Smurfit Kappa Launches Sustainable District Heating Project

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2022. 08. 07. 10:53

The Smurfit Kappa paper mill in Nettingsdorf, Austria, has launched a sustainable district heating project that will benefit 20,000 homes across three communities when completed.

Once fully operational, the new central heating network will provide heating to households in the neighbouring villages of Kremsdorf, Haid and Ansfelden and replace the fossil fuels previously used

The Irish packaging firm outlined that the scheme will capture excess heat generated from the Nettingsdorf paper mill to provide heating for local homes, businesses and schools. Civil works have commenced on the ambitious project with the first trenches excavated and pipes laid in June, it added.  

The central heat distribution building and equipment will be erected in the coming months and it is planned that a local elementary school and the kindergarten in Nettingsdorf will be the first premises to benefit from the scheme early next year.


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