News and articles

The Hungarian Grey took a big step

The Russian authorities have shut down the West European beef imports from February, due to a major new outbreak of cattle epidemic. Due to the large Turkish demand the interests...

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The payment of animal welfare grants may accelerate in the poultry sector

The claim of poultry sector animal welfare support is expected to be simplified from this year – was said at the recent board meeting of the Poultry Product Council (BTT)....

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U.S. consumer confidence on slope after five months

According to a recent survey of the University of Michigan; in February, consumer pessimism increased in the U.S. -. The consumer confidence index decreased to 72.5 points from  75, while...

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Disappointed investors, Groupon still making loss

The world's most popular coupon site, the Groupon published disappointing figures. The company, which recently entered the stock market, published datas of loss-making operation. Groupon beside 506 million HUF turnover...

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German exports surpassing one thousand billions of euros

German exporters were in a new dimension last year: exports exceeded one trillion euros for the first time, primarily due to increasing demand in the emerging Eastern European countries. The...

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The Facebook-game of Detki Keksz is over

The prize game on the official site of Detki Keksz is over now: it was launched on 2nd November, and more than a hundred people have played with Detki Keksz...

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Farmers' Days in Szentlőrinc for a further ten years

Hungary’s fourth largest agricultural and food fair the Farmers' Days in Szentlőrinc contracted for an additional ten years with the local municipality and the Baranya County Enterprise Centre. According to...

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A chocolate cake for breakfast can help to lose weight

If we start the day with a chocolate cake as part of an entire breakfast, that can help to lose weight – the British Daily Telegraph newspaper's online edition quotes...

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Gift exchange rush after the Chinese New Year

Gift exchange and resale industry flourishes in China after the Chinese New Year, that is traditionally the biggest gift giving period. Depending on the type of the products the “resellers”...

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The outlook for private consumption in 2012

n line with the forecast from GfK, private consumption in Germany rose last year by 1.5% in real terms. And as GfK CEO Matthias Hartmann announced at today’s press conference...

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FAO: food prices will increase further in January

Instead of the expected loss, global food prices increased by 2 percent in January, compared to the previous month – shows the datas of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization...

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Hungaricums and waste management to be discussed

Az Országgyűlés február 13-án kezdi tárgyalni a hulladékgazdálkodási törvénytervezetet, február 20-án elindul a hungarikumokról szóló jogszabály-tervezet megvitatása. A Parlament a jövő héten a cukorgyárak privatizációját vizsgáló bizottság jelentéséről is határozatot...

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The distinctive mark on organic wines will be introduced in the EU

From this year's harvest the wine producers will indicate the “organic wine” phrase on their products in the European Union. The European Commission announced in Brussels on Wednesday that the...

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New leader at PwC Hungary

From 1st July 2012, PwC Hungary has a new leader, Nick Kós. The 44 year-old Irish-Hungarian expert started his carreer at PwC in Ireland in 1990, then moved to Hungary...

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Allee shopping center: co-owners are wanted beside Allianz

The the real estate developer ING Real Estate Development is selling the remaining 50 percent stake of South Buda's newest shopping center. ING RED spokesman informed that currently negotiations are...

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Diageo: profits decreased by one-fifth

The world's largest bewerage manufacturer, the British Diageo Plc’s after tax profit was 953 million pounds in the first half its business year ended in December, 20 percent less than...

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Serbian authorities learn about Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed in Hungary

The Ministry of Rural Development has held an international seminar for the experts of Serbian authorities on RASFF – Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed. The foreign ministers of...

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Randstad: Global employment trends in clients

More needs to be done in order to ensure that the future of the jobs market is kept thriving, as countries across the globe continuously report that unemployment rates are...

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Scotland's most popular whiskey brand available in Hungary

The most popular whiskey brand of Scotland, Famous Grouse has arrived to Hungary, the 115 year old “water of life” will undoubtly be very popular in Hungary, too. The Famous...

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Limited series of Makány Márta-shopping bags in Tesco

10th February sees the release of the unique, Márta Makány design-bags in Tesco, which are available in limited series(50 thousand), in an environmentally friendly construction, in order to make shopping...

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KSH: foreign trade product sales increased by more than 10 percent last year

According to preliminary datas, the Central Statistics Office (KSH), registered a double-digit growth of the forint and foreign currency value of the foreign trade product sales in 2011. In January-December...

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Foreign trade surplus will continue to grow this year

Although the December trade surplus became lower than expected, analysts believe that surplus will continue to grow this year, partly due to the growth of export, partly and drop in...

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Several tonnes of dangerous food found in Europe

Rancid olive oil, vinegar-smelling wine and inedible fish were also found throughout Europe, when authorities of ten countries struck on the distributors of false and dangerous foods, medical products and...

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Shoplifting costs billions, prevention pays off

Shoplifting is not some force of nature, something can be done about it. Alert staff plus modern technology – only this combination reduces losses. Doing nothing is not an option,...

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Public scan at Auchan

A public scan has been carried out at the Auchan store at Szentendrei út Budapest, by the Customer Protection Authority. The main goal of the scan was to illustrate how...

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Pike hatching begun in Rétimajor

The artificial hatching of Pikes begun in Rétimajor at the Golden Carp Fishery Ltd. The company sells an annual 300 thousand units of pikes at both the foreign and domestic...

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Fruit Logistica is an important forum for Hungary

Fruit Logistica is an important forum for Hungarian companies: 415.000 visitors attended from January 21st to 30th the “Grüne Woche” (Green Week) in Berlins Fair Center, and had the chance...

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McDonald's Hungary changes PR agency

McDonald's Hungary works with a new public relations agency. The Noguchi Porter Novelli has won the commission on a multi-round tender – writes mmonline. The Noguchi will be responsible for...

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Magazine: Nine out of ten households buy mineral water

According to GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan survey, ninety percent of Hungarian households bought mineral water in 2010. Compared with 2009, the category’s reach expanded by 5 percentage points. Average volume purchased...

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The Tokaj wine region received historical landsape classification

Réthelyi Miklós, National Resources Minister declared Tokaqj as a historical landscape. The Tokaj wine region appears on the World Heritage list of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization...

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