News and articles

Germans have not drink so less beer since two decades

Beer consumption in Germany is in a big decline. Germans have not drink from their national drink so less since 1991. According to the Federal Statistical Office, during the first...

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Cadbury tripled

The British confectionery company – which is Europe's second largest confectionery group – reported a 313 million pounds net profit in the first half of 2009, increased almost threefold last...

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Falling advertising market

In the first half of the year a 7.5 percent reduction on tariff prices had been measured on the domestic advertising market by TNS Media Intelligence. The spendings of the...

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The newest supermarket of Székely-land opened

The opening of the first discount store of Gyergyószentmiklós was surrounded by great interest. The discount store is the 76th Penny Market in Romania. "It has long been a need...

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Consistent agri payment system from 2010

According to Gráf József Agricultural and Rural Development Minister, the government decided to introduce the consistent agri payment system (SPS) in Hungary next year.  In the Minister’s opinion the introduction...

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This year, there will be 20-25 percent less cereals production

The harvest of cereals and oilseed rape completed in Hungary. According to GOSZ; that due to the bad weather conditions 25-30 percent less cereals were produced. Vancsura József, Chairman of...

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Shop Network of Magosz offers social bakery and home-made milk

Even social bread and social roll have appeared on the food shelves of the social shops selling food shelves. Some stores operate home-made milk machine as well. In the social...

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Pessimistic consumers in the USA, the UK retail sector in decline

According to the survey of Conference Board the consumer mood of the U.S. population continued to decline in July, due to the worsening of employment situation. In Great Britain, retail...

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Tesco advertises its stores to rent, on giant posters

Tesco advertises its stores to rent in its hypermarkets, in newspapers, and as a radical new technique on giant posters – reported Hackl Mónika spokesman of Tesco Global Stores Ltd....

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Desperate Russian beer producers because of the triple tax increase

Russian breweries asked Prime Minister Putin, that the government should think again the threefold increase of beer tax. The Finance Ministry's proposal for next year would increase from the current...

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Tesco Customers May Soon Find Chickens at the Checkout Counter

Tesco, the world's third-largest retailer, is embracing the recession-inspired trend to “grow your own” produce by offering allotment spaces to rent in the U.K and selling live chickens. Tesco encourages...

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Health care organizations protesting against Tokyo beer

Health care organizations have expressed opposition yesterday, against the newest product of BrewDog brewery in Great Britain, because the brewery’s strongest product, contains twice as much alcohol than the recommended...

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Austrian tourism declines during the crisis

According to the Austrian Statistical Office;.32 million foreign guest nights recorded in Austria which is a 8.2 percent declinem, compared to the same period of last year. From Germany, which...

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People drink less beer, more from beer cans, less from glass

According to GfK Hungária ConsumerScan; after the previous year's stagnation, in the first four months of 2009 the household beer consumption continued to decline. The decline affects only glassy products,...

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Billions for comfortable livestock

Pig and poultry holders can submit their claims for 10 billion HUF animal welfare support, to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office. The support this year, can be given from...

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Tesco sells than rents back its properties

The Tesco chains of stores, sells its properties for 63 million euros, and then rents them back in Hungary. Max Curtis, the Global Communications Manager of the company stated that;...

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Six out of ten women interested in healthy lifestyle during pregnancy

The Nestlé Lifestyle Center, online portal, after examining the questions of the readers, connecting to healthy lifestyle, found that women begin to pay attention of healthy lifestyle when preparing for...

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eBay innovates on the online market

eBay implement a number of changes, especially to help traders who distribute large quantities of goods. Furthermore, more images can be uploaded beside the products, and product search will be...

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Ahold reports 11.5 percent sales increase for Q2

Ahold – the international food retailer with supermarkets in the USA and Europe – has reported consolidated net sales of €6.4 billion for the second quarter ending July 12, 2009....

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Every customer got a bill on the Hungaroring

On the basis of the inspections carried out, in and around the restaurants of the venue of the Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix, the inspectors of the Consumer Protection Agency...

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Eleven million HUF for the Education Center

Danone’s “Together, for the Children” (TEGY) aims the rehabilitation and healthy nutrition of children with cancer. This year the member institutions of “Together, for the Children” would like to establish...

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The retail turnover of meat products increased by 6 percent

According to Nielsen market research company, the retail value of meat products increased by 6 percent between July 2008 and June 2009 compared to the similar previous period. The size...

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Seven hundred million HUF helped out Gyulai Meat Ltd.

Again, the usual pre-crisis production is operating in the Gyulai Meat Ltd., after the owner povided 700 million HUF to the Factory – reported Ruck János Chief Executive to MTI....

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Heineken – festivals do not help out the brewing industry

According to Michiel Egeler CEO of Heineken Hungária Breweries Ltd; it is conceivable, that Hungarian beer consumption will never come back to its 2006 and 2007 levels and if it...

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It is worth to be in environmentally conscious in long-term

According to experts; the companies act good, if despite the crisis do not reduce the range of environmentally friendly goods for the benefit of cheaper products, but rather decrease their...

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Gramex 2000 Ltd.- New bottling line from three billion

The new bottling line of Gramex 2000 Ltd. is capable of charging preservative-free sport drinks, ice teas, fruit syrups into one-way PET bottles in aseptic conditions. The new bottling line...

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Hungarian apricot is popular on foreign markets

The Italian, Austrian, South German, Czech, Slovak and Russian markets are interested after Hungarian apricot. Slowly, but year-to-year the apricot production area in Hungary is reducing. Now drought indisposed the...

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Wine safe at wineries

A growing number of wineries has developed small-sized containers – wine safes – in recent years, which allows professional placement of valuable wines for clients. Usually the the wine safes...

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New Communications Manager at McDonald's

Effective of June 2009, McDonald's Hungary has appointed Csilla Dudás as its new Corporate Communications Manager. Dudás will be responsible for all-inclusive PR activities and external communications of McDonald's Hungary....

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Retail trade continued to decline in May

According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office; the volume of retail trade turnover in the first five months of 2009 was smaller with 3.6 percent and in May...

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