Company and Personal News

The new headquarters of DHL Express was inaugurated in the Budapest Airport Business Park

The new headquarters of the DHL Express international freight company was inaugurated at the Budapest Airport Business Park on Monday. Within a 8 billion HUF (25 million euros) greenfield investment,...

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One hundred new jobs to be created with Edelmann’s 3.15 billion HUF investment

The Edelmann Hungary Packaging Zrt., the subsidiary of the German Edelmann is investing 3.15 billion forints to expand the capacity of the production plant in Zalaegerszeg. Czirkl György, Managing Director...

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The development of the Winery of the Juhász Brothers is a measure of the success of the sector

The impressive development of the Winery of the Juhász Brothers in the Eger Wine Region shows the success of the Hungarian grape and wine sector –the Minister of Agriculture said...

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The Republic Group was awarded with two golds in London

The 100 percent Hungarian-owned fabric softener product brand, the Souldrops has an only half year of history, but it is already known worldwide. Following the largest advertising competition in America,...

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5 + 1 cool brewery jobs you have not heard about

Working in a factory might not seem to be a big challenge, but it’s different if it’s a brewery. You do not even think the surprising jobs that can be...

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McDonald’s has set new animal health expectations for the global market

McDonald’s has set new standards for animal welfare and animal health for chicken meat procurement, which is being implemented, since last year by the Hungarian supplier of the company, the...

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The network of the Palóc Nagykereskedelmi Kft. was sold

The store network of the Salgótarján-based Palóc Nagykereskedelmi Kft. was sold – Vályi Attila, the liquidator of the National Reorganization Nonprofit Ltd. told MTI on Friday. The Palóc Nagykereskedelmi Kft....

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(HU) A KAJAHU lett az év kereskedője

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The Trade magazin received a MagyarBrands Award

MagyarBrands rewards the most successful and best performing Hungarian brands for eight years now. The program only evaluates Hungarian brands that were born in Hungary, or Hungarians participated in its...

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RS Furniture Store expects a two-digit growth this year

The RS Group expects a two-digit growth, 4 billion forints revenue this year, after last year’s 3.5 billion forints. The growth of the construction industry can be clearly felt in...

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L’Oréal is successfully launching its Carbon Disclosure Project

In an attempt to reduce the impact of its activities and products on the environment, L’Oréal involves its suppliers in its environmental program, favoring sustainable and locally sourced supplies. L’Oréal...

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The isosugar plant in Tiszapüspöki was handed over

The re-engineering of Hungary has come to a milestone with the isosugar factory of the Kall Ingredients Ltd. in Tiszapüspöki – Orbán Viktor Prime Minister said on Monday in Tiszapüspöki,...

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Praktiker’s digital store develops the most dynamically

Although Praktiker has 20 business units in Hungary, its “twenty-first” store, the online store is developing the most dynamically. The webshop started its operation in spring 2009, it was completely...

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Agrokor sells several companies

Croatia’s largest privately owned company has serious financial problems. The Agrokor sells several companies, carries out reorganises in the retail sector and plans to invest in the food industry –...

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400 employees at Chio

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The manufacturing plant of Márka was handed over

Production came into its own hands. In the coming period production volume can reach up to 100 million liters per year. The production and bottling plant and logistic center of...

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The Szarvasi Mozzarella Kft. would increase its production significantly

The Szarvasi Mozzarella Kft. would built a new plant to increase its daily milk processing capacity by fifty percent. The investment may begin next year if it receives a positive...

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The Alza Czech webshop continues to expand in Hungary

The Alza Czech webshop invests 5 million euros in Hungary, and plans to become one of the top three e-merchants iy Hungary next year. According to the company’s announcement published...

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Everyone manages personal data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union was adopted last year, but companies have time until 25 May 2018 to change their data management procedures in accordance...

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Every third SME plans to recruit new workers

K&H’s SME confidence index is in the positive zone again: it is at 2 points at the moment. The expectations of medium-sized enterprises increased the most, from 4.5 points to 25...

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Nine thousand companies were deleted in the third quarter of 2017

Considering the fact that there are about 530,000 companies in Hungary, the number of deletions in the 2nd quarter was still very high. In the 3rd quarter of 2017 9,409 companies were deleted,...

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SPAR reopened three of its stores

Over 1.2 billion HUF was spent on modernizing two SPAR supermarkets in Budapest and one in Kisbér. Thanks to the renovation, the sales space of each store was completely redesigned...

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A joint research and development project was launched by Pick and the University of Szeged

With the help of EU support, a joint research and development project has been launched by Pick and the University of Szeged (SZTE), aiming to find innovative solutions to improve...

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The turnover of the dm Kft. grew by ten percent

The turnover of the dm Kft. grew by ten percent from 277 million euros to 302 million euros in Hungary in the 2016/17 marketing year – the company told MTI...

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The WPA Packaging Kft. is planning further market expansion in the region

The WPA Packaging Kft., manufacturer and distributor of packaging products is planning further market expansion in Hungary and Romania and exploring the Ukrainian opportunities. According to the information, provided by...

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McDonald’s changes its name in China

The U.S. fast food giant McDonald’s Corp is getting a name change in China – at least on paper. The company will change its registered business name to “Golden Arches...

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The Magyar Termék would join the government’s action plan

In 2018, MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. plans to actively participate in the government’s action plan aims to promoting Hungarian food products. The company, which operates the Hungarian Product (Magyar Termék)...

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Reinforced strategy, new marketing and sales directors at HEINEKEN Hungária

Heineken Hungária intends to further strengthen its position on the Hungarian beer market with a strategy based on quality and innovation and with sustainable operation, with several new leaders in...

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The SPAR provides 13th monthly salary for its staff

Among the domestic retail chains, SPAR is the only that provides the 13th monthly salary. This means additional income for nearly 13,000 workers in the pre-Christmas period. In addition, the...

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Dreher: a job fair with a mug of beer

Dreher Breweries will hold an unusual job fair on 7 November in Ankert. The future employees and inquirers can become acquainted with Hungary’s largest brewery within informal conversations, interactive case...

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