News and articles

Even the celebrities are producing Milka

It was previously unthinkable but it has become reality now. The production of Milka biscuit chocolates has been moved into the plant of Győri Keksz in Székesfehérvár. The Giga investment...

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The deadline for direct payment applications was extended

The Commission has today proposed the extension of the deadline of aid applications for Direct Payments to Monday June 15. This represents an extension of one month on the original...

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178 tons of contaminated chicken meat was transported to Ukraine from Hungary

178 tons of salmonella and listeria contaminated chicken meat was transported to markets in Ukraine from Hungary According to the communication of the press service of the Kyiv Prosecutor's Office,...

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The Amazon has received permission to test load-carrying drones

Amazon wants to use small drones to deliver packages to customers within 30 minutes in urban areas. The FAA is now allowing Amazon to experiment with the system. The FAA...

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The Aldi may open webshops

Discount supermarket Aldi is preparing to trial its first online grocery store in the UK, a German industry journal reported today, although the company played down the suggestion. The opening...

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Sixty-seven percent is the happiness level of the Hungarians

The United Nations International Day of Happiness was launched on June 28, 2012, when the UN called on all 193 member states to give happiness, a “fundamental human goal” a...

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A new Hungarian trading house was opened in Africa

A new Hungarian trading house was opened in Africa on 21 March 2015. The Sudanese – Hungarian Trading House will open its doors soon officially in Khartoum (Republic of Sudan)...

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Laurel’s best year ever

The Laurel Group’s sales amounted to a record HUF 4.8 billion. The group does the maintenance of about 16,000 cash registers, from which 4,500 run on the company’s Laura software....

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P&G is six years ahead of itself

Procter & Gamble (P&G) published its annual sustainability report for the 16th time. The new report reveals that P&G met its own waste reduction target six years earlier than scheduled,...

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SAP honours HostLogic’s performance once again

SAP recently completed its regular partner audit and HostLogistic Zrt. proved it yet again that as the top partner from Hungary and the 14th in the world from SAP’s 265...

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Magazine: Shades of black

Balázs Szabó, Horeca manager with Mocca Negra Zrt. is of the opinion that effects of recession can still be felt in the Hungarian coffee market. During the years of recession...

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The stores with Spar logo will open on Sundays at the fuel stations

The stores with Spar logo will remain open on Sundays at the fuel stations – Wilfried Gepp, managing director of OMV Hungária Kft. told Világgazdaság Online. According to the OMV’s...

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If you cannot shop, the net will be good too? – Online shoppers and Sunday closing hours

From 15 March 2015, Sunday opening hours will be prohibited in the vast majority of the stores. In order to judge the impact of the regulation on online retailing, the...

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Savings Bank: GDP may expand by 3.2 percent this year

According to the analysts of the Savings Bank (TakarékBank), the Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP) may increase significantly this year, by 3.2 percent. The engine of growth will primarily be...

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Thousands of student employees are also affected by the Sunday store closure

The experts of the euCSOPORT complex HR services group have prepared to the labor market challenges that will arise in connection with the Sunday closing hours. The mandatory Sunday closure...

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NAV: ekáer helps the fair taxpayers

The electronic control system for road freight (ekáer) not only suppresses VAT frauds, but delivers markets to the fair taxpayers – Sinkáné Csendes Ágnes, Tax Director General of the National...

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The consumer protection authorities imposed fines of 711 million HUF last year

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) imposed fines of 711 million HUF last year in nearly 43 thousand processes. Szente István, the Acting Director General of the National Consumer Protection...

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The Geometry helps to develop the branding strategy of the Twickel Vineyards

The Twickel Vineyards in Szekszárd commissioned the Geometry communications agency with the renewal of its brand. The Twickel Vineyards is the largest winery of the Szekszárd Wine Region with a...

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Hungarian wine and spa tourism exhibition in Bratislava

The one-day miniexpo promoting the Hungarian wine and spa tourism was opened on Thursday in Bratislava. The “Spa and Wine” miniexpo was organized by the Hungarian Embassy in Bratislava, the...

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Romania can export pork to China

Romania can start pork exports to China, after the authorities of Far Eastern country approved the exporting activities of a company in Romania – Victor Ponta Romanian Prime Minister announced...

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Tamás Háber received an award

Tamás Háber, who is the owner of Pécs-based Aranykacsa Restaurant and the president-in-honour of MVI, has received the Merit of the Hungarian Republic, Officer's Cross on 15th March, in order...

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Kids do notknow enough about teeh-care

Colgate recently held a speaker event entitled 'A professional's insight into the latest electric toothbrushes'. Some of the topics covered during the event were: current concepts in toothbrushing, challenges in...

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Heartfriendly butter for every day

Flora Gold Taste of Butter is a delicious and heart healthy choice: it contains Omega 3 and 6 acids and 60 percent less saturated fat than butter. Its irresistible taste...

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Magazine: Our skilled bartenders!

Krisztián Nagy, the winner of the Finlandia Vodka Longdrink contest told Trade magazin that he learns about the latest trends on the internet and at international competitions. Mr Nagy believes...

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OKSZ: exemption cannot be given currently

Only those exceptions are exisiting under Sunday store closure that were voted by the National Assembly at its meeting on March 17. The Government’s decree was published on Tuesday. According...

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Most of the shops will open on Sunday before Easter

On 29 March almost all the shops will open – the wrote. The law provides five opportunities to be open on Sundays. The stores plan to use four occasions...

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Why advertising useful to everyone?

The Hungarian Advertising Association and the Hungarian Association of Communication Agencies launched a campaign on 18 March 2015 to raise the consumers’ awereness to the importance of the advertising industry...

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The Spar can turn to Brussels because of the food chain management fee

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company announced in the Austrian television that Spar may turn to Brussels because of the food chain management fee if they cannot...

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The FAO reviews the phytosanitary trade standards

FAO estimates that between 20 and 40 percent of global crop yields are reduced each year due to the damage wrought by plant pests and diseases. “Once a pest becomes...

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Great Night Music for the lovers of shopping

The night shopping with music can be the next huge craze! The positive effect of music is beyond doubt: the catchy melodies and rhythmic basses refreshing while purchase and give...

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