Company and Personal News


Professionals held conflicting views regarding the new law about trade. There were both optimistic and pessimistic opinions regarding the foreseeable effects and also a lot of expectations in connection with...

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Törley Champagne is 125 years old

Törley József started champagne production in Budafok in 1882. A series of events begun on 13. January to commemorate this date, with a jubilee concert in The National Gallery. Among...

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According the Law about Commerce in effect since 1. June 2006, complaints about the abuse of market power by major market players are investigated by the Fair Trade Office (GVH)....

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Spar starting the year in Kecel

Spar Magyarország Kft. opened their first new store this year in Kecel. The supermarket is the first Spar store in the city and the 190th store opened in Hungary. The...

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MOL responding first

MOL NyRt. was the first to start selling OTC products in four of its petrol stations in January. MOL is selling fifty products like pain killers and fever reducers from...

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Nine campaigners for brand awareness

The eighth advertising campaign of the Hungarian Brands Association begun in early February. Nine well known brands like Beiersdorf, Bunge, Gyermely, Henkel, Magyar Cukor, Nestlé, P&G, Reckitt-Benckiser and Unilever are...

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Agip joining the business

Agip has submitted an application for a license to sell OTC products. They already have the required equipment and have signed contracts with suppliers. They will begin with 40-50 products,...

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Sugar with bio-gas

Magyar Cukor Zrt., has produced 150 thousand tons of sugar since December. Almost one million tons of sugar beet from more than 19 thousand hectares was used to produce this...

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All the pasta

Gyermely ZRt. has the biggest pasta factory in Hungary. They produce 25.000 tons of pasta in three shifts annually. The introduction of the JD Edwards management system by the experts...

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Campaign Marathon in dm

The Permanently Low Price campaign of dm, beginning in February, guarantees reduced prices for four months. The prices of several hundred products were reduced on 8. February and customers do...

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Being in the lead with biscuits

I.D.C. Holding based in Slovakia has a market share of 70 per cent in biscuits and muffinsand 30 per cent if other sweets are included as well. Approximately half of...

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VNU turning into The Nielsen Company

The mother company of ACNielsen has changed its name from VNU to The Nielsen Company. The aim behind this change was to put the best known brand of the group,...

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Tasks with spots

Friesland Hungária Kereskedelmi és Termelő Zrt. was established by the fusion of Nutricia Kereskedőház Rt and Nutricia Termelőház Rt. Nutricia Kereskedőház contracted ISYS-ON Informatikai Kft. to reorganise its logistic processes...

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New organisational structure for ABO Group

ABO group enterprises shall operate in divisions from 1. January 2007. The separate management of the three main profiles (grain trade, milling, fodder) will allow a diversified approach to be...

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21st. Century solutions at Gulyás

– Having an integrated IT system is essential in Hungary today. This is why we have begun completely reorganising our structures, including our IT systems – says Attila László, strategic...

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Lekkerland-Shell collaboration in 10 countries

A new agreement between Lekkerland GmbH & Co. KG and Royal Dutch Shell plc. About supplying 2500 petrol stations in 10 countries has been signed. The value of the agreement...

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Staud: small store with a big plant

What has kept the Staud family food store alive since1880 in the marketplace of a district called Ottakring in Vienna? The key to the secret is in the jam factory...

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A Reál Astra in Tass

The Opel Astra 1.4 litre car offered as a prize in the end of the year prize game organised by the retail chain Reál went to a lucky winner living...

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Having tea with IMIGe

Tea businesses often advertise their products in places where surfaces belong to IMIGe. Advertising at the point of sales is however, most frequent, as this is where customers can be...

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Wrigley: Large-scale development among sales representatives

Past 15 years’ excellent performance made possible the significant improvement that Wrigley Hungária Kft. implemented from the beginning of 2007. More than 50 sales representatives joined, trebling the number of...

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Törley Charmant doux

Törley is celebrating with consumers. The ringing sound of glasses of Törley is a sign of the special moments of life. Creative agency: Allison Advertising Media agency: Universal McCann Customer:...

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Spar concluding an exceptionally good year

SPAR Magyarország will continue its dynamic expansion in 2007, with 3 INTERSPAR hyper markets and 15 SPAR supermarkets to be opened. The company continues to lead the market in the...

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This spec­tac­u­lar com­­­mer­cial poses a pro­voca­tive ques­tion: who will come to your funer­al? The prom­ise is, the mo­re open your life is, the grander this event will be. Creative agency:...

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Twinings: 150 years

Twinings House is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. Stephen Twinings held a lecture in Budapest about the best known tea house in England and their products....

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After recov­ery, before the big deal

The his­to­ry of the enter­prise we know by the namedött a mai “Sweet Point” began in a small work­shop in a base­men­t, in1985. They grew quick­ly and became a com­pa­ny...

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Hungarian Product Grand Prix again. Products representing exceptional quality, which are also competitive by international standards and made using envronment-friendly methods or services related to such products can be nominated...

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BioFach: cosmetics coming of age

This year’s BioFach exhibition held between 15-18. February in Nurnberg, was attended by 26 Hungarian exhibitors with the help of FVM AMC Kht. More than 2000 exhibitors from 70 countries...

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Expanding co-operation

The assortment policy of Auchan will not be influenced directly by the accession of the Black Sea countries, as this is always dependent on local markets. Auchan Magyarország Kft. will...

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Attracting labour

The operations of Tesco will not be effected by the accession of the new EU states, as they do not have any stores there and do not intend to list...

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