News and articles

Chinese consumers are more and more optimistic and would spend more

The value of consumer confidence in China is stable, and the population is becoming more optimistic and willing to spend more than before – shows the latest reoprt of Nielsen...

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Fish processing plant is under construction in Szentgyörgyvár

The Halház Kft. establishes a fish farming and fish processing plant in Szentgyörgyvár, with a nearly seven million euros investment, mainly from own sources – said Andrej Panarin, Executive Director...

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Closer economic and trade relations with South Africa

On Monday, the founding session of the Hungarian-South African Economic Joint Committee was held in Pretoria, South Africa. The Hungarian Co-Chairman of the Committee is Secretary of State Kristóf Szatmáry,...

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The 2008 vintage Cabernet Franc wine of Vylyan has won the Grand Prize of the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged

The 2008 vintage Cabernet Franc wine of the Vylyan Vineyards and Winery won the Grand Prize of the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged. The recognition was handed over on Tuesday...

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Danone Activia health claim approved in Switzerland

Danone claims its Activia products “contribute to digestive comfort, reducing transit time and swelling” Danone has gained approval for a health claim on Activia yoghurt in Switzerland. The Swiss Federal...

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The guy who keeps using his nose every minute

Every now and again life treats you to a glorious surprise. I was privileged during a recent visit to The Edrington Group’s head office in Glasgow to get to meet...

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Innovation from the US in Hungary

Vocollect’s A730 device contains an integrated short-range scanner, which enables workers to use both voice direction and scanning to fully optimize a process in an ergonomic, wearable form factor that...

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Ten percent price margin will be provided to the tobacco retailers

With the amendment of the tobacco law, the parliament provided a ten percent price margin to the tobacco retailers on Tuesday, and further expanded the range of products that can...

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Fifth Annual General Meeting of GfK SE

At today’s fifth Annual General Meeting of GfK SE, a minimum of 99.6 percent of the shareholders of GfK SE voted in favor of the resolutions proposed by the Supervisory...

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Loan can be used for online cash registers

OTP Bank has developed a construct for th e operators of the national tobacco shops. A major item of the startup costs is the purchase of the online cash tregisters...

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KSH: Average net earnings increased by 4.2 percent in January-March

In January to March 2013, the average gross earnings of full-time employees amounted to 225 600 HUF. It was 2.9 percent higher compared to the same period of last year....

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The 28 International Farmer Days opens in Bábolna today

One of the largest exhibition of the Hungarian agriculture, the International Farmer Days opens in Bábolna and lasts for four days, from Wednesday. At the exhibition, 150 exhibitors will present...

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VM: the directive for beers has changed

According to change in the Hungarian Food Codex, products will not longer be marketed under the “beer” name that are added any material after aging and filtering, thus their character,...

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Golden Friday is applying for the Golden Blade

The Aranypéntek (Golden Friday) campaign of Arany Ászok was added to Golden Blade shortlist in two categories – in the film and the sales promotion solutions. The campaign was made...

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Hard to find reliable cash register manufacturers

The Dohánybolt Ellátó Kft., that has more than one thousand registered partners has assessed the participants of the cash register market, that are offering cash registers for tobacco shops. During...

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Green Office certification for Tetra Pak Hungary

The Tetra Pak is the third company in Hungary that has successfully completed the requirements of the Green Office certification. The Hungarian company is Tetra Pak's first firm that has...

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The Fressnapf is present in Hungary for ten years

Fressnapf opened its first Hungarian unit 10 years ago, in December 2002. Europe's leading pet food and equipment offering chain of store has opened 33 stores across the country and...

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NIVEA: youthful hands

If you're curious about a woman's real age just look at her hands! After the face the hand is the part of the body that meets with the most stares....

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Everything with bubbles – Bubble festival in Budapest

Bubbles are for special occasions, but any occasion can be special. Enjoy this special weekend with a lot of bubbles in downtown Budapest. Go for a walk in the Akvarium...

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Health recepies are popular

The interest for healthy diet on the web has been declining since the mid 2000s – shows the Gourmet Webshop survey of This means that these days half of...

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The world's most valuable brands

Technology companies continue to dominate the ranking of the world's most valuable brands in 2013: Apple, Google and IBM can be found in the first three places. According to the...

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MasterCard Mobile: a milestone in the domestic mobile payment

Thanks to the cooperation of MasterCard Mobile and Számlá the businesses using online billing system can print QR code to their accounts without additional development. The MasterCard Mobile is a...

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The cherry pálinka of the year and Márton és lányai spirits were sold out most at the Budapest Pálinka Festival

The Pálinka Festival of Budapest attracted nearly twenty thousand visitors. During the Pentecost weekend, the cherry pálinka of the year was consumed the most, the most popular program was the...

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The Gyulahús Kft. trusts in the exports

The managing director of the Gyulahús Kft. confuted the informations of the Népszabadság daily, that in a short, the company has compiled several hundresds of million HUF losses. Daka Zsolt,...

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The price margin regulation undermines the investment plans of the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft.

The price margin regulation forces the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft. to suspend its 15 billion HUF worth investments planned for 2013-2014 – the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft. told MTI on...

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Törley won a Decanter Trophy

The Törley Tokaji Doux champagne won a gold medal and a Regional Trophy at the Decanter World Wine Awards. One of the leading and respected wine professional magazine, the Decanter...

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Belgian Beerfestival again

In 2013 the 3rd Belgian Beer Festival will excite beer fans in Budapest, Hungary. You can try 140 varieties of true Belgian beers made in 30 beer breweries in Belgium....

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Rice contaminated with cadmium were found in Southern China

Higher than permitted levels were found in almost half of the tested samples. Carcinogenic cadmium were found by the authorities in south China's Guangdong province – the Chinese media reports...

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The targeted service is a new cafeteria item

The amounts paid by an employer to the voluntary mutual insurance funds will be introduced as new fringe benefits Kalocsai Zsolt, CEO of RSM DTM Hungary Zrt. told. In other...

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Nielsen: increased food retail revenues

Retail revenues rose by 2 percent in case of the sales in the ninety-food categories continuously measured by Nielsen, between December 2012 and March 2013, compared to the previous comparable...

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