News and articles

PwC: A positive change in the tax system

The government’s tax measures were considered positive by the experts of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) today on the tax conference of the company. The experts of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have stressed, that the...

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Quality control sign against black wine

Hungary imported more than 130 thousand hectoliters of wine last year, a large part from Italy. The biggest problem, however, is the black import. Wine communities want quality control signs....

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Élelmiszerbank and Red Cross are sponsored by Tesco, METRO and Auchan

A special charity event launched by Élelmiszerbank and Hungarian Red Cross have started their charity action in order to turn Chrismas-time into a beautiful event for those in need too....

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Djuice: the favorite of the youngsters

The djuice is Hungary’as only mobile brand, which sells its services to only the 15-26 years age group. Since its April  launch, djuice increased its popularity to sevenfold, now it...

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Auchan to launch a 3D virtual webshop soon

France-based hypermarket retailer Auchan is about to launch a 3D virtual shopping mall called Aushopping which has been developed by the company's property subsidiary, Immochan. The online shopping centre will...

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Significant improvement in consumer sentiment in the world's largest economy

In November, the U.S. consumer confidence increased to a peak have not seen for five months, which indicates the expected strengthening of the economy – told the U.S. Conference Board's...

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Thousands of pounds change hands every second in the English webstores

60 million forints per minute (ie 184 thousand pounds) were spent yesterday, by the Christmas customers on the so-called Mega Monday, in various internet stores in the United Kingdom. In...

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Increasing retail sales expected in Central Europe

Acccording to the British Savills consulting firm; in the next five years, the Polish, the Czech and the Hungarian region will be the leader of  the growth and the United...

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A more efficient system launched to protect consumers and brands

A more efficient consumer protection and a more conscious consumer attitude is encouraged by a co-operation between National Consumer Protection Authority and Hungarian Association of Brands. The contract of co-operation...

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Hungary increased its attractiveness among the chains

Germany maintained its leading position as the most attractive retail market in Europe in the Middle Eastern and African region, where 41 percent of the international trading companies are planning...

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MNB expects accelerating economy and inflation

The November forecast of MNB predicts rise in consumer prices, and the acceleration of the economic growth. The expected economic growth rate is estimated at 1.1 percent by the central...

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The Budapest Christmas Fair has grown into a European event

The Budapest Christmas Fair and the related more than 150 cultural programs have grown into an international attraction and into one of the most popular event of the winter season....

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Straight from the bakery – special award goes to SPAR

The Hungarian Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) has selected the winners of the POP Show. SPAR has received an award in the POS category for its product titled “Right...

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Sealed Air: Website in the spirit of sustainability

The leading manufacturer of packaging, the Sealed Air Corporation recently announced a new initiative, called SmartLife ™. This integrated, organization-wide approach is intended to draw attention to how packaging can...

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Heineken Hungary's charity program goes on this year, too

Heineken Hungária Ltd. has launched its charity program for the third time this year. The company running a brewery in Sopron and Martfű intends to support the inhabitants of the...

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Bio-products of the year

Since its launch in 1987, XXIII.Bio-culture Scientific Day has issued the awards for the best bio-products of the year for the 23rd time. The jury consisting of 9 experts on...

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Customers stormed the German stores

The Christmas shopping season started well in the German retail trade. All indications show that this year’s year end turnover will far exceeds last year's turnover. According to the researches;...

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According to the British, cloned beef is eatable

There was no difference between the meat and milk of the cloned and conventionally bred cattle, so it is unlikely to pose risks to food consumption – reported the British...

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Wal-Mart expands in South Africa

Wal-Mart enters into the  South African market with company purchasing. The world's biggest retailer network announced on Monday, that the company would buy the 51 percent of the South African...

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GKI: Hungarian economy will expand by about 2.5 per cent in 2011

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank, following the slight GDP growth of 1 per cent in 2010, the Hungarian economy will...

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New loans in the Széchenyi Card Programme

László Krisán, the CEO of KA-VOSZ informed entrepreneurs in Debrecen about two new types of loan for SMEs. KA-VOSZ, together with VOSZ and MKIK managed to achieve the expansion of...

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A slight improvement in the domestic labor market

The situation of the domestic labor market improved slightly in the past three months – reports the Central Statistical Office. The number of employees was this high almost two years...

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Tesco, Coca-Cola and Pfizer received the Good CSR awards

The gala of Good CSR 2010 was held on Thursday evening, in Budapest. Among the members of the responsible companies, Tesco, Pfizer, and Coca-Cola won prizes. The three awards were...

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Chocolate Santa Claus is already available for two hundred forints

According to the forecasts; because of the economic crisis, fewer sweets will be taken into the kids’ shoes in this year’s Santa Claus season. Therefore, the prices have not risen...

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Annual competition to restore the credibility of Hungarian pálinka

The National Pálinka Council (PNT) will organize a national pálinka and törköly distilling competition. One can apply for the organization of the event in December 2010. The annualy held competition...

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The bottler of Visegrádi Ásványvíz expects rising sales

Next year, the revenue of Pet-Pack Ltd., bottler of the Visegrádi mineral water is expected to increase by 5-7 percent – said Solymos János, the company's managing director. Despite the...

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Black Friday; costumers spent thousand of billions on a single day

The Friday after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) has long been the customer attractor in the stores in the United States. The shops have discounts often 50 to 70, but also up...

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The punishment of Auchan can be deterrent

The 20.5 million HUF fine can be deterrent. The Auchan Hungary Ltd. has been fined because the chain distributed import milk from the Czech Republic under the purchase price. According...

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The “pure chocolate” term is prohibited

According to the decision of the European Court of Justice; the “pure chocolate” denomination is prohibited. On the labels of sweets, a 100 percent cocoa butter content of the ingredients...

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New Tesco outlet opened in Dunakeszi

A new Tesco outlet has opened its gates in Dunakeszi on 26th November, at a 5000 m2 area. The new Dunakeszi-Fót based Tesco outlet is located at Fóti street 120,...

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