Company and Personal News

Bruce Willis in ad for HELL ENERGY

HELL ENERGY is the first Hungarian brand to advertise its products by a 1st-class Hollywood star, Bruce Willis. Since the HELL ENERGY brand stands for dynamism, strength and quality, the company...

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The Claessens Group builds a pig fattening plant in Somogy

The Hungarian-owned Claessens Group will build one of Hungary’s largest pig fattening plant in Böhönye, Somogy County with a four-billion HUF investment. Claessens Peter, one of owner of the group...

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Quality refreshment with 5300 years of history

The refreshing dream of hotels, restaurants and catering companies can be realized in Hungary with the arrival of a new mineral water. The Römerquelle finally arrives in a spectacular bottle...

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A fruit processing plant is under construction in Tornyospálka

With a nearly five billion forints investment, the Hungarian Juice Company Ltd. is building a fruit processing plant and a concentrate production plant in Tornyospálca, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The foundation stone...

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Magazine: Business risks constitute the biggest challenge for Hungarian CEOs

PwC Hungary, in partnership with the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ), asked the opinion of Hungarian CEOs and summarised the results for the seventh time. Anita Mekler, a tax...

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SPAR: record turnover and a new plant in Üllő

The SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. has built up its SPAR enjoy. convenience plant from more than 1.2 billion forints. In the premises of the company’s logistics center in Üllő, daily...

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Facebook users have chosen the new Fanta

Fanta has given Fanta brand’s future into the hands of its fans: 32,000 Facebook users have chosen the new flavor of the soft drink. From mid-March, the new sugar-free Fanta...

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QUALITY PACK is also the first in innovation!

Hungary’s first aluminum beverage box factory has started to operate in Szikszó almost a year ago and the QUALITY PACK Zrt. has already gained professional recognition in Europe with its...

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A healthy choice to buy a turkey ham for Easter!

One third of the annual domestically grown ham production is consumed at Easter: the tradition of ham consumption during Easter is increasingly extending to turkey, whose meat is a light...

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Lukáš Hájek is the new director of Laundry & Home Care

Lukáš Hájek is leading Henkel Hungary’s Laundry & Home Care branch. He is in charge of the entire segment, with brands such as Persil, Silan, Tomi, Somat and Bref....

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Investment on the frozen bakery market

One of the largest private equity companies in Central and Eastern Europe is investing into one of the biggest frozen bakery manufacturers in the Adriatic region – The Polish...

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Auchan: Easter demand switches toward quality, higher-grade products

According to Auchan’s experience, the Hungarians are careful about what to put onto the Easter table. Although the customers continue to follow the traditions, the demand has increased towards high-end...

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Members of the Halott Pénz conquered the Unicum Plum’s Limited edition

Since 2010, Unicum has been renewed every spring and the shelves have a limited edition collection in addition to the original. This year is unusual because it is the first...

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The world needs science. Science needs women

On 11 Feburary 2016, the first International Day of Women and Girls in Science, UNESCO marked women’s participation in fields that, in many countries, is dominated by men. More than...

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The Aventics Hungary Kft. achieved a significant increase in revenues last year

The Aventics Hungary Kft. in 2017 increased its revenue by nearly 16 percent and the number of its employees by more than one tenth – the Managing Director of the...

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(HU) Az MNKSZ-hez igazolt a Reál

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HEINEKEN Hungária announces a student competition

HEINEKEN Hungária is waiting ideas for the further reduction of its ecological footprint from students and college students who are committed to sustainability. The company that launches a student competition...

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Modern pig slaughter and processing plant from three billion HUF in Sárrétudvari

In its category it will be the most modern cutting and processing plant in Central Europe – the Minister of State responsible for Agricultural Rural Development announced at the foundation...

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Danone: comprehensive health protection program again

The special screening truck of Hungary’s comprehensive health protection program will start a country trip again in 2018. Danone joins to the largest national screening program as its highlighted strategic...

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(HU) Tejtermékek az Év Termékei között

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Three billion HUF investment program at Sága Foods

The poultry producer Sága Foods Zrt. the leading producer in Hungary, increased its turnover from 8.8 billion to 9.2 billion forints in 2017. With the Füstli brand, the predominant Sárvár-based...

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The most dynamically developing mineral water company is the distributor of Mizse again

In 2017, the Magyarvíz Kft. achieved more than three times of the average growth of the mineral water market in terms of the number of bottles sold. Following the expansion...

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The Pappas Auto continues to be a success

Structural changes dictated by the parent company and strategic investments greatly contributed to the significant turnover and revenue growth of the Pappas Auto Magyarország Kft. last year. Pappas Auto closed...

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Tesco is preparing for Easter with 15 million eggs

Tesco is preparing for Easter with 4 million figurative sweets, 15 million eggs and 200 tons of scones for this year’s increased demand for Easter foods. During the holiday, the...

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The Penny Market supports the Hungarian farmers with the purchase of second-class fruit and vegetable crops

“We can be loved as well” the not perfect vegetables say on the poster of Penny Market. The discount chain will soon purchase the non-standard size of vegetables and fruits...

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A new beer experience from Dreher

With Dreher’s many decades of experience, the company now launches a really special beer on the market, which is a perfect choice for those who want to try something new...

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A chocolate factory is under construction in Bátonyterenye

The Árklub Kft., the manufacturer of the Vadász products is building a chocolate factory in Bátonyterenye with a 8.3 billion HUF investment, with the support of the government. The factory...

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Tesco received a Responsible Support Trademark again

Tesco won again the Responsible Support Trademark (Felelős Támogató Védjegy) of the Hungarian Donors Forum (Magyar Adományozói Fórum). The chain won the trademark for the third time after 2013 and...

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The Tetra Pak and the Milk Product Council renewed its agreement

The Tetra Pak Hungária Zrt. and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council have renewed their cooperation agreement again. The contract was signed by Kinga Sieradzon, Managing Director of Tetra...

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Sopron may be the regional stronghold of the domestic beer production

HEINEKEN Hungária spends nearly 2 billion HUF on capacity development in Sopron. With the biggest investment in the company’s history, the Soproni Brewery will increase its production volume by 30...

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