News and articles

The retail scissors are still very wide

The Hungarian retail sector continues to display a complex picture: while the total sales turnover showed a significant 10% increase in the first seven months of the year, the quantity...

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Retail turnover decreased by 7.6%

In July, according to raw data, the volume of retail trade decreased by 7.7%, close to expectations, and by 7.6% adjusted for the calendar effect, significantly easing compared to the...

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GKI: Why is Hungary increasingly separated from the EU average in terms of living standards?

Hungarian economic policy hopes to quickly catch up with the more developed member states of the EU in the coming years. To this end, it has set the goal of...

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This is how traffic in retail has changed with the use of the SZÉP card

In a bid to alleviate financial pressures on the Hungarian populace, the government introduced a groundbreaking change earlier this year. SZÉP cards, traditionally used for various leisure and hospitality services,...

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Nenad Pacek: 2024 derekán az üzleti élet visszatérhet a közel normálishoz…

Ezt mondta a Trade magazin május 25-i Business Meetup&Dinner rendezvényén Nenad Pacek, a Global Success Advisors és az EMEA Business Group alapítója és elnöke, aki végigkalauzolta a hallgatóságot – hírnevéhez hűen...

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Retail sales decreased in the euro area in July

In July, retail sales in the euro area decreased both monthly and year-on-year. The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday that in July retail sales in...

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In Romania, the growth of retail sales slowed to 2.7 percent in the first seven months

The slowdown in the growth of retail sales continued in Romania in July: in the first seven months, according to raw data, the growth was 2.7 percent compared to the...

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Is the expansion of hypermarkets harmful to health?

The expansion of hypermarkets has long been a contentious issue in the Western world, with protests often accompanying the construction of large shopping centers from the United States to Europe....

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A TOP 50 PR list is also being prepared this year in addition to the ranking of marketing gurus

In addition to the ranking of the most successful marketing decision makers, this year the Marketing&Média communication trade paper presents a new list: the top 50 list of PR and...

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Praktiker supports the Szolnok water polo team

After handball, Praktiker decided to support another team sport after agreeing on the eponymous sponsorship of the men’s water polo team of the Szolnok Waterball Sport Club. Praktiker has agreed...

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The Cooperation Forum of Market Halls and Markets was established

The Cooperation Forum of Fairs and Markets was established on Wednesday in Budapest; the organization’s first joint event will be the Open Markets Day – Night of Markets on September...

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Expert: the EU’s new provision aimed at curbing tech giants is a missed opportunity

At the end of August, the European Union’s package of legislation on digital services (DSA) was sharpened with the undisclosed aim of breaking the monopoly of global tech giants and...

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Megvannak az idei Fenntarthatóság Szimbóluma verseny nyertesei

A Trade magazin negyedszerre hirdette meg a Fenntarthatóság Szimbóluma pályázatot. A versenyre érkezett nevezésekből idén 18 pályázó nyerte el a díjat a meghirdetett öt kategóriában. Idén először a Magyar Marketing Szövetség Zöld Tagozatának...

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The CheckINN Tourism innovation competition for higher education students starts

CheckINN Tourism Innovation HUB announces its innovation competition for higher education students again this year; the best will win HUF 3 million scholarships and mentoring – CheckINN told MTI on...

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There are more and more people who are (d)responsibly spending their summer full of experiences

This summer, the Hungarian Liquor Industry Association and Product Council promoted the importance of conscious alcohol consumption with the power of music and an online educational card game. Responsible (D)pour...

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GVH appeared at Booking’s Budapest office

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) carried out a surprise on-site inspection at the Budapest office of, which became necessary due to the oddities related to the Hungarian online hotel...

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Funkcionális italok, az egészség és a jóllét katalizátorai

A COVID egyértelműen trendformáló hatású volt a funkcionális italok piacán is. Az emberek elkezdtek sokkal többet és mélyebben foglalkozni a saját jóllétükkel. Ez a jelenség világszinten is megfigyelhető volt, aminek...

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Just for the carp On

August 31, 2023, the international carp conference was held in Szarvas for the sixth time, in which AKI employees also participated. The purpose of the conference was to strengthen the...

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Low-cost airlines are soaring again

Ryanair and WizzAir are both popular right now. In August, Ryanair closed the strongest month in the airline’s history, carrying 18.9 million passengers, 11% more than the previous year. Flight...

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We can be a decisive player in European tomato processing

Farmers engaged in industrial tomato production expect a good harvest this year as well. The success of the sector in recent years is well exemplified by the fact that products...

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Smart tools for cost efficiency

GPS tracking devices and related services have become smarter and more versatile. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. A customer-oriented approach “Demand for separating private and...

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Delivering domestic agricultural products abroad is a joint task

Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, gave information on the situation of Hungarian agriculture, the results of agricultural foreign trade and international cooperation, future ideas, and set...

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Lavazza Espresso Italiano Classico és Cremoso szemes kávé

A Lavazza Espresso termékcsalád az igazi eszpresszó élményt nyújtja az olasz Lavazza hosszú évszázados tapasztalatának és az igazi olasz kávé kiválasztásában és pörkölésében való szakértelmének köszönhetően. Azoknak, akik otthon is...

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Red Bull Launches Gaming Hub In Waterford

Red Bull has this week launched a gaming hub at South East Technological University (SETU) Waterford to support the development of third-level gamers in Ireland. The sports energy drink giant noted...

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The price of eggs at the packing point is 59 percent higher than a year ago

Based on data from the European Commission, the packing point price of table eggs in the EU was 241.92 euros/100 kilograms in the first thirty-four weeks of 2023, exceeding the...

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Delhaize Belgium To Double Food Delivery Capacity

Delhaize Belgium is planning to build a second delivery centre in Vorst (Forest), which it says will double its e-commerce capacity. The retailer has teamed up with the property developer...

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Netflix Documentary ‘Live to 100’ Names Singapore the World’s Sixth Blue Zone

Author and explorer Dan Buettner, co-founder of the Blue Zones certification, has announced a sixth addition to the list, Singapore, in the new Netflix documentary, Live to 100. Blue zones...

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Hungarian-Uzbek agricultural cooperation is dynamic

Agricultural relations between Hungary and Uzbekistan are constantly strengthening, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Uzbek Agriculture Minister Aziz Voitov in Samarkand on Wednesday. The head of...

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PepsiCo’s Muscle Milk performs well outside of gyms too

PepsiCo’s protein powder and shake offering is finding broader appeal among consumers, who use them in coffee, ice cream and baked goods. Muscle Milk and similar brands are benefiting from...

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Nébih: Aldi is recalling puffed rice slices

Aldi is recalling ENJOY FREE! brand natural and salty puffed rice slices, because their cadmium content may exceed the limit value – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informed...

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