News and articles

Deteriorating business and consumer sentiment in Europe

In May, the business and consumer sentiment both deteriorated in the euro area: According to the datas of the European Commission, the overall index was 98.4 points in May, after...

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SPAR: Excellent trainings for a secure future

The SPAR Hungary Ltd. has received the Accredited Institution of Adult Training certificate, by the Ministry of Education, for its excellence results in adult education in 2006 after the audit....

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Tesco gifts on the occasion of Children's Day

The Special Medical and ER group of the University of Debrecen in cooperation with the Hungarian Food Bank Association transported food and dress gifts, to the Northern Plains region, on...

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Refreshing cherry Milli Mia Cottage cream for the summer months

The cherry Milli Mia Cottage cream, the summer novelty, of the Milli Mia dessert family arrives on the 1st of June 2010. The Cottage cream is the best-known member of...

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Six thousand billion HUF looking for a place

From the 7,000 billion HUF callable EU funds between 2007-2013, 940 billion HUF appeared in the Hungarian economy. In the next few years, we can get a further 6000 billion...

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The multinational companies have the two-thirds of the tax benefits

The multinational companies in recent years, received almost twice large tax benefits from the Hungarian state, than the Hungarian-owned companies – reports Magyar Nemzet, on the basis of the tax...

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Hail relief in Southern Transdanubia

From the 1st of May Hungary’s only Hail relief system faced with the hail for fourteen times.. This year 128 million HUF  will be spent for the operation of the...

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Treasure hunt and Children's Day gifts from Metro

The East-Pest Metro store, invites its partners for a special treasure hunt, on the occasion of the renewal of the store in the evening of May 27 from 20:00 to...

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Innovation in the sheep sector

Researchers expect a boost in lamb consumption, due to a cooperation, realized in the sheep sector in the scope of a sheep sector innovation in the Northern Plains region. Animal...

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Card spendings increased in Europe

According to the joint report of Visa Europe and Markit market research company; in the first quarter of 2010, Europe's population spent 9 percent more with card, than in the...

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Declining profits at Zwack

The profits of Zwack Unicum Plc. decreased by nearly 25 percent: In the 2009-2010 fiscal year the company reached 2.3 billion HUF after-tax profit, according to the International Financial Reporting...

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U.S. consumer spendings do not change

The U.S. consumer spendings were stagnated in April, while personal income, thanks to the improvement in the labor market, increased. According to the communication of the Ministry of Commerce; personal...

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Brazil will decrease the beer tax during the soccer World Championship

Local brewers warned that they will not be able to meet the increased demand during the tournament. The government therefore announced that the imported canned beer tax will be decreased...

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Hungary is among the firsts in incorporate fraud

The most common of corporate fraud can be found in Hungary, in the Central and Eastern European region – was said at the press conference of Ernst & Young. According...

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Reputation Rating for the second time: A Hungarian company is in the lead

B&P Braun & Partners Reputation made the reputational ranking of the largest companies in Hungary. The research showed that Richter has the best reputation in Hungary today. On the second...

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Stagnant unemployment

The rise in unemployment stopped in the three-month period of February to April: The unemployment rate was 11.8 percent, the same as in January-March – reported the Central Statistical Office...

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INTERSPAR , Health roadshow' for the eight time

SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft organizes the INTERSPAR , Health roadshow' between May and September 2010 at the country's 17 major cities of at the sites of the Interspar stores. The...

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SPAR sent 10 thousand liters of mineral water to the city of Miskolc

The storms and flood of May made ther country’s life difficult, especially in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. In the north-eastern region of Hungary many people lost their homes, due to flood and...

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Praktiker is optimistic, despite recession

Praktiker reached a 41.8 billion HUF gross revenues in Hungary, in the 2009 business year. Despite the decline in purchasing power, Praktiker opened a new business in Esztergom and developing...

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Improvement in the U.S. advertising market, have not seen for four years

According to the datas of Kantar Media; in the first quarter of 2010, U.S. firms spent 31.3 million USD on advertising, 5.1 percent more, than a year earlier. The greatest...

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The OECD expects the growth of Hungarian economy already this year

This year, the Hungarian economy can increase, since the revival of external demand offsets the weakness in domestic demand – states the projection of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and...

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The Eastern European retailing is on the way of urbanization

Shopping centers at all motorway exits – in the Eastern European capitals, retail trade is at the edge of the cities. This trend seems to turn in Budapest, Prague, Bratislava,...

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Retail’s fall may stop in the second half of the year

Although on paper recession has ended, but the traders expect a further market decrease, in the first half of the year. The second six months, may bring stagnation. The participants...

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Dozen Hungarian companies in the festival of own brands

Twelve companies represented Hungary in the Netherlands, between the 18th and the 19th of May, at the largest international trade exhibition of own branded products, at the PLMA. At the...

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Foodbank Conference in Budapest

The annual meeting and conference of the European Association of Foodbanks will be held in Budapest, between the 27th and 29th of May 2010. The meeting aims to launch a...

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Sportswear beside canned food

The largest sportswear brands open toward the supermarkets. Previously, the runway collections, or the B-class products were marketed in these places, now the latest sportswear trends will also appear among...

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Kékfrankos competition in Szekszárd

The Szekszárd wines won the most of the gold medals. Among them the best wine became the wine of the Takler winery at the 6th Szekszárd International Kékfrankos competition. 127...

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Deteriorating consumer sentiment in Europe's largest economy

According to the survey of GfK; The euro zone's financial crisis and the weakening euro start to impact on the consumer mood in Europe's largest economy, Germany. Thus, the consumer...

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Henkel among the super brands

Four of the brands of Henkel Hungary Ltd. have received the Superbrands excellence status. The company, has now a superbrand status within each business lines. Vademecum in the Beauty business,...

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Young woman in the lead of Hungarian McDonald's

In May 2010, Horváth Ágnes was appointed as the Managing Director of McDonald's Hungarian Restaurant Network Ltd.. The 36 year old Horváth Ágnes joined to McDonald's, after graduated from the...

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