News and articles

Tobacconists are reporting online to the tobacco company

The online registration system of tobacco shops has started at the NDN Zrt. Until now 5503 stores have registered in the system, of which 4615 are forwarding to the datas...

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KSH: the value of exports calculated in euros increased by 0.9, the value of imports increased by 1.1 percent in January-August

According to preliminary datas, exports amounted to 53.5 million euros (15 850 billion HUF), in January-August this year , while imports of to 49.0 million euros (14 485 million HUF)....

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Cash Alt’s first cash register shipment has arrived

Cash Alt’s first online cash register shipment has arrived to Hungary from South Korea. The first 6 containers contains nearly 8,000 cash machines that are able to online data connection....

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Higher yields, higher purchase prices at the Szekszárdi wine region

Grape yields are expected to be higher with higher acidity content at the Szekszárdi wine region, where the farmers have finished with half of the harvest. Winemakers interviewed by MTI...

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Hungarian success at the world's largest food exhibition

The Hungarian developed tofu made of sprouted soy was included to the list of the best innovations at the world's largest food fair, the Anuga in Cologne. At the event’s...

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Szabó Zsófi also took part at the FUTAFOK family charity running competition

The Campona Shopping Center organized a costume charity race on Saturday, in the scope of the 28th FUTAFOK family running competition. The amount comes from the tournament supports the Child...

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Cattle exports soon to be restarted to Belarus

Cattle exports can soon to be restarted to Belarus, and there is a hope that cooperation starts between the Rába and the Belarusian mechanical engineering flagship company the MTZ –...

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Fish festival will be held in Siófok for the first time

A fish festival will be held in Siófok for the first time. Fish dishes will play the main role at the event, but entertainment programs will also await the audience...

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The ratio of the Slovak national foods are declining in the Slovakian outlets

The proportion of domestic food products steadily declining in the Slovakian stores since the country's accession to the EU, currently it is 39 percent – the survey of the Slovak...

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Magazine: PET bottle caught up with carton among fruit juices

Just like in previous years, the fruit juice market was contracting last year and so far 2013 doesn’t look good either. Balázs Bogár, junior trade marketing manager with Sió Eckes...

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There is a need for more pigs to make sausage

The domestic population of heavy pigs used for sausage-making is still significantly less than what would be needed to make this kind of food product from meat, exclusively from Hungary....

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The consumer protection authority examined the quality of dry pastas

According to the targeted study of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH), approximately 20 percent of the dry pastas does not meet the requirements , in terms of acid degree,...

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Camping cheese’s autumn campaign has started

The Camping products have been renewed last year. The product range has been continuously enriched since then. As the part of the communication with the customers, the manufacturer, the ERU...

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The pálinka beat the cold at the Pálinka and Sausage Festival in the Buda Castle

The pálinka “growing” plum tree, the pálinka essence, the beer ditillate and the pálinka flavored handmade sweets were the most popular at the 7th Buda Castle Pálinka and Sausage Festival,...

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More than 100 people were collecting the garbage on the Community day of the Borsodi Brewery

In the spirit of the importance of social responsibility, more than 100 people collected waste from the river Hernád on October 4. The staff of the Borsodi Brewery joined their...

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The CIB Bank is the key supporter of the Food Bank

The CIB Bank Zrt. and the Hungarian Food Bank Association signed an agreement that the CIB Bank is the key supporter of the Food Bank. The co-operation of the CIB...

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Sentix: no improvement in investor sentiment in the euro zone

According to the latest sentiment index of the Berlin-based Sentix Economic Research Institute, Euro zone’s investors are moderately optimistic. The indicator carried out by using the six-month projections of nearly...

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New sales manager at HEINEKEN Hungária

A new sales manager directs the sales activities of HEINEKEN Hungária from 1 November. Gheorghe Andresz moves from Arad to Budapest. As a sales manager he will be responsible for...

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Wine is too cheap

China's wine producers ask the government to review European imports, claiming that European wines are marketed on a dumped price on the Chinese market. In recent years, the EU’s wine...

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A wave of pessimism rises in China

China’s interest-rate traders are the most pessimistic on economic growth in 21 months, as Fitch Ratings says policy makers are focused on fixing the nation’s banks to avert an industry...

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Starting contractors can not receive support

It is a bad news for those entrepreneurs who wanted to get the 50 thousand HUF support to change their cash machines. The Government’s order does not support the exchange,...

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Szijjártó: a program based on four pillars helps the access of SMEs to foreign markets

The Program, in the scope of the cooperation of the Hungarian National Trading House, the National Foreign Trade Office, the Association of Hungarian Investment and Trade Cooperation helps the Hungarian...

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Tobacco industrial investors: the cigarette market has one of the highest tax burden

According to the Hungarian Association of the Tobacco Industry Investors (DBMSZ) the cigarette market has one of the highest tax burden in Hungary, the total tax content of cigarettes is...

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Retail sales increased in the EU

Retail sales increased by 0.7 percent in the euro zone and grew by 0.4 percent in the European Union in August, compared with the previous month – the Eurostat announced...

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Cabbage farmers trust in conscious consumers

Hungarians cabbage farmers closed an up and down year. While the first half of the year was good for the industry, in recent times the demand as well as the...

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The European Council calls for improvements in food safety

The Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council urged to improve food security in Europe in its resolution adopted on Thursday night. According to the document, beside the increased monitoring of...

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The Pálinka Distillery of Agárd will enter the market in two U.S. states

The marketing of the products of the Agárdi Pálinkafőzde (Pálinka Distillery of Agárd) starts from the end of October in New York and in New Jersey states – the company...

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New Executive Director at the Debreceni Csoport Húsipari Kft.

From 1 October Benedek László replaces Tőtös Zsolt in the Executive Director position of the Debreceni Csoport Húsipari Kft.. Tőtös Zsolt was appointed as the CEO of the parent company,...

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Hungary will be a featured guest at a food exhibition in Moscow

Hungary is one of the featured guests at the Golden Autumn Food Exhibition of Moscow, between 8 to 12 October. The domestic wineries will be represented by the Szekszárd wine...

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Czech retail sales fell in August

In August, the annual retail sales fell by 0.3 percent in the Czech Republic – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Friday. According to the the Czech Statistical Office, the...

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