Posts From trademagazin

Hungarians do not take up loan for Christmas gifts

According to the survey of Ipsos and; half of the Hungarian population – similar to last year – will spend less than 20 thousand HUF this year on Christmas...

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Global food prices near record

According to the calculations of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); food prices are close to the historic peak of the food crisis of 2008. According to the datas...

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World trade turnover slows down, but the growth is still double-digit

World trade turnover growth significantly slowed in value in this year's third quarter – reported the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Wednesday. The import and export value grew by 18...

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The final decision: the Visegrádi mineral water is not harmful to health

The appellate court found that the amount of fluoride in the water do not exceed the 1.5 milligram per liter limit laws – reports The Metropolitan Court of Appeal...

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The young people prefer Pöttyös Túró Rudi, older people Nokia

The Brand Community Survey of B&P Braun & Partners and GfK Hungária reserched what kind of brands prefer the younger and the older age groups. Overlaps increasingly occures between the...

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The Spar does not want to stay out of the travel market

After several large retail networks, the Austrian Spar group also enters into the travel market. On the company’s online site, more than one thousand journeys are available. So far, Tesco,...

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The German consumer mood is on its three-year peak

German monthly level retail sales increased in October, that have not seen for three years. The growth exceeded all analysts' forecasts and indicates a recovery in the European Union's largest...

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GKIeNet: Hungarian web trade may increase by 30 percent

According to the research of the GKIeNET market research firm; the total turnover of the Hungarian web trade is expected to increase to 130 billion HUF this year, from last...

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Shoplifters cause billions of forints in losses

Between July 2009 and June 2010, shoplifters caused losses totalling almost 5 bln euros for German retailers, according to a study by the British Centre for Retail Research and Checkpoint...

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Lidl opens its first chocolate factory

Lidl is opening its own chocolate factory in Übach-Palenberg near Aachen, Germany, Lebensmittel Zeitung reports. According to the newspaper, Lidl is working with one of its suppliers, Ludwig Weinrich, on...

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Starbucks has opened its first cruise outlet

Starbucks has teamed up with cruise company Royal Caribbean for its first outlet on a cruise ship. The store will be staffed by trained baristas and will offer signature Starbucks...

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Baby brands are more popular than ever

Tesco and a number of other retailers are moving into the baby category with their brands. Tesco is opening a Baby World store, stocking goods for babies and toddlers. Customers...

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New marketing director at Heineken Hungária

Starting from this month, a new marketing director is in charge of Heineken HUngária's marketing communication. Bram Westenbink is coming from the Dutch side of the company, and has been...

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KSH measured a significant rise in food price inflation

The bad weather and the rise of import prices led to the intensive increase in food prices in Hungary. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); on...

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Hungarian milk consumption should be increased to 200 liters per capita in a ten-year period

The sectoral strategic program carried out at the Milk Marketing Board wants to increase milk consumption to an annual 200 liters per person in Hungary. Presently, the annual milk consumption...

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National competition to restore the reputation of pálinka

One can apply for the organization of next year’s national pálinka and törköly distilling competition, between the 1st and 31st of December 2010 – informs the press office of the...

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PwC: A positive change in the tax system

The government’s tax measures were considered positive by the experts of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) today on the tax conference of the company. The experts of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have stressed, that the...

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Quality control sign against black wine

Hungary imported more than 130 thousand hectoliters of wine last year, a large part from Italy. The biggest problem, however, is the black import. Wine communities want quality control signs....

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The dwellers of Pécs are satisfied with the EKF programs

According to a recent survey, 85 percent of the dwellers of Pécs are satisfied with the European Capital of Culture (EKF) related programs and events. This year, a significant increase...

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Élelmiszerbank and Red Cross are sponsored by Tesco, METRO and Auchan

A special charity event launched by Élelmiszerbank and Hungarian Red Cross have started their charity action in order to turn Chrismas-time into a beautiful event for those in need too....

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Djuice: the favorite of the youngsters

The djuice is Hungary’as only mobile brand, which sells its services to only the 15-26 years age group. Since its April  launch, djuice increased its popularity to sevenfold, now it...

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Auchan to launch a 3D virtual webshop soon

France-based hypermarket retailer Auchan is about to launch a 3D virtual shopping mall called Aushopping which has been developed by the company's property subsidiary, Immochan. The online shopping centre will...

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Significant improvement in consumer sentiment in the world's largest economy

In November, the U.S. consumer confidence increased to a peak have not seen for five months, which indicates the expected strengthening of the economy – told the U.S. Conference Board's...

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Thousands of pounds change hands every second in the English webstores

60 million forints per minute (ie 184 thousand pounds) were spent yesterday, by the Christmas customers on the so-called Mega Monday, in various internet stores in the United Kingdom. In...

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ProWein 2011: exhbitors' list almost fully packed

Even at this early stage ProWein 2011 is almost fully booked. From 27 to 29 March all relevant wine-growing nations of the world will once again fly their flags in...

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Károly Varga won with METRO ingredients at the Culinary World Cup in Luxemburg

METRO was the main sponsor of master chef Károly Varga and the Hungarian Culinary Association at the Luxemburg-based Culinary World Cup. Here are the results: Varga Károly: chef trade 1....

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Increasing retail sales expected in Central Europe

Acccording to the British Savills consulting firm; in the next five years, the Polish, the Czech and the Hungarian region will be the leader of  the growth and the United...

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A more efficient system launched to protect consumers and brands

A more efficient consumer protection and a more conscious consumer attitude is encouraged by a co-operation between National Consumer Protection Authority and Hungarian Association of Brands. The contract of co-operation...

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Hungary increased its attractiveness among the chains

Germany maintained its leading position as the most attractive retail market in Europe in the Middle Eastern and African region, where 41 percent of the international trading companies are planning...

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MNB expects accelerating economy and inflation

The November forecast of MNB predicts rise in consumer prices, and the acceleration of the economic growth. The expected economic growth rate is estimated at 1.1 percent by the central...

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