News and articles

Hungary won the right to host the World Export Development Forum

Hungary won the right to organize the 2017 World Export Development Forum, so next year Budapest will host the event – Szijjártó Péter Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Minister informed...

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K&H agro technological change is necessary

The persistently low selling prices need to be prepared for the globally good yields and high stocks, so the farmers need to improve efficiency and an agro technological change is...

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Randstad: less executive chair and salary for women

As understrappers, the workers consider mixed groups more effective, however, as women they prefer to work under the management of men – the latest survey of Randstad Work Monitor reveals....

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Budapest Airport: the cargo traffic of the Budapest Airport continued to increase

In September, the international cargo traffic at the Ferihegy Budapest Airport surpassed the monthly 10 thousand tonnes for the first time. It is 33 percent higher than in the same...

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Fishing festival over the weekend in Tata

The Fishing festival awaits the visitors to the garden of the Esterhazy Castle to Tata. Fish dishes of the regions await the visitors near the Öreg-tó (Lake Old). The Old...

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Traditional media consumption is dominating even in the USA

The Hungarian Newspaper Publishers' Association came with the analysis of the situation of the print market as well as with exciting and interesting research data and flash reports each week....

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UPS testing drones

UPS , the world’s leading logistics company has announced that they are testing drones for making deliveries, in partnership with drone manufacturer CyPhy Works. UPS intends to use drones for...

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Chinese Milka

Mondelez International has announced their entering the Chinese market. They plan to offer 12 products to Chinese shoppers. Mondelez China president Stephen Maher told: they trust the strengths of the...

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Billions for wineries

The Prime Minister’s Office has announced a rural development grant programme with a budget of HUF 40 billion, which will be made available to winemakers in the form of a...

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Magazine: 'I am proud of the last ten years’

Tibor Székács has been a member of the ALDI Hungary team since 2006 and in the last seven years he was working as the company’s managing director. From 2017 he...

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Nielsen: the use of mobile devices changes trade and cash flow

Trade in Hungary is also changing as a result of that consumers increasingly use their mobile devices for several purposes: one in three Hungarian mobile owners used to compare prices...

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KSH: Agricultural producer prices fell by 2.6 percent in August

In August, agricultural producer prices fell by 2.6 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The producer price of plant products declined by 5.5 percent, while the...

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Soft Drinks Association: raising the tax on food will not help against obesity

People's health indicators can not be improved by raising taxes on food products. A social cooperation is needed – the Hungarian mineral water, fruit juice and soft drinks association told...

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German exports may continue to grow in agriculture

This year, the Hungarian agricultural and food exports to Germany exceeded last year's record levels – the Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in Budapest, at an international press conference....

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NGM: inflation will be below 0.4 percent this year

The government's convergence program expects an average inflation of 0.4 percent for the whole year. According to recently published data it will be slightly below it – Balogh László, Deputy...

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ACTIVIA to be renewed worldwide

The world's leading fresh dairy brand, the Danone ACTIVIA strengthens its position with a new image, unified message and developments affecting all markets. The result of the global InSync survey...

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Tesco: Not a bite can be wasted!

By 2020, all European Tesco stores will offer food surplus to charity. Tesco and the Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (Századvég Economic Research Co.) at their joint “Not a bite can be...

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METRO: 10 million HUF grant on “Own Business Day”

METRO devotes 11 October each year in 25 countries around the world to draw attention to the importance of the 21 million privately owned businesses. On this day, on the...

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Growing expectations towards the food industry

Today's nutrition challenges can only be met through collaboration in which all relevant stakeholders are taking part – was said at the Food4Talk professional conference organized by Nestle. Nestlé is...

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This year's The Most Beautiful Kitchen Gardens awards were handed over

Sixty-two gardeners received recognitions at the award ceremony of the The Most Beautiful Kitchen Gardens in 2016 in Budapest on Tuesday – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI. This...

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The '56 vintage of Tokaji aszús will be rebottled

In honor of the 1956 memorial year 150 Tokaji wine specialties will be bottled again, from the aszús that can be found in the National Wine Depository. In 1956 harvest...

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Wine grape harvest may be below last year’s level

This year’s grape harvest is estimated to be below the average level – informed the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT). The weather may still change this estimation, though. At...

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No sugar!

tatistical data show that in the last few years the number of diabetic patients surged. This means there is higher demand for sugar substitutes and products made without added sugar....

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Legal practice in VAT deduction lawsuits

The Curia of Hungary has published a document with detailed information on its legal practice in lawsuits concerning VAT deduction matters. In the future this document can act as a...

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Electromobility – the way of the future

After the shock of the BREXIT the markets more or less returned to business as usual mode. The FED didn’t see any reason the change the base rate in June...

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KSH: inflation was 0.6 percent in September

Consumer prices were on average 0.6 percent higher in September than a year before, while compared with the previous month increased by an average of 0.2 percent. The Central Statistical...

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Reál Hungária to be separated

The Reál Hungária Élelmiszerkereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. will be separated at the end of September – the owners decided. The goal is to make an independent company for the immovable...

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Ten Hungarian companies can transport milk and dairy products to Chile

The Chilean authorities accepted the registration of ten Hungarian milk and milk products manufacturing plant on Monday. These companies can launch their first shipment to South American country – the...

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Auchan’s autumn wine fair starts soon

Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture praised the improving quality of the Hungarian wines at a press conference held on the occasion of Auchan’s autumn wine fair in Budaörs on Tuesday....

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The amount of food waste in Hungary is about 1.8 million tons annually

In Hungary about 1.8 million tons of food ends up as waste, approximately one-quarter in the households – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), responsible for...

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