News and articles

GfK: 135 billion HUF on clothing

In the first half of this year, 135 billion HUF was spent on clothing by the Hungarians, six percent less, compared to the previous year. Fewer people are buying clothes,...

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More than half of the Hungarian companies are considered as risky partners

According to Coface credit insurer; More than half of the Hungarian companies will continue to be explicitly, or moderately risky business partners. This ratio is persistently higher than the regional...

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Aged wine stocks decrease

The mountain village of Szekszárd, expects a decrease in aged wine stocks, after in this year is is expected to be less grape harvested in the Szekszárd wine region. In...

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Western Transdanubian tourism may accelerate

Travel industry professionals arrived to Western Transdanubia for the first time from Romania, Bulgaria and Poland, where they could become acquainted with the opportunities and the capabilities of the region....

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German consumer sentiment is on its three-year peak

Thanks to the continuation of economic recovery, declining unemployment and a moderate decline in prices, the German consumer sentiment improved in September, exceeding the expectations. According to the GfK market...

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One million HUF fine for Lyoness

The Competition Authority fined Lyoness for one million HUF, because Lyoness did not fully informed the customers. Lyoness had not given full informations in three paid commercial appearances in the...

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The ministry would reduce the VAT of food products

The Ministry of Rural Development proposes the VAT reduction of basic foods and cereal products – informs the Ministry of Food and Supervision Secretary of State in Bak, Zala County....

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The EU votes on sugar-free fruit juices

The European Union would ban sugar from the fruit juices. They would also regulate, that the juices made of concentration could not be marketed as 100 percent fruit juices. In...

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Bread prices may rise permanently

In a few months white bread prices may rise up to 30 percent. By the end of the year, around 300 HUF should be paid for a kilogram. The price...

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Hungaria 55: This number represents the Hungaria champagne brand in 2010

The Hungaria champagne brand, that was founded in 1955, is celebrating its 55th birthday this year. On this occasion, the Hungaria Champagne winery created the Hungaria 55 brand, a champagne,...

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Russian food price stop to be cancelled

The price of foods with social significance will not be frozen in Russia – reports the Russian newspapers on Monday. It is reported, that the participants at the Supervisory Board...

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A new trade war between China and the U.S.

China announced that imposes import duty of the U.S. poultry products. According to the communist country, these products are marketed unfair, on dumped price. In the next five years, the...

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New diections at Nestle

The Swedish Nestle SA, has created the Nestle Health Science SA subsidiary and the Nestle Institute of Health Sciences in order to break a new route between the food and...

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Starbucks coffee becomes more expensive

For the drinks demanding exceptionally high labor and raw materials a higher price should be paid soon at the Starbucks coffeeshops – announced recently Howard Schultz. The CEO of the...

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Unilever is buying up a hair care products manufacturer for 3.7 billion USD

Unilever PLC, announced an agreement over the purchasing of the hair-care products manufacturer Albert Culver Co. Unilever would buy Alberto for 3.7 billion USD, 37.5 USD per share. The purchase...

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Two billion deal on the horizon: the Bright Food would buy a confectionery producer

China's Bright Food have secret talks over the acquisition of the British, United Biscuits (UB). According to the informations of The Sunday Times; the Shanghai-based company would buy the confectionery...

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The improvement of the GKI sentiment index came to a halt in September

The almost continuous and robust growth of the (seasonally adjusted) value of the GKI sentiment index came to a halt in September. According to the latest survey of the GKI...

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Brandfestival 2010: the spirit of the new economy

The communication and marketing profession arrived to a strategic changing point. The key theme of this year’s Brandfestival will be; how the sector can be renewed. This year’s Brandfestival 2010...

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Every fifth turkey is exported from Hungary

The Hungarian turkey sector constantly loses its position in the last six years, but it is still dominant at the European and even at the world market – states the...

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Brau Beviale 2010: the “gathering” of the beverage industry

The Brau Beviale 2010 will be held between the 10th and 12th of November 2010 in Nuremberg. The Brau Beviale is the most important international beverage industry fair of the...

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Auchan employs disabled persons

Auchan Hungary employs hundreds of disabled workers in its 12 stores from 2010, as cashiers, hostesses or salesmen. Auchan Hungary has signed a cooperation agreement with Work Force Kft., personnel...

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The new provisions of Pálinka distillation enter into force today

The new excise tax rules of own and rented distilling enter into the force on Monday. An annual fifty liters of distillate of 86 degrees for own consumption is tax...

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Pasta factory to be built in Verpelét

A specialized, frozen, stuffed pasta factory is being manufactured in Verpelét, with a base area of 5400 square meters. The investment may give jobs to 150-200 people. The investment will...

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The Benedictines are building a mineral water bottling plant

The Bencés Ásványvíz Palackozó és Kereskedelmi Kft. (the Benedictine Mineral Water and Trade Ltd.) will build a mineral water bottling plant in Ravazd, with 80 million HUF costs. The company...

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The new Széchenyi Card Investment Loan started from the 1st of September

The Hungarian government plans to support the micro, small and medium enterprise sector in order to recover the economy. With the three element of the Széchenyi Card Program (current account,...

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B & P, Braun & Partners made brand rankings in another country

In Hungary the cult domestic brand, the Pöttyös Túró Rudi finished on the top of the rankings, while in Romania, the Coca Cola is the most powerful brand. The twelve...

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VEX and UX: The GKI – Microsoft competitiveness and environmental indices

The Competitiveness Index (VEX) decreased in Romania, in the second quarter, compared to the previous, while in the other countries increased, with the most in Poland. The business environment index...

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World trade turnover declined in July

According to the datas of CPB; World trade turnover decreased by 0.8 percent in July, which suggests that the economic recovery has lost momentum. World trade declined in July, the...

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The website of Mars has been renewed

Mars Hungary uptated its website with richer informations, international and domestic corporate news and with raising awareness examples in September 2010. The focus remains on the five principles ensuring the...

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Henkel strengthened its leading position in the sustainability ranking

Henkel, had been included to the Dow Jones global sustainability index (DJSI World) and to the Dow Jones Europe Sustainability Index (DJSI Europe) for the fourth time. The company is...

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