News and articles

The NÉBIH closed a meat shop in Tolna County

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) held controls simultaneously in two counties. The inspectors seized 1150 kilograms of food in a Tolna County meat shop and withdrawn it from...

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Food industry renewal about to start

István Jakab, deputy speaker of the Hungarian Parliament told at a farmers’ forum in Székesfehérvár that a support scheme is about to be launched for the renewal of Hungary’s food...

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Another conference in the series introducing Central European regions

For the third time this year the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) organised a conference about export opportunities in Central Europe. Realised in cooperation with the county chambers of industry...

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Premium quality Hungarian wines and groceries in Washington

Feedback from businessmen, distributors and food industry enterprises was positive, so there is a good chance that orders will be placed by US partners. MNKH CEO Zsanett Oláh told that...

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Positive trends, optimistic consumers

Poland is the sixth biggest export market for Hungarian food products. In the first half of 2016 Hungarian companies sold EUR 181.5 million worth of food in Poland. This performance...

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Extreme Digital Black Friday launched this week

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Nielsen: Hungarians prefer to buy in shops with loyalty program

Almost 75 percent of Hungarians prefer to buy in shops where you loyalty programs are offered – the Nielsen international market researcher reveals in its survey. According to the summary...

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GDP grew by two percent in the third quarter

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.0 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced its first...

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FM: the protected geographical indications represent market value

The number of protected geographical indications – designations of origin and geographical indication should be increased in Hungary, because they represent market value. Czerván György Minister of State for the...

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The local government of Badacsonytomaj: closure is an overreaction

The local government of Badacsonytomaj, the viticultural professional organizations around the Badacsony hill and the entrepreneurs of the business sector told that the communication of the National Food Chain Safety...

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GfK: the sales of technical products increased in the 3rd quarter

The sales of durable technical goods increased by 4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2016, compared to the same period of last year, while the total turnover amounted to...

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The chief veterinarian ordered the confinement housing of poultry in three counties

The national chief veterinary ordered the confinement housing of poultry in Békés, Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The regulations aim to...

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Discount chains grew in the UK market

Tesco has not seen such an increase in the past three years as in the three months ended on November 8 – wrote, after Kantar. Although the German discount...

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The best red wines of the Lake Balaton will be presented in Csopak

The Red Balaton tasting will be held on 3 December. For a number of wine lovers the Lake Balaton is synonymous with diverse and excellent white wines. However, on 3...

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The population borrows more and more consumer loan in Slovakia

The consumer loan portfolio continued to rise by approximately 14.1 percent on an annual basis by the end of September in Slovakia and the pace of indebtedness continued to accelerate...

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The economic sentiment improved further in November in Germany

In November, the economic sentiment in Germany improved further for the second consecutive month – according to the survey of the Mannheim-based ZEW economic research institute. The survey was published...

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The telecoms network market will decrease in 2017 and will start to grow again in 2018

The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia predicts that in 2017 the network market is shrinking as a result of reduced sales of around 2 percent, while in 2018 a moderate growth...

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Az invitation for Korean products tests


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In search of the best HR projects

A legjobb HR-es projekteket keresi egy új regionális verseny, a HR Transformation Challenge. A megmérettetésen bármilyen szervezet és magánszemély részt vehet, amely olyan innovatív HR-es gyakorlatot valósított meg, mely jelentős...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in September

The agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in September, compared to the same period of the previous year. The 3.8 percent decline is due to the 7.3 percent decline...

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The consumption of eggs may increase

The nutritional content of table eggs have improved significantly in recent decades – wrote. Improved housing and feeding conditions contributed mainly to the changes. The Takarék Agrár Központ prepared...

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The FM proposes a reasonable self-regulation in the dairy sector based on solidarity

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) proposes a reasonable self-regulation based on solidarity, in the dairy sector to all participants – Fazekas Sándor Minister said after a professional forum on the...

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NÉBIH: each farmer will be given compensation, because of the bird flu

It is mandatory to slaughter the bird flu-infected livestock, but state compensation will be given to all affected farmers; the sum is the market value of the animals – the...

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Christmas credit actions to start

We are still only in mid-November, but many stores are advertising zero credit actions for Christmas wrote. This year's Christmas rush can be even greater than ever. The Hungarian...

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Denmark is exporting infected pigs

Denmark is exporting thousands of infected pigs every year, and the breeders yet do nothing to prevent the epidemic. The bacterium is not a subject to the notification requirement neither...

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Take home Tesco’s assets!

At the current auctions of the Tesco-Globál Áruházak Zrt., one can buy cashier counters,, cash drawer among other things. The Tesco-Globál Áruházak Zrt. held its first auction in 2011 to...

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Another Stop Shop stores will open

The Immofinanz continues the expansion of the portfolio of the Stop Shop with the purchasing of eight new locations – wrote. The company bought premises in Hungary and in...

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Recommendations were submitted to the EC to improve the situation of farmers

The European Commission will consider the report's recommendations and an appropriate policy response in line with its continuous support to the agricultural sector. The Agricultural Markets Task Force (AMTF), chaired...

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A new mobile app helps diabetics

A new Hungarian developed application will help people living with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels and thus keep their disease under control. Diabetes is a common disease, which...

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Kubu biscuits

New Kubu biscuits are made from the best ingredients with the greatest care, and it is needless to say that they contain no preservatives or artificial colouring....

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