Posts From trademagazin

One to be wound up, three will replace it

The first half of the year brought a wound up record among the travel and hospitality service providers. Despite this, three times as many business have been established as they...

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The hundred largest Hungarian companies

The prolonged economic crisis last year, indisposed the 100 Hungarian companies with the highest turnover and has launched an unusually high level of rearrangements in the rankings – shows the...

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A change in the usage of holiday vouchers

The holiday voucher will remain, but the government will review the usage of it – said Soltész Miklós Secretary of Social, Family and Youth Affairs. The government will examine the...

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The OKSZ does not understand the protest of the union

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) is surprised, that the Independent Trade Union of Commerce Workers objects the salaries of cashiers working in commercial areas. The union complains that the cashiers...

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Wide range of Hungarian fruit in the Tesco stores

Despite this year's bad weather, the volume of domestic fruit and vegetable supply is increasing. Although this year, domestic production declined due to bad weather, Tesco aims to offer more...

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Innovation Manager at GfK Hungária

From the 19th of July 2010 Sári Péter fills the new, Innovation Manager position at the GfK Hungária Market Research Institute. The 34-year professional who has degree in economics after...

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New CEO at Borsodi brewery

From the 1st of August 2010, Tőtös Zsolt fills the CEO position at Borsodi Brewery Zrt. The specialist is working in the FMCG sector for 20 years. He has 20...

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Several stores suspended the marketing of Visegrádi mineral water

Several supermarket chain take off Visegrádi mineral water bottles from the shelves of their stores, because the fluoride content of the product may be harmful to the children’s health. The...

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GfK: fruit juices and soft drinks market decreases

According to the datas of GfK Hungária; In the first third of 2010 the non-alcoholic cold drinks purchases of the Hungarian households declined. We purchase less from both fruit juices...

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1000 billion to the SMEs until 2014

According to Minister Fellegi Tamás; the Government's aim with the Széchenyi Plan is to send the national and EU combined resources to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) rapidly and...

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Unemployment rate decreased, compared to the first quarter

The unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2010 was 11.1 percent. This is 0.7 percentage points lower, compared to the previous quarter, but 1.5 percentage points higher than a...

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Slovak shopping tourism to restart

With the deterioration of the forint, the Slovakian buyers returned to the Hungarian stores. According to Új Szó, Slovakia's Hungarian newspaper; mainly fruit, vegetables, building materials and clothing are purchased...

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Cafeteria Card collapsed

Fewer service providers accept the vouchers of Cafeteria-Card Kft. The company do not pay the consideration of the checks to its partners and they are practically unattainable. The cafeteria-Card Ltd....

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U.S. consumer confidence decreased

The U.S. consumer confidence index in July decreased to a level has not seen since February, mainly because of the concerns for the labor market. The index decreased to 50.4...

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Zwack: distilled spirits consumption decreased

Turnover and profits decreased at Zwack Unicum Nyrt. in the first quarter of the financial year. According to the flash report of the company; gross turnover decreased by 23.1 percent...

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Aldi’s founder found dead

One of the world's richest man who revolutionized discount trading died. Theo Albrecht founded Aldi, with his brother. No one will know how Theo Albrecht actually lived. The Aldi discount...

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Tokay Péter is the successful role model

The second round of Beck’s role model-search campaign titled Different By Choice Award, has been ended. The winners are: director Tokay Péter, DJ Collins & Behnam and DJ Jutasi Tamás....

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Financial Director leaves Tesco

Dr. Antal Erzsébet Financial Director has decided, that she will leave Tesco on the 31st of August, to continue her career elsewhere. Dr. Antal Erzsébet was Tesco’s, Financial Director since...

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Contrary trends in the Hungarian economy

According to the summary of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); two opposite processes took place in the Hungarian economy in the first five months of the year: while industrial production...

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Tokaji conquers a new market

The Tokaj Trading House will begin exporting to the U.S. market on Thursday. This year 250 thousand of 2001 year Aszú wines will be marketed overseas. Kiss István CEO of...

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Ice cream distributors do not expect much from this year

According to the traders; ice cream consumption is reducing: this year's hot days may broke a record, but on an average annual consumption, it is conceivable that less ice cream...

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The European Union dislikes the free pálinka distillation

Several European Union bodies objected against the rule mitigation of the pálinka distillation in Hungary – said Piros László, Vice-President of the National Pálinka Council (PNT). According to Piros, it...

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Fewer loans are channeled to firms

According to the datas of the European Central Bank; the size of loans granted to European firms decreased by 1.9 percent in June. With the exception of the banks and...

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2 million HUF immediate assistance to flood victims from Coop

The Unió Coop Zrt. and the Coop Group offered 2 million HUF to the Miskolc-based Symbiosis Foundation to flood relief efforts. The huge amount torrential rain of May ruined the...

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The chips before big price increase

Chips are indispensable accessories of house parties, watching films. German specialists predict a high jump in the price of chips. The price of chips may increase, due to the drought...

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The yogurt sales increased Danone’s revenues

Danone’s turnover increased by more than 11 percent to 8.4 billion euros in the first half of the year. According to the Tuesday announcement of the world's largest dairy producer;...

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Russia once again accepts the American poultry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, after a seven-month ban on poultry exports, allow the poultry exports to Russia, which was previously the largest outlet of this American product. Russia originally...

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The downturn of retail continues

The retail sales volume – adjusted from the calendar effects – in the first five months of this year – also in May – both decreased by 4.7 percent, compared...

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The Company managers are fearing from newer recession

According to the survey of Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU); One-third of the surveyed 680 executives marked the newer recession as the main concern of the next half year. Fearing from...

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New York Times praises Tokaji wines

The New York Times published a three page long article over the Tokaji wines, and the Tokaj wine region on the front page of its Saturday travel annex. The number...

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