Company and Personal News

Gyermelyi wins the Coop Rally

The Gyermelyi team won this year’s ”Coop Rally for quality food products from Hungary”, ahead of Sara Lee Hungary and the Coop Star/Tisza-Coop team. This year a record number of...

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Market research data indicate that the economic crisis did have a negative effect on the turnover of bars and restaurants. Considering that our products belong to the premium segment, we...

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Unilever on top of Dow Jones sustainability index

In the food category, Unilever has the highest sustainability index with a 81 percent performance. Twenty-two aspects were considered and in environmental protection Unilever achieved 100 percent. The company has...

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Sága „Nyerjen egy év nyugalmat!” nyereményjáték

Advertising Sága’s prize game ”Nyerjen egy év nyugalmat!” that lasts from 1 October 2009 until 11 December 2009. Agency: Hammer Advertising / média: PHD Customer: SáGa Foods Zrt. Product: Sága...

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PICK Liver patés won the Hungarian Product Grand Prix

On 2 September, the annual Hungarian Product Grand Prix was held in Parliament’s Felsőházi hall, where László Kovács, president/CEO of PICK Szeged Zrt. received this year’s grand prize for PICK’s...

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Heaven in hell

It is the end of the year, the time has come “to cast an account”. HELL Energy Magyaroszág Kft. is happy to do it, since HELL energy drink has been...

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Törley Gála wins gold medal at Mundus Vini

Törley’s Gála sec champagne won the only gold medal for Hungary at the MUNDUSvini Great International Wine Awards in Germany. In the wine competition there were 5,726 entries from 44...

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Wider range of services on Auchan’s website

Auchan Magyarország Kft.’s website ( has been revamped. Shoppers can now create their own profiles, which the system recognizes and only shows promotions in their favourite stores. It is easy...

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GfK Hungária is 20 years old

GfK Hungária was founded in 1989 by GfK’s Austrian affiliate, Fessel-GfK. Back than the company employed less than ten people, now it employs ten times more and its sales turnover...

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Wine advice from the computer

Laurel Kft.’s oenological information terminal is also called a digital sommelier. Recently two of these devices were installed in CBA stores with IBM AnyPlace Kiosk as their base, helping shoppers...

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A star is born with Tesco Express

A 400-m² Tesco Express will open in Budapest’s former Csillag store on Rákóczy Road, together with a café that intends to continue the traditions of the old Ostende café....

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New marketing director at Heineken Hungária

János Makkay replaced Cor Honkoopot in the marketing director’s seat at Heineken Hungária Zrt. János Makkay worked at Unilever for seventeen years, directing market affaires in six countries from 2007....

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Danone's products remain popular

The food giant's shares were increased by 2 percent, after the company reported on Friday: that the demand for the dairy products of the company has increased, in spite of...

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Agárdi Pálinka took everything

2009 is the year of great international recognitions in the history of Agárdi Pálinka; the Agárdi Pálinka won Distillery of the Year, the Distillator of the Year, the Best Pálinka...

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Burgers sell well

The McDonald's reported a 1.15 USD per share in the third quarter of 2009, which is higher than the 1.1 USD per share estimations of the analysts. McDonald's record of...

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Nestlé report

The Nestlé SA has announced its financial results for the first nine months of 2009. The company's turnover is 79.5 billion Swiss francs, that is a 3.8 percent revenue growth...

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Rosenthal porcelains in the new loyalty action of SPAR

In Hungary, SPAR was the first national commercial chain that launched exclusive point collecting actions, offering a number of premium products on discount prices, such as WMF cutlery, Zwilling Five...

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Self-service cashers at a Tesco in England

Tesco came up with a surprising novelty: The first store in England, where self-control, bar code based control occurs has opened; therefore there is virtually no need for cashiers. In...

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Quelle under liquidation

The rescue action for the German mail-order service did not succeed. The company's liquidation plan was announced on Monday, because there were no investors,. who would save the company. According...

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Cadbury expects revenue increase in 2009

Cadbury, parallel to the announcement of its positive third quarter results stated that: better than expected results are possible to be occured for the whole of the year. The British...

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Kapuvári Bacon Ltd. would export an annual four thousand tonnes of bacon to Russia

Soon Hungarian bacon will invade the Russian market. It is expected, that until the end of the month, the Russian veterinary audit will be completed and exports will begin to...

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People drink less Coke

Coca-Cola's profits increased by only 1 percent in the third quarter. The world's largest soft drinks manufacturer performed below the expectations of the analysts, after the consumers decreased their purchases...

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Penny Market expanding further

Penny discount chain’s new units were handed over in mid-September in Kunhegyes and on 15th October in Eger – the company's press release revealed. The expansion mood of the discount...

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Strawberry Puppy: “Profi is 20 years old!”

This year’s 20th birthday campaign of the Profi discount chain is the worthy follower of last year’s campaign, with its unique retro feeling and its clear and identifiable identity. The...

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Zsindelyes Distillery Ltd. develops

Zsindelyes Distillery Ltd. expanded its plant with automatic bottling production line and with new distilerry. The installation ceremony was held in Érpatak. As a result of the project, a new...

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The new owner will probably sell Borsodi

The London-registered CVC venture capital fund, which has already been done some transactions in Hungary will only temporarily retain its newly purchased beer portfolio including Borsod Brewery. The venture capital...

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Coca-Cola HBC Hungary Ltd. has won Figyelő’s TOP 200 Social Commitment Award

The FigyelőTop 200 Awards was held for the tenth time on 16th October 2009. On the key events of the Hungarian business social life, Coca-Cola HBC Hungary Ltd. has won...

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Henkel say farewell to Barcs

Henkel gave product donations to the city of Barcs in a more than five million HUF value. With this gesture, the company waved goodbye to the city, where operated its...

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The second Tesco Expressz opened in Csepel

On Friday, a new Tesco Express store opened in the 21st district of Budapest, under number 70 Kossuth Lajos Road. With this store, Tesco has 14 new format shops across...

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Nestlé would move the fattened children

The American branch of Nestlé also joined to the association that has more than 40 members now, whose main objectives are the reduction of the spread of childhood obesity. The...

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