News and articles

Campari has good results

Campari’s revenue and profit also increased in this year's first half, because consumption grew at a pace to offset the increase costs of raw materials. According to the communication of...

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The Competition Authority fined Auchan

The Competition Authority penalized Auchan Hungary Ltd. to 5 million HUF, for the infringement of the Trade Act. In order to fulfill the obligations, the Competition Authority (GVH) monitored the...

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Hungary is the world's ninth largest consumer of mineral water

Domestic drinking water is in good condition, although in some places, there is an arsenic problem. The domestic mineral water choice is rich. In consumption Hungary preceded the United States....

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Poultry Product Board: All the analyzed eggs had the same quality

Recently, a number of articles were published in the press and on the web over the quality of eggs, on emotional grounds, referring to aspects of animal welfare status. Now,...

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European retail stagnates

The volume of retail trade in the euro area remained the same. In the EU-27 increased by 0.1 percent in June, compared to the previous month. Compared to the same...

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Good results for Henkel in the second quarter

Henkel reported a significant increase in sales and in revenues in the second quarter. Sales increased by 11.6 percent, to 3.890 billion euros. Henkel’s sales in the second quarter of...

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According to the manufacturer; everyone can consume Visegrádi Mineral Water safely

The bottled natural mineral water of Visegrádi Mineral Water Ltd. is comply with all the laws and requirements and can safely consumed in any age – states the official communication...

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Ice cold wonders from Szentkirályi

The Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd. does not leave its consumers without surprises this summer: the ice water and ice tea was made for those who like the healthy, good tasting...

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Americans save rather than spending

The American consumer spendings and incomes have stagnated unexpectedly in June, while the personal savings reached a high-value, has not seen in a year. According to several opinions, the datas...

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On halfway for Green Energy

In the 27 Member States of the European Union, renewable energy share increased by 0.6 percent in 2008, from the total energy-usage. The EU is only on halfway of the...

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MasterCard Europe: nearly two billion purchase transactions during the quarter

In the second quarter of 2010, MasterCard Europe’s reported turnover increased by 13.6 %. The number of credit card purchases increased by 13.2 %, while the number of cash pick...

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Tesco may buy an online bank

According to the Financial Times; the Spanish Santander or the British Tesco may buy the Egg online bank from Citigroup. The Citigroup bought the Internet bank three years ago, for...

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Consumer Confidence Index improved in Hungary again

According to the research of the Nielsen market research company; Consumer Confidence Index has improved in Hungary again this year, in the second quarter. In Hungary, the Consumer Confidence Index...

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The VAT changes may put an end to food black markets

If the government carries out the plans of the Ministry of Agiculture, it may significantly reduce the black market of food sales. Several tax cut or transferring solutions can be...

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Hungarian food is cheap compared to the EU

Compared with the EU food prices of last year; the Hungarian food is reasonably cheap in the community. From the 27 Member States of the Union food prices are only...

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Opinion on bank's has improved

A significant increase occured among the adult Hungarian population, in satisfaction with banks and banking services – states the Retail Banking Monitor research of GfK Hungária. In the first half...

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Tesco is ready for the school season

The autumn school start gives new challenges to the students and to their parents. Tesco provides assistance to the families, with a wide range of school supplies, low prices and...

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Dettol: New biocide (disinfectant) family with the recommendation of Heim Pál Hospital

The volatile, wet weather favor the spread of bacteria and viruses. With a little more care and hygiene, however, we can avoid the attack of pathogens. The Dettol disinfectants help...

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The Bestillo Pálinka House brews 3000 liters of pálinka

Vavrek Zsolt Executive Director said: the geographical origin protected gönci peach despite the harsh weather conditions has very good quality this year, and quantity reached the expected 30 tons. He...

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We have to wait for the economic turn

According to the statistics of Opten; many companies still go bankrupt because of the creditors or because of the decisions of the company owners. Unprecedented number of companies went bankrupt,...

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Borsodi Brewery Co. to absorbe into Starbev Hungary Ltd.

On the 31st of October the Borsodi Brewery Co. will absorbe into Starbev Hungary Ltd. told Stefánkovits Ildikó, legal and communications director of Borsodi Brewery to The acquisition does...

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The Ministry of Rural Development seeks for VAT reduction

The Ministry of Rural Development considering a reduction of VAT in the food and agricultural products. The screening continues in the ministry, so noone still know, how much disposable money...

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Half million less hectoliters of wine is expected this year

Instead of the annual average of 3.5 million hectoliters 3 million hectoliters of new wine this year is expected to be made, and the harvest also starts two weeks later,...

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Three billion USD New Silk Road

Almost three thousand billion dollars – the value of high-speed, commercial road networks that are mentioned as the New Silk Road by investment experts. The experts of HSBC and RBS...

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The decisions of CSRs are less influenced by the social aspects

According to Habitat for Humanity; While the majority of the Hungarian companies regard the Environmental Responsibility issues as their own interests, the companies have different views on Social Responsibility. The...

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Metro’s profit decreased

Metro AG reported lower second quarter results than expected. However, the German company reported that revenues increased, due to the growing consumption during the Football World Cup, which increased the...

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The German economy is pulling up euro area’s manufacturing industry

According to the datas of the London-based Markit market research company; The growth of the manufacturing industry continued to accelerate in July. The manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) increased to...

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“McDonald's Cycle Mania” program has been launched

According to the survey of McDonald's; nearly 100 percent of the youngsters believe that they are using their bikes in accordance with transport arrangements. According to bike opinion leaders; half...

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New leader of the media sector at GfK Hungária

From the 2nd of August 2010, Kántor Kata will be the Sector Manager of GfK Hungária Market Research Institute’s Media sector. Kántor Kata studied in Hungary and in Great Britain....

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Official controls at retailers

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) plans comprehensive contols, in order to detect the unfair trade practices of the chains – announced Pintér István, Director-General on Friday in Eger. "Before...

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