News and articles

The Red Bull Air Race returns in 2014

Red Bull Air Race World Championship racing series will return in 2014 with seven races in three continents. The return of the world's fastest motor sport competition was announced at...

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The new LEGO® STORE opens on Saturday with a twenty percent discount

The second LEGO® Store in Hungary opens on 12 October on Saturday in the Allee Shopping Centre. On this occasion, special events and promotions are waiting for the fans of...

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Three hundred thousand HUF worth support to the Pető Institute

The Raben Trans European Hungary Kft. took the responsibility to help the Pető Institute and supported the operation of the institution with 50 different types of tested fire-extinguishers. The Raben...

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The winemakers of Szekszárd have brought premium wines to Russia

The representatives of the of Szekszárd wine region have brought their premium wines to Russia. They introduced their wines on Friday in Moscow, than the recommend their products at an...

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Autumn culinary walks for gourmets and curious

The Autumn culinary walks of the Hosszúlépés team will guide the curious visitors who are committed to the legends of Budapest into the world of fast food, Chinese and kosher...

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Specialties at the scone festival this weekend

In addition to grilled or fried, a variety of traditional flavored scones will be represented at the first Kürtőskalács (scone) festival this weekend in the City Park of Budapest. The...

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Hungarian organic products to be introduced at the Polish trade fair

Organic wines, organic pálinkas, organic food products, food manufacturers and distributors of other organic and natural ingredients will represent themselves at the Natura Food International Organic and Conventional Food Fair...

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KSH: the decline in agricultural prices accelerated in August

Agricultural procurement prices decreased by 7.4 percent in August, compared to the year before. After the 2.3 percent drop of July, agricultural procurement prices are decreasing for the second consecutive...

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The cash register suppliers have cheated many tobacconists

A lot of National Tobacco contractors are unable to meet their online data providing obligations towards the National Tobacco Trading Nonprofit Zrt., because – in their opinion – the cash...

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Law amendment for the protection of disabled and older consumers

The Consumer Protection Act changes next year: The new proposal would strengthen the consumer rights of vulnerable people. The authority can impose fines, even in the first case, if infringements...

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Cash registers : the trade association asks for fair treatment from the tax authority

The National Retail Federation ( OKSZ ) is asking the National Economy Ministry ( NGM ) and the National Tax and Customs Office ( NAV ) to review the practice...

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Varga: the government will decide over the luxury tax the next week, the bank deposits would not be taxed

Government decision may born at next week's cabinet meeting on the luxury tax – Varga Mihály National Economy Minister told TV2 on Wednesday. He added that the bank deposits would...

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Huge acquisition on the Hungarian agricultural market

The Bige Holding will be the majority owner of the KITE Zrt. if the Competition Authority authorizes the acquisition – Bige László, the owner of the holding told “The...

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Kamarás Iván pulled up a kilt

Kamarás Iván arrived to the party – that included the most kilts this year – in a white limousine. The celebrities were honored with stars, and the celebrities have left...

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Martin Olivér became the chief financial officer at Szentkirályi

From October 2013 Martin Olivér fills in the chief financial officer position at the Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft. His main tasks will be to ensure the company's funding and the professional...

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Nearly 600 companies have registered on the first day in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone

Hundreds of companies have registered their presence in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. On the first working day, the number of interested was close to one and a half thousand...

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The Spar Budapest Marathon may break a record

Twenty-eighth edition of the Spar Budapest Marathon will take place on Sunday. According to the traditions, the pros will compete for the national championship title on the classic 42.195 kilometer...

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Gypsy food is considered ti be an offensive term

To Germans, “gypsy sauce” is a sticky, tomato and pepper sauce, with or without onions. But for the Hannover branch of cultural organisation the Forum for Sinti and Roma, the...

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Analysts: industrial production and foreign trade surplus can expand further by the end of the year

According to analysts surveyed by MTI, industrial production and foreign trade surplus can expand further by the end of the year. According to preliminary datas released on Tuesday by the...

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Webstores are acting as a magnet carts for cheaters

Online commerce is becoming increasingly popular, and experts expect say that a further increase is expected in the coming years. Yet only one-sixth of the small and medium sized enterprizes...

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The third of the domestic baking industry is foreign-owned

It is estimated that 3-400 Albanian and three dozens of Croatian bakeries are operating in Hungary and 150 more indicated to open a business – wrote Népszava on Wednesday. Currently,...

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We love our boss and feel good at work

The Hungarian workers are less satisfied with their jobs, but they better come along with their bosses. They have an especially amicable relationship with colleagues and prefers to retain their...

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GfK: is the highest trust remains towards firefighters

The GfK assessed the level of public confidence towards the professions in Hungary. Despite the shifts, in the forefront major changes have not occurred since 2008. Trust remains the highest...

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Sága’s sausage offering is complete now

The restructuring phase of the Sága Foods Zrt. was successfully completed. In the first six months of the year, the company successfully completed the consolidation, first among the meat companies...

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The innovative packaging manufacturer was awarded

One of the world's lightest industrial packaging is pepared by using Hungarian waste paper. The manufacturer saves enough energy to power an entire city. The Hamburger Hungária Kft. is the...

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The reduced VAT is expected to be introduced in the Romanian meat industry

The reduced 9 percent VAT is expected to be introduced in the Romanian meat industry -Achim Irimescu Minister of State for Agriculture announced on Wednesday. The Minister of State said,...

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High quality lactose free milk by Tesco

The market for special foods has become one of the fastest growing in the UK as so many people now have a food intolerance or allergy, according to Tesco. Up...

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Men prefer buying cosmetics online

More and more men buy and use cosmetics, but because of stereotypes they purchase hair dye or anti-aging cream online. According to market research company Mintel, when buying online men...

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Mazars: CFO study

Reviewing the performance of peers and comparing oneself to that benchmark is a powerful tool that leaders can use to identify performance gaps within both the Finance department and the...

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