Company and Personal News

Sága’s sausage offering is complete now

The restructuring phase of the Sága Foods Zrt. was successfully completed. In the first six months of the year, the company successfully completed the consolidation, first among the meat companies...

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The innovative packaging manufacturer was awarded

One of the world's lightest industrial packaging is pepared by using Hungarian waste paper. The manufacturer saves enough energy to power an entire city. The Hamburger Hungária Kft. is the...

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High quality lactose free milk by Tesco

The market for special foods has become one of the fastest growing in the UK as so many people now have a food intolerance or allergy, according to Tesco. Up...

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Cash Alt’s first cash register shipment has arrived

Cash Alt’s first online cash register shipment has arrived to Hungary from South Korea. The first 6 containers contains nearly 8,000 cash machines that are able to online data connection....

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Szabó Zsófi also took part at the FUTAFOK family charity running competition

The Campona Shopping Center organized a costume charity race on Saturday, in the scope of the 28th FUTAFOK family running competition. The amount comes from the tournament supports the Child...

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Camping cheese’s autumn campaign has started

The Camping products have been renewed last year. The product range has been continuously enriched since then. As the part of the communication with the customers, the manufacturer, the ERU...

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More than 100 people were collecting the garbage on the Community day of the Borsodi Brewery

In the spirit of the importance of social responsibility, more than 100 people collected waste from the river Hernád on October 4. The staff of the Borsodi Brewery joined their...

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The CIB Bank is the key supporter of the Food Bank

The CIB Bank Zrt. and the Hungarian Food Bank Association signed an agreement that the CIB Bank is the key supporter of the Food Bank. The co-operation of the CIB...

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New sales manager at HEINEKEN Hungária

A new sales manager directs the sales activities of HEINEKEN Hungária from 1 November. Gheorghe Andresz moves from Arad to Budapest. As a sales manager he will be responsible for...

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The Pálinka Distillery of Agárd will enter the market in two U.S. states

The marketing of the products of the Agárdi Pálinkafőzde (Pálinka Distillery of Agárd) starts from the end of October in New York and in New Jersey states – the company...

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New Executive Director at the Debreceni Csoport Húsipari Kft.

From 1 October Benedek László replaces Tőtös Zsolt in the Executive Director position of the Debreceni Csoport Húsipari Kft.. Tőtös Zsolt was appointed as the CEO of the parent company,...

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British Tesco’s joint-venture with leading Chinese grocery chain

Tesco will combine its Chinese business with that of Hong Kong-listed retailer China Resources Enterprise (CRE) to form a joint venture, it revealed in a statement. The British supermarket chain...

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Job-creating tobacco industrial investment in Debrecen

New tobacco factory will by built in Debrecen. For its 2.5 billion HUF investment, the Róna Dohányfeldolgozó Kft. won 322.5 million worth EU funding – Stefan Blattner, managing director of...

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Danone: Do Something Together for the Children!

The students and teachers of six elementary schools in Zugló are familiarizing with a new health education program in the 2013/14 school year. In the scope of the “Do Something...

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Rossmann is celebrating its 20th birthday in Hungary

On the occasion of its 20th birthday in Hungary, the Rossmann Hungary will amaze its customers with many surprises. The company’s Facebook page, that was launched in May has gathered...

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The Wonderduck Agency carries out the autumn prize winning game of the Camping brand

The Wonderduck Agency carries out the autumn prize winning game of ERU Hungaria’s Camping product family. The Wonderduck Agency won the contract in a two-round tender. The complex campaign, that...

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The poultry processing plant in Pacsa will be restarted in one and a half months

The sales of the Zalai poultry processing plant ended with a valid agreement. The Puten Invest Kft. after the signing of the contract will restart the plant in mid-November and...

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The Döbröközi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is building a new pig farm

The Döbröközi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. (Döbröközi Agricultural Plc.) is building a new pig farm for 3,600 pigs in a value of more than one billion HUF – Jakab Gábor, the technical...

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Dynamically developing domestic enterprise in the sports sector

We can find a company in the SME service sector in 2013, that has survived the economic crisis with an unbroken success and is growing rapidly. The Sportkártya tripled its...

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Intersnack compensates the effects of the public health product tax with development and exports expansion

Intersnack, which is the manufacturer of Chio Snack products compensates the effects of the public health product tax (neta) with development and exports expansion, Merkler Róbert, executive director of Intersnack...

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Family car and wellness weekend can be won at Auchan

All 19 stores of Auchan welcome the visitors during the Auchan month, which this time will be dedicated to families. Between 4 October and 7 November, a car, wellness weekend...

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Coca-Cola does not delivers high sugar content soft drinks to school canteens anymore

From Tuesday, the Hungarian network of Coca-Cola does not deliver high sugar content soft drinks to school canteens – writes. Accordinmg to the web page, the company wants to...

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Bonduelle and and theVM have signed a cooperation agreement

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) and The Bonduelle Central Europe signed a cooperation agreement on 20 September 2013 at the National Agriculture and Food Exhibition (OMÉK). Among the objectives...

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Soproni rosé from Taschner

The Taschner Sopron Wine and Champagne House markets its first Soproni rosé wine in the last days of September. The winery made rosé from Zweigelt grape variety for the first...

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Kométa: improving market positions

Prohászka Balázs CFO of the Kométa 99 Zrt. reported about improving market positions on Thursday at the company’s meeting held in Kaposvár. Prohászka Balázs, chief financial officer, who was delegated...

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The foundation stones of the Family Center and InterSpar were placed in Szekszárd

The foundation stones of the Family Center business center and InterSpar shopping center that will be built with an investment of more than four billion HUF were laid in Szekszárd...

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The new Hall of Kőröstej group’s cheese factory was handed over

The new Hall of Kőröstej group’s cheese factory was handed over on Thursday in Hajdúböszörmény. MTI photo: Czeglédi Zsolt Szijjártó Peter, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic...

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Developments in the Chocolate factory of the Happy Company Kft.

The Happy Company Kft. expands its products range and products from a nearly 230 million HUF development. The company won 90 million HUF EU fundings in the scope of the...

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The Coca-Cola Magyarország won the soft drink “Oscar”

At the beverage industry's most prestigious international event, the Wake up Your Body with Coca-Cola program of Coca-Cola Magyarország was awarded with the Innovation Award. The, eight-year-old Wake up Your...

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The local government of Gyula bought the Meat Factory of Gyula

The local government of Gyula bought the assets of the Meat Factory of Gyula (under liquidation) for 850 million HUF, as well as the trade marks of the Gyulai Sausage...

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