News and articles

Törley Chardonnay Brut and the György-Villa Collection Etyeki Chardonnay won gold

On the German MUNDUSvini Great International Wine Awards, the Chardonnay Brut quality champagne of Törley and the Etyeki Chardonnay wine of the György-Villa Collection both awarded with gold medal. 5883...

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Only 30 percent of online customers pays online

In the case of Internet purchases “only 30 percent pays with online payments and bank transfers, the rest pays via postal order” – said Marosvölgyi Péter, director of "After...

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The experts of Nomura expect price boom on the food market

Nomura investigated the commodity markets in this week's global strategy. According to experts; a dramatic rise in food prices is expected in the future, particularly, because of the developing market...

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Expanded retail sales in the United States

Retail sales in August increased, proper to the expectations in the United States – states the Ministry of Commerce. In August, retail sales increased by 0.4 percent in the United...

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Autumn taste cavalcade with the Danone Activia

The Danone Activia this autumn introduces two new specialties; the nuts and vanilla tasted Danone Activia yoghurts. The new delicious nuts, and velvety vanilla tasted Danone Activia yoghurt, thanks to...

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“The health guardians of the future”

From September, a group of young people started their own health promotion program, with the support of the Béres Health Hungarikum Foundation. Adopted trees running club and reform kitchen are...

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The effect of coffee on learning

Here is the school start of September, therefore, Valdo Cafe has gathered some information over the impact of coffee on learning, to see if the coffee helps only to be...

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Sága Foods dismantles and reorganizes

After the 500 dismissals of May the jobs of a further 70 employees will be dismantled at Sága Foods. In addition, in Sárvár 180 people will be transferred to an...

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New Executive at Coface Hungary

Kárpáti Gábor was appointed as the Executive of Coface Hungary by the Coface Group. Kárpáti Gábor recently took over the management of Hungarian interests. The former leader, Dercze Zoltán, left...

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Producer prices of fruits doubled

The agricultural producer prices in July increased by 12.8 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. In particular, the price of plant products increased by 20.5, while...

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Hungary may become a regional call center superpower

The call center industry – including the internal call centers of the large firms – is one of the fastest developing area of the economy. According to ITD Hungary’s study...

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Fewer malls are under construction

According to the survey of Cushman & Wakefield; In Europe developers handed over 2.1 million square meters in the first half of the year, 50 percent less, compared to a...

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Czech and Slovak buyers looking for Hungarian grapes

The grapes from a growing number of Hungarian wine regions are being transported continuouslym, to Czech and Slovak customers. The former price pressure policy of the domestic purchasers do not...

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The export price of geese-liver increases

Hungary exports 90 percent of the geese export of the world, even though the dastardly attacks in the international press cuased a fall in exports. The negative effects of the...

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The visitors of the Zoo, collected almost 20,000 pieces of beverage cartons

More than 1,500 children could visit the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden on the Happy Beverage Days for free, in exchange of the collected milk and fruit cartons. The Happy...

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Exhibitions in Dusseldorf

The main European trade fair of meat, dairy products and frozen goods opened on Sunday in Düsseldorf, with the participation of six Hungarian exhibitors. Beside the Kecskemét-based Fornetti and the...

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The Confectionery Association emphasizes the importance of INBÉ

The marking system the European Food and Drink Federation, developed in 2006, is perhaps one of the most important volunteer information on packages, which helps in choosing a healthy diet....

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A pleasant surprise in the inflation data

In August, consumer prices decreased by 0.6 percent and are 3.7 percent higher than in the previous year – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Analysts expected a higher, 4...

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Cash-back – the cashier pays

Imagine, that we pay with card at a grocery store, but we also want to pick up cash. The cashier pay us the amount that we need, and subtract the...

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120 thousand tons of sugar from the plant of Kaposvár

The only still operating sugar processing plant in Hungary, the sugar plant of Kaposvár has began the processing of beet sugar on Saturday. According to the plans; 120 thousand tons...

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The Körített Cottage product family of Nádudvar won the special prize of the AMC

In the fields of innovation, in recognition of the work, the Körített Cottage product family of the Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft. has won the trademark of the Hungarian Product Grand Prix...

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SIÓ-ECKES has chosen agency by tender

Hungary's leading fruit juice manufacturer and distributor tendered four agencies, with results announced this week. On the tender of cooperative and collaborative processes DDB became the winner. The SIÓ-ECKES Ltd....

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Nestlé Aquarel is the official water supplier partner of the Triathlon World Championship

A half mile of swimming, more than 40 kilometers of biking, 10 kilometers of running, is the program for the triathlonists this weekend. Nestlé Aquarel is the official water supplier...

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U.S. residents consumes not enough fruits and vegetables

According to a U.S. government report; The majority of Americans still do not eat enough vegetables and fruits and even the consumption decreases. According to the datas of CDC (Center...

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The growth of industry and the exports offset the falling agriculture and consumption

The Central Statistical offoice reported the same GDP data as the first flash estimations. On an annual comparision, GDP grew by only 1 percent in the second quarter, although the...

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Hungary's competitiveness has improved

Switzerland remains the most competitive country, while Hungary improved to the 52nd place from last year’s 58th. The survey of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranked 139 countries and was...

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Hungary will be the guest of honor on the Greek trade fair

Hungary received the guest country status at the 75th Thessaloniki International Fair, which begins this weekend at the northern Greece city – reports ITD Hungary – Hungarian Investment and Enterprise...

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A growing number of advertising agencies on the shrinking adverts market

According to the latest datas of Opten; In the first half of this year, 11 percent more companies were involved in the advertising business than that were abolished. The growing...

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SPAR – responsibility for the staff and for their Families

One of the most important element of responsible corporate behavior of SPAR Hungary Ltd. is the staff appreciation. The company recognizes and evaluates employees' active role in the development of...

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Heineken Hungária: 2 billion decline in revenues this year

Heineken Hungária calculates with about 2 billion HUF smaller revenue for this year, compared to last year – said Benedek László, the company's sales director at a background conversation in...

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