same intensity, a new recession could hit the...

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Since nine years there was not so many empty shops downtown, like in the 2008

According to the mid-year survey of Ecorys Hungary international consultant company; the downtown business market faces the highest vacancy of the past 9 years. This year, 16.8 percent of the...

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Carrefour eliminates plastic bags in Spain

French owned hypermarket chain Carrefour has decided to eliminate all plastic bags from their Spanish stores, and becomes the first large company to do so in this country. The use...

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Szentkirályi helps the storm victims of Szabolcs County

Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd. joined the International Children's Safe Drinking Water program of Procter & Gamble and the to part of the donation, which aims to ensure the supply of...

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Woolworths' rebirth

Woolworths was the largest retailer victim of the crisis in Great Britain, but now it will reborn as an online store. The company closed 807 retail stores in January and...

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Alimentaria 2010 is set to be an exceptional international business centre and platform for brands

Alimentaria, the International Food and Beverages Exhibition, is once again preparing to make Barcelona the world’s food and beverage capital. The event will be held 22-26 March 2010 in a...

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Agricultural strategy, addressed to the government

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture adopted an agricultural strategy consist of 10 points on 25 June 2009. The recommendation is looking for a way out of the crisis situation of...

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The display resolution of STI won POPA prize in Poland

The STI Group's Island-shaped solution for placement and suitcase of Lübbe won the POPA award which is the Oscar of the sales promotion sector. The STI – which has a...

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STI Petőfi Printing House Ltd. won two awards in this year's Pro Typographia competition

STI Petőfi Printing House Ltd. enriched by two prizes on the tournament of high-quality printing products, the Pro Typographia professional competition. The packaging Szamos marzipan and Philips' static adhesive were...

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Hungarian corn will be utilized by the European Union

The European Union will utilize16 thousand tonnes of corn, from the 2004 and 2005 harvest probably cheaper than the intervention price. Offers should be submitted by mid-December 2009. The stock...

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Budvar brewery – Increasing sales, decreasing profits

Last year was the second best year ever, in the history for Czech Budvar brewery in terms of sales. Its profit however decreased due to the increasing production prices. Revenue...

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Record turnover of the Tesco clothing brands

According to the datas of GfK Hungária,Tesco had the largest turnover on the clothing market in the first quarter of 2009. While the overall market showed a 13 percent decline,...

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Theodora Cosmetic Tour in the Káli Basin

Enthusiastic tourists arrived to Salföld on 26 June to enter the Theodora Cosmetic Tour. The volunteers painted tourist signs from Salföld to Kékkút to switch back the tourist route into...

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Fair trade might be a subject to vote on Monday already

The entire parliament has supported the bill about fair trade stating that it should depend on the agrarian minister's decision whether or not the competition authority should proceed in certain...

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