News and articles

European Commission: the Makó Parsley Root also receives a protected geographical indication

The European Union has approved that the Makó parsley root should also be protected as a protected geographical indication (ofj) – the European Commission said on Tuesday. The Geographical Indication...

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The pace of increase in consumer prices has slowed down in the OECD countries

Due to a more moderate increase in energy and food prices, the pace of increase in consumer prices has slowed down in the member states of the Organization for Economic...

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Diego’s sales over sixteen billion

The Diego chain intends to reach 80 percent sales revenue growth and a 25 billion forints net sales on the Hungarian market by 2020 – the chain told MTI on...

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Magazine: A new era in everyday shopping

Data measured by Nielsen reveals that the Hungarian consumer confidence index has never been this high since 2009, there is a record-low unemployment level and the GDP has increased. Sales...

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GKI: Foundations of economic growth should be established now​​

Trends in the Hungarian economy of the first half of the year have continued in the past few months. Although the 3.8 per cent GDP growth in the third quarter...

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Most of the Hungarian families are over-spending at Christmas

Nearly 40 percent of Hungarians feel they spend more on Christmas gifts than they could do, but they typically do not finance them from loans – according to Intrum Justitia’s...

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Trade Association: the Black Friday action does not affect the December gift purchase badly

Many people anticipated the end of the year purchase during the Black Friday in November,but this will not make December spendings lower – Vámos György, Secretary-General of the National Trade...

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FM: winter seasonal food chain control lasts until the end of the year

The nationwide winter seasonal food chain control takes place from 1 December to the end of the year – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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SPAR continues its modernization program

A new SPAR store was opened in Kistarcsa and the company carried out a major developments in other five cities in November. SPAR invested more than 1.7 billion forints on...

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Green playground games were handed over to the Tündérkert kindergarten in Gyöngyös

During the “Better Play in Green!” prize winning game of Henkel and Rossmann, the Tündérkert kindergarten in Gyöngyös gathered the most votes and won the 1 million HUF worth main...

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German Chamber: a rise in Hungarian wages is expected next year

According to international companies operating in Hungary, in 2018, Hungarian wages are expected to rise further, because wage continues to be a determining factor in the competition for skilled labor...

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MFB: 32 billion forints credit for the construction of the citric acid plant in Szolnok

The Chinese-Hungarian joint venture, the BBCA Szolnok Zrt. and the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) have signed a 12-year loan agreement for nearly 32 billion HUF loan for the construction of...

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This year, Santa is also packing into the boxes of DS Smith

Like last year, this year teh DS Smith Packaging is also helping the Santa Claus factory with thousands of boxes. The company would like to contribute to the deliver the...

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MNB: The financial situation of households and companies improved in October

In October, households repayed more loans than they incurred and increased their deposits by a significant amount, and companies received less credit for the third month than savings were placed...

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Almost a thousand products from about two hundred producers bear the National Park Product trademark

Nearly a thousand products of about two hundred producers bear the National Park Product trademark, which was launched by the government in 2011 to acknowledge local products – was said...

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The Alkotás Point is celebrating its 15th anniversary

The “A” category award-winning Alkotás Point (Creation Point) is one of the few in the domestic office market where tenant extensions, expansions and rental rates are continuous for nearly 15...

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Horticulture can calculate with a 90-billion-forint funding

From the HUF 1,300-billion rural development budget HUF 90 billion will be granted to horticulture enterprises. The money can be invested in building greenhouses and cold storage facilities or in buying...

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Fornetti plans 1-million-euro development

Kecskemét-based Fornetti Kft. spent nearly EUR 8 million on production development in the last 2 years and plans to invest another EUR 1 million in a Kiskunfélegyháza project. In the last fiscal...

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The Night of Modern Factories programme was popular

More than 2,000 people participated in the The Night of Modern Factories programme on 17 November. On this evening 24 factories opened their gates to visitors, who had the chance to...

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Mogyi: sales revenue exceeds 24 billion forints

Mogyi Kft.’s caramel-coated popcorn – developed from a budget of HUF 700 million – was a great success. The product is available in more than 23 countries and its sales have...

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Cooperative builds cold storage facility in Csorna

The Hanság-Fertőmenti Fruit-Vegetable Production and Sales Cooperative built a cold storage facility in Csorna from HUF 256 million, from which HUF 150 million was a state subsidy. In the 3,000m² refrigerated...

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New FINO product range made using modern technology

This November 100-percent Hungarian-owned, Kaposvár-based FINO Group put a new product range on the market. These products contain 30 percent more milk protein and they are made using state-of-the-art ultra- and...

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Varga Winery’s expansion in Feldebrő

Varga Winery Kft. invested nearly HUF 2 billion in two years to build the wine region’s biggest winery in Feldebrő. With the development project 20 new jobs were created. So far the new...

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Next year Kométa will launch new products

Kométa 99’ Zrt. invested HUF 8 billion in development in the last 10 years. The company has recently announced: as a result of a HUF 1.3-billion investment, they will start making new...

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Frozen desserts from Nádudvari

Nádudvari Food Kft. has started selling a frozen dessert product line, called ‘Nádudvari Dumplings’. The dessert is available in six flavours: cottage cheese dumplings, plum-filled and cottage cheese-filled dumplings, hazelnut cream-filled dumplings,...

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SAP joins IAB

SAP has become a member of Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Hungary. The software company – which offers more and more marketing solutions – has joined the biggest professional organisation of the...

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End-of-year awards for Trade magazin: a two-time Business Superbrands and one-time MagyarBrands winner

Having won its second Business Superbrands prize this year, in 2017 Trade magazine won the MagyarBrands recognition too. Managing director and editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann told: ‘We are very proud of these...

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Penny Market stores won’t be open on 24 December

Penny Market stores won’t be open on 24 December so that workers will have enough time to prepare for Christmas Eve. Between 21 and 23 December Penny Market shops will be...

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SPAR reopened two stores in November

SPAR Hungary invested almost HUF 3 billion in modernising the INTERSPAR store in Tatabánya and the supermarket in Bicske. Head of communications Márk Maczelka informed that they invested HUF 2.5 billion...

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