Company and Personal News

Tutti: 15 percent of the annual amount of cocoa is sold during the Easter season

The Tutti Élelmiszeripari Kft. food industrial company usually sells 15 percent of its annual cocoa turnover before Easter. It is the second most intense period of the year, after the...

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Excellent Italian roasted coffee at the OMV filling stations

In addition to the perfect service, a new coffee experience is also waiting for the motorists in the VIVA cafes at the OMV filling stations: the new Italian roasted VIVA...

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The 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award of the packaging profession was handed over

Viszkei György, Chairman of the Board of the GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt. received the “For the profession” Lifetime Achievement Award at the Annual General Meeting of the Packaging and Material...

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Bud Spencer in action again

The world-renowned actor accepted the request of the Arany Fácán beer, and gave his name to an exciting initiative. Moreover Bud Spencer welcomed the team of Arany Fácán in his...

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Vénusz Butter Magic and Vénusz With Real Butter for frying

The Vénusz Butter novelties perfectly combine the softness of the margarine with the traditional flavors of the butter. The Vénusz Vajvarázslat (Vénusz Butter Magic) thanks to its very high, 47...

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Worldwide, 40 million children will eat Diósgyőri chocolate bunnies

Nearly 2,000 tons of Easter chocolate products were produced this season at Nestlé’s hollow chocolate factory in Diósgyőr, 7 percent more than last year. Ninety percent of the products are...

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New head of communications at Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország

From March 2015 Tóth Valentin has become the Director of corporate relations and communications. at the Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. The new leader has more than fifteen years of professional...

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SPAR employees have lived with the possibility of further education

The SPAR Magyarország Kft. provided further training opportunities to its employees for one and a half year within the New Széchenyi Plan program. In the period from October 2013 to...

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The Famíliatészta won the Product of the Year Award

This year, the Vitale product family of the Famíliatészta Kft. won the”Product of the Year Award 2015″, recognition in the Healthy Pasta category. The Vitale product family of the Famíliatészta...

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Elegant kitchen expert from Australia

Catler’s new professional mixer, the KM 8011 significantly reduces the time spent on the kitchen counter. The high-performance device was born to prepare cake pastas and creams. One of the...

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The FrieslandCampina sold its plant in Debrecen

The Dutch FrieslandCampina Hungária Zrt. dairy company sold its plant in Debrecen to the Székesfehérvár-based Alföldi Tej Értékesítő és Beszerző Kft. (Plains Dairy Sales and Purchasing Ltd.) – the

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Tesco to sell some of its lands

The Tesco, Britain's biggest retailer, has started the process to sell-off land from abandoned supermarket development projects, seeking to raise cash to help to finance its recovery plan under its...

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Aldi pays attention to Greenpeace

Germany's largest department store chain decided that from 2020 terminates the sales of chemically manufactured products as the result of a Greenpeace survey carried out in 2014. The department store...

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Magazine: Quality without compromises

In the autumn of 2014 a new salt brand appeared on grocery store shelves, called 7001. The product line is advertised as ‘The salt of the Earth’ and offers high-quality,...

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Auchan is ready for the Easter rush

During Eater, the Auchan stores await the customers with fresh eggs, with more than 300 kinds of sweets, with 80 different types of ham and 18 types of scones. This...

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The Wiesbauer-Dunahús is already prepared for the future

Exactly 20 years after the foundation of the plant, the Wiesbauer-Dunahús has started to use the new plant in the autumn of 2014. With the expansion and the modernization of...

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Easter afternoon coffee break from the Nespresso

Traditionally, many foods will be laid on the Easter table: ham, eggs, biscuits and of course coffee. If our guests have already visited many places, they happen to be cautious...

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Seven wines can bear the “The Wine of the MTA 2015” title for a year

110 wines of 45 domestic wineries took part at the 6th Wine Muster, announced by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). Among them seven wines can bear the “The Wine...

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The European finals of Bocuse d'Or will be in Budapest next May

The world's most prestigious cooking competition is an excellent introduction opportunity to the Hungarian gastronomy. Image: The European finals of Bocuse d'Or 2017 will be held in the Hungarian...

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OTP to finance the KITE Zrt. with huge amounts

The OTP Bank will provide funds worth more than ten billion forints to the Nádudvar-based KITE Zrt. The bank has a 46.86 percent minority shareholding in the company –

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The Dreher Breweries expanded the storage capacity in Kőbánya

The Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt. (Dreher Breweries) handed over two new warehouses in Kőbánya. The facilities of 4,400-square-meters were implemented with a 447 million HUF investment. According to the notice, the...

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The Serbian president to market his own slivovitz brand

Tomislav Nikolic, Serbian president will market his own pálinka brand. The unique brandy bottles of the pálinkas were also created – the Serbian Blic daily wrote. The Serbian president has...

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The Tesco will create a new organizational unit

The Tesco creates a new organizational unit called Tesco Europe. In the future, the Tesco in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland will continue to operate with unified management...

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Commercial systems will be closer with cloud

It will be simpler, cheaper and more efficient for the small and medium-sized enterprises to join the commercial and administrative systems. Previously this was the privilege of only the large,...

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Olympians at the National Wine Marathon

The National Wine Marathon, which is considered to be the biggest, national community event of the year will start from Hajós on 23 May. It is planned that Vajda Attila,...

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More than five hundred pálinkas and liqueurs at the pálinka festival in Gyula

Five hundred and eleven items were entered to the 16th International Pálinka Festival, which will take place between 17 and 19 April in Gyula – Lovász Sándor main organizer informed...

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Printing, packaging and advertising decoration exhibition with 100 exhibitors on 2,000 square meters

There is a huge interest towards the PPFest that is including the PPDexpo the SignExpo the Digitalexpo and FlexPo. The PPFest will be organized between 14 – 16 April at...

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The new Kinley Bitter Lemon has arrived

The new Kinley is expanding with a new taste variety in Hungary. In addition to the Tonic Water and Ginger Ale, the Bitter Lemon will be the new taste that...

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The corrugated board markket under increasing price pressure

In the past months hardly any change occured in prices in the international market for corrugated board. However, the Hungarian corrugated market is characterized by different trends. While on the...

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One hundred percent Hungarian Finest eggs in the Tescos

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. is working exclusively together with suppliers controlled by Tesco’s own quality assurance department to ensure consistent and reliable quality for customers. As the dedicated partner of...

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