
Hungarian honey bottle will be given an award

Award will be given to the Hungarian honey bottle on 23rd September on the Awards Ceremony of the 2009 packaging competition. The winner bottle illustrates Hungary, with hexagonal bee cells,...

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The soul of the chocolate

The Belgian chocolate brand the Côte d'Or celebrating its 125th anniversary, saluted with a special exhibition for chocolate, between 11th and 13th September. The interactive exhibition called "The chocolate soul"...

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Alimentaria 2010

Alimentaria is gaining importance outside Spain. For this reason the event has increased its budget for international promotion by 30 percent. Over 20 percent of the show’s 158,000 visitors come...

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Wine Festival in the Castle

On 9th September at 2 pm, the organisation of the Magyar Szőlő- és Borkultúra Nonprofit Ltd., the Buda Castle Festival opened its doors. From the first day, thousands of visitors...

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Hot Kitchen Cook World Cup for the second time

The Central European Finals of WACS Global Chef Challenge of Hot Kitchen Cook World Cup will the most outstanding program at this year's Hoventa exhibition. The best Dutch, German, Czech,...

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There will not be Kassa-Miskolc Expo

The management of the two cities initiated to postpone the Kassa-Miskolc EuroExpo Slovak-Hungarian exhibition and fair. Káli Sándor Mayor of Miskolc and Frantisek Knapik Mayor of Kassa agreed, that the...

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Bábolna International Farmer Days for the 25th time

This year, between 16th and 19th 2009 September, the Bábolna International Farmer Days will be held with a specialty. This will be 25th time that the Bábolna International Farmer Days...

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Lean pro day in Debrecen

American Chamber of Commerce organises Lean proffessional day 3rd September 2009 in Debrecen. At the event, the Lean management philosophy (minimize the losses), will be the main theme. The system...

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Bartender competition in Siófok

Hungary’s best bartenders were competing at the 5th Bols competition in Siófok on 29 June. Miklós Járfás won the classic category and Roland Urbán finished first in the Flair category....

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Award winning STI-displays

STI’s two display solutions won the POPAI prize in Poland. Scrabble won in the ”everyday use” category with an island type solution, while the Lübbe suitcase finished first in the...

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Hungarian wine and pálinka in Düsseldorf

This year the famous ”Die Düsseldorfer Jonges” association’s annual reception put Hungary in the limelight. On 12 May, more than 450 politicians and businessperson participated in the event in the...

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”Find your future business partners!”

– 45 Hungarian companies will present their products in Cologne on 10-14 October and 160,000 businesspersons are expected from all over the world – says Márta Kakuk, the Hungarian representative...

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Three exhibitions: In-Out-Everybody!

In – as in packaging, out – as in printing and everybody – as a possible target group: on 22-25 September printing, packaging/logistics and marketing-communication companies introduce themselves at HUNGEXPO’s...

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Trends in Germany

FachPack, a packaging trade fair is organised in Nuremberg every three years. The organisers reported the trends in Germany, which are the following: they produce 18.5 million tons of packaging,...

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Winners of the HUNGAROPACK prize Csabahús Kft. Csípős Csabai sütnivaló kolbász védőgázas fogyasztói csomagolása Dunapack Zrt. Nyíregyházi Hullámdobozgyár és Nestlé Hungária Kft. Nescafé 3 az 1-ben kínáló csomagolása Duropack-Starpack Kft....

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ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf

Europe's largest wine and distilled spirits trade fair is the ProWein in Düsseldorf. Next year more than twenty Hungarian companies are expected to exhibit similarly to this year's event. In...

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Gastro fests in the first autumn weekend

Between 4th and 6th September the SzeptEmber Fest of Népliget and the September Fest of Pestszentlőrinc in the Bókay Kert, are both waiting for the visitors with culinary and cultural...

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HÍR-es taste days in the Vajdahunyad Castle

In the organisation of Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC), the HÍR-es taste days will be held for the second time in the Vajdahunyad Castle between 29-30 August 2009. The main goal of...

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Wine Village cancelled this year

According to the communication of Wine Village Kht. because of the decision of the Budapest City Council's the succesful wine tasting summer end event will be cancelled. City Council wanted...

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Farmer-Expo will be held again between 26th and 29th August

The Farmer-Expo – which will be held in the center of the Agricultural University of Debrecen – will provide a forum for agricultural producers, domestic and foreign firms to represent...

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Forty-five Hungarian companies will take part on the Anuga food fair

Between 10-14 October mostly frozen food, organic and meat producers of Hungary will take part on the sector’s largest international professional food fair, the Anuga of Cologne. Fourteen of the...

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International Honey Fair and Beekeeper Meeting for the twenty-second time

On the 1st of August 2009 the 22nd International Honey Fair and Apiarian Meeting will be held in Jászberény again. Those who interested can hear the presentations about bee products,...

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The economic and cultural effects of Balaton Sound

According to a survey among the festival visitors of Balaton Sound, more than two-third of the visitors travelled to the site because of the event. After 2007 and 2008, the...

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Baker Festival in Komárom

Several thousand people visited the monastery-fortress of Komárom during the weekend, where the national Baker Festival took place for the seventh time. This year, the Napoleonic times was summoned by...

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Large beer and hamburger consumption on VOLT Fest

One of the biggest festival of Hungary started on Wednesday in Sopron. This year, for the 17th time acceptable prices are expecting visitors. The beer is the most favourite product...

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Intense interest displayed towards Anuga

According to Peter Grothues from the Cologne Fair, interest displayed towards this year’s Anuga to be held between 10-14. October is as intense as usual. Over 6 000 exhibitors are...

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Changing supply and demand

Michael Gerling representing the German Food Retail Union, a founder of Anuga, pointed out a number of important trends. In his opinion, intensive concentration in the European retail sector is...

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Eu’Vend Cologne: 300 exhibitors and 5,000 visitors expected

HUF 30 billion is spent by Hungarian consumers annually on food from vending machines and there are 35-40 000 machines in the country. The Eu’Vend exhibition is to be held...

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IX. Univer Business Golf Championship

The Univer Business Golf Championship celebrated its 9th birthday this year on 6. June. The event was held in the Bük Radisson Hotel and Birdland Golf Club. The majority of...

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II. TV2 cup Howard Draft Award in Tabajd

An exclusive polo cup was organized by TV2 for its leading clients for the second time this year, on 21. June in Tabajd. TV2. The patron of the event was...

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