Posts From trademagazin

The competition authority punished L`Oreal to five million

The competition authority punished L`Oreal to five million HUF, because the company could not prove the reality what was said in advertisements of three products. However, the Authority concludes that...

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Hungarian industry increased in May

The preliminary datas suggest, that industrial production increased by 13.7 percent in May, compared to the same period of last year – reports Central Statistical Office (KSH). Production volume in...

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New opportunities for small farmers

According to the Alliance for the Living Tisza Association; new opportunities came into force on the 5th of July for the small-scale producers. One of the most important amendment of...

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Zamárdi is full

According to Csákovics Gyula Mayor; Zamárdi is full for the period of the Balaton Sound Festival. Last year, the event received 94 thousand visitors in four days. Zamárdi, compared to...

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Food prices increase inflation

The rising food prices due to the floods and bad weather, increase the inflation in Hungary. According to Palócz Éva, director of Kopint – Tárki; the grain yield loss can...

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Sad onion celebration in Mako

Instead of the usual 72-hour, this year's International Onion Festival of Mako only lasts one day. There is nothing than can really be celebrated: large part of the onion crop...

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Glattfelder: Milk supply should be regulated on European level

According to Glattfelder Béla, European MP of Fidesz; the milk high-level working group's proposals do not solve the problems of the dairy farmers, and are contrary to the unified European...

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Eurozone increased in the first quarter

Eurozone’s GDP growth in first three months of 2010 is 0.2 percent quarterly and 0.6 percent in an annual level comparison, prior to the preliminary datas. According to the revised...

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Infected pigs from the Netherlands

The often illegally sold, uncontrolled imported, low priced pigs prices significantly deteriorate the situation of the domestic pig breeders. These kind of animals are easier to import from the Netherlands...

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Italian demonstrations for food security

Farmers demonstrated yesterday in northern Italy for safer food. The reason of the demonstration was the blue Mozzarella. The German imported Pseudomonas bacteria infected mozzarella cheese found by food inspectors...

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TheEuropean Union thinking about licensing camel milk imports

The milk supply may expand in the stores of the European Union Member States: the European Commission is considering the licensing of camel milk imports. "The camel milk is very...

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Focus on customer awareness

In 2009, the daily consumer goods purchased by households remained stable in nominal terms, compared to 2008, but the volume narrowed. Among the commercial channels, the supermarket channel has reached...

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The meat guild listed the industry’s difficulties in a communication

The unfavorable economic environment and the black trade hardens the situation of the meat industry the most. The sector would like to reach lower VAT, tighter market and unity. Every...

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More and more food consumed in China and Brazil

While the Americans, the British and the French are spending less on food, in China and Brazil more and more food and drinks consumed – shows a British research. According...

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After pálinka, the wine and soda and the home made beer to come

After the government announced the free fruit preparation, the wine and soda and home made beer makers feel, that they suffer unjustified discrimination. They would like to achive a reduction...

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Five percent higher-value holiday vouchers in the first half of the year

In the first half of the year, 36 billion HUF worth holiday vouchers were used, compared to the same period of last year. That is a 5 percent increase –...

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New online application is easy to calculate the ecological footprint

BASF developed an internet-based eco-efficiency barometer, which allows the user to examine the environmental impact of a particular product through combinations of several key parameters. So far, if anyone wanted...

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Russia seeks self-sufficiency in chicken breeding

A serious fall may occur in European chicken exports in a couple of years, if Russia succeeds in the development of its own chicken breeding. Consumption slightly increases in the...

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Mádi László became the President of the Hungarian Brewers Association

Mádi László former MP of Fidesz fills the presidency of the Hungarian Brewers Association – reports the association. From July 2010 Mádi László will be the president of the association,...

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Greenpeace charge against global companies

Greenpeace in its latest report condemns many global companies, because they used to buy paper products from a company, that destroys Indonesian forests. Walmart, Tesco, Carrefour, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hewlett...

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The tale of the long wiener

It was 60 years ago that a 3-year old little boy invented a tale about a king, who made such a long wiener that it fed the whole country. This...

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Balaton: attack!

BALATON ATTACK – this name does not designate a summer heavy metal festival, but an in-house initiative by Borsodi Brewery: those who do office work go out and do some...

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Margarine sales grew, average prices fell

Few food categories were able to grow in both value and volume last year, but margarine was one of them. Retail value sales were up by 4 percent in April...

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Innovations brought results on the margarine market

While a couple of years ago margarine was the victim of persecution, today the category has a healthier image and it develops steadily. Baking margarine sales data from last year...

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Modern oils in several flavours

Maresi Foodbroker Kft. distributes KRONEN maize germ cooking oil, which is rich in quality fatty acids and vitamin E. Rita Habuda Salámosy, Maresi’s managing director told that KRONEN oil is...

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The margarine market expanded despite the recession

According to GfK’s Consumer Scan, 73 percent of Hungarian households bought some kind of tub margarine and 60 percent purchased baking margarine in the first quarter of 2010 – both...

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Large packaging units sell better

Value sales of carbonated soft drinks grew in stores larger than 400 m² in the April 2009-March 2010 period; value sales fell in stores smaller than 400 m² – informs...

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Sugar-free soft drinks – now in the lower categories too

Carbonated soft drink retail sales fell last year, in terms of value and volume alike, but the decrease did not affect the different retail channels to the same extent. –...

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Pantyliner sales are the most concentrated

Sanitary napkins make up the biggest category among feminine hygiene products. According to the Nielsen Retail Index, its HUF 5 billion turnover remained stable in May 2009-April 2010, but in...

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Good opportunities in the intimate sphere

An increasing number of segments and actors appear on the intimate hygiene market. Besides traditional products such as sanitary napkins, pantyliners, incontinence pads, tampons and cotton wool the significance of...

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