Company and Personal News

The Praktiker has a new owner

The Swiss-based strategic investor, the Papag AG takes over the Praktiker Építési- és Barkácspiacok Magyarország Kft., after the Praktiker in Poland – the bankruptcy trustee of the BM Praktiker International...

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HEINEKEN and Design Terminál sign strategic partnership agreement

Joris Huijsmans, general manager of Heineken Hungária Zrt. and Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy, the director of Design Terminál signed a 3-year cooperation agreement on 18 November 2014. The two companies’ objective is...

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Shoppers can pay with PayPal in Tchibo’s online store

In a press release published on 13 November Tchibo announced that customers can now pay with PayPal in the Tchibo online shop. PayPal’s popularity is on the rise in Hungary...

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The STI Group’s board camera became a Promotional Gift Award winner

Attracting new customers or enhancing customer loyalty. The range of promotional materials, application possibilities are manifold. For this reason, the WA Media Verlag Since 2002, revealed a number of innovative...

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Hungary is one of Heineken’s innovation centres

Joris Huijsmans, general manager of Heineken Hungary reckons that they proved that a traditional category such as beer can also be innovative in many ways. Ten years ago beer was...

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Coca-Cola HBC: among the best in the fight against climate change

Coca-Cola HBC group is among the best in the CDP index ranking, which evaluates the performance of companies fighting global climate change. The soft drink giant that serves 580 million...

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The CBA did not declare to buy the Tesco stores that will be closed

The CBA did not declare to buy the Tesco stores that will be closed. Fodor Attila, Director of Communications, of the CBA Kereskedelmi Kft. also told MTI on Wednesday that...

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New CEO in the lead of Tetra Pak’s Central European Group

Tetra Pak appointed a new chief executive into the lead of the Poland & Danube Group that includes Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – the Tetra Pak Magyarország...

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Tesco closes stores in the Czech Republic

The British Tesco supermarket chain closes two large stores in the Czech Republic soon. As the result of the closure of the Supermarkets in Ústí nad Labem and Prague, 102...

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The NoSalty developed a game for Maggie

NoSalty’s creative team created a unique application for Maggi called Belevalók name. In addition to fun, the game is designed to collect and learn the food recipes in a playful...

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Sole-Mizo Zrt.’s new sales system

Sole-Mizo Zrt. is one of the key players in the Hungarian dairy market, a company that never ceases to innovate, to develop a category or production technology. Life at Sole-Mizo...

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21st-century logistics and complex network building

Kerekes Kft. has been developing dynamically since its foundation in 1992. Their logistics and freight forwarding services reach every town and village in 6 counties in East Hungary. The Ebes-seated...

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Thirteen Tesco stores to be closed in Hungary

The Tesco today announced the closing of thirteen shops in Hungary – the Index wrote. The company in its communication wrote that because of the recent legislative changes the operating...

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Prime Minister’s Office : the changes in the law do not justify the steps of Tesco

According to the Prime Minister's Office, the legislative changes coming in trade do not justify Tesco’s job cuts, and behind the layoffs and store closings the parent company’s economic difficulties...

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ProgAdat’s data management system to be dressed in cloud

One of the widespread management solution of the of domestic trade, the ProgAdat ProFinance System is operating in a cloud environment as well. The businesses using the ProgAdat ProFinance System...

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New executive director at the Seed Association

From 1 January, Polgár Gábor became the executive director of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council. The specialist replaces dr. Ruthner Szabolcs, who contiues his career in Switzerland...

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A Hungarian and a Russian company are competing for the Serbian fertilizer factory

The Hungarian Nitrogénművek Zrt. and the Russian TogliattiAzot are also interested towards the fertilizer factory in Pancevo, which will be sold by the Serbian government until March – the Vecernje...

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Tesco: Hungarian store closings may start in February

From the beginning of February Tesco closes its 13 unprofitable stores in Hungary – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. During the year, other stores may be closed as well. For te...

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Dismissals at Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola's revenue fell by 14 percent inthe third quarter of 2014 compared to the same period of 2013. The company late last year was forced to warn its investors that...

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Tesco can close several Hungarian units

The Tesco supermarket chain plans to close unprofitable stores in Hungary – the Magyar Nemzet was informed by the inner circles of the multinational company. The measure, that was made...

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Tesco starts the year with store closures and discounts in Great Britain

Tesco is to close its headquarters in Cheshunt and 43 unprofitable stores as part of a drastic plan to turnaround the supermarket retailer. Dave Lewis, the new chief executive, also...

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The dairy product council and the Vitafort Zrt. have extended their cooperation agreement

The Vitafort Első Takarmánygyártó és Forgalmazó Zrt. (Vitafort First Feed Production and Distribution Company) and the Milk and Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (Tej Szakmaközi Szervezet és Terméktanács) signed a...

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We relax with drinking coffee and moving less

Sixty-seven percent of the Hungarians are realaxing by drinking coffee if only have ten minutes of free time, but if they have several hours they prefer watching TV or listening...

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The data speed of indoor mobile network will be increased with the new development of Ericsson

The Swedish Telecom giant, the Ericsson expects that the 4G smartphones will be able to download data three times faster later this year with a little help from wireless spectrum...

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Give Good!

The past few weeks were about kindness, caring and good actions as well. These good things should not end after the holidays, because they have justification in the whole year,...

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New leader in the lead of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office

Varga Mihály Minister of National Economy appointed Kállayné Csík Ildikó as the Director General of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH) from the first of January – the Ministry of...

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Murony is the home of the first Knorr Model Farm

Unilever and Knorr created their first Model Farm in Murony, in Békés County. The programme is implemented on the land of local onion farmer Imre Bodnár. The farm’s sustainability is...

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Organic products are now also made at SPAR’s own meat plant

SPAR Hungary’s REGNUM meat processing plant in Bicske, where organic products are now also made, is 10 years old. In cooperation with Virágzó TKSZ Cooperative of Nyalka, 9 different tray-packaged...

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Magazine: Laurel Retail Conference: On/Off

Laurel Group organised its Retail Conference on 12-13 November in Kecskemét. Owner-managing director István Bessenyei opened the conference by announcing that they developed a cash register system for tablet and...

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The wine sales of the Varga Winery rose by one and a half million bottles last year

The Varga Winery sold 10.6 million bottles of wines last year in Hungary, one million bottles more than in 2013. The total sales of the winery were 12 million bottles...

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