Posts From trademagazin

Quality-wise a new era is about to start in wine making

Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas has told that the Hungarian wine making sector is about to make great progress in terms production quality. The first signs of improvement were already...

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SuperShop loyalty programme rewarded with international award

SuperShop, the joint loyalty programme of SPAR and OMV, won the Global Award for Brand Excellence – Best Loyalty Program Award. Those companies can win the prestigious prize which offer...

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Nearly five million tonnes of wheat is expected

Based on preliminary estimates good results can be expected this year: from winter wheat 5 tonnes per hectare yield is expected – the Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Univer’s Piros Arany and Erős Pista have become Hungarikums

According to the Commission's decision, the classic food seasoning products of the Kecskemét-based, 100% Hungarian-owned Univer Product Zrt. have become Hungarikums. Molitórisz Károly CEO of Univer Product Zrt. called it...

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The SPAR Grill Mobile is on a nationwide tour

The SPAR Grill Mobile started its nationwide tour to promote grill dishes made of quality meat. The food truck began its journey in Nagykanizsa, and in the next few weeks...

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Törley has become a Hungarikum

The Törley champagne has become a Hungarikum, so the sparkling drinks of the Törley are representing outstanding natural value officially. Founded in 1882 by Törley József, the “sparkling wine factory”...

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Unilever enters the Hungarian detergent market

Unilever enters the detergent market in Hungary: the company introduces the worldwide-known Surf brand In Hungary. With its 1.5 billion euros annual turnover, the Surf is one of Unilever’s “billion...

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Two hundred thousand more children in need can get free lunches during the summer

Up to 208 thousand children can get lunch on weekdays during the summer holiday after the government made it mandatory for local authorities – the Minister of State of the...

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Rosé, Riesling and Jazz for 10 days in Veszprém

The programs of the Rosé, Riesling and Jazz Days will await the lovers of Hungarian jazz and blues as the accompanying event of the Veszprémfest for 10 days in July....

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Wine and fish feast for four days from Thursday in Balatonfüred

In addition to the culinary delicacies and musical programs, the Wine and Fish Feast in Balatonfüred also provides children programs to the visitors. The Wine and Fish Feast in Balatonfüred...

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The first agricultural machinery presentation of the Chamber of Agriculture has opened its gates

At the two-day Agricultural Machinery Show, all the precision machinery and communication tools will be showcased that are indispensable for modern plant production. The world is changing rapidly, farmers have...

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The 2016 Quality Innovation contest was announced

The European Organization for Quality’s (EOQ) Hungarian National Committee Association announced the 2016 international Quality Innovation competition in recognition of quality products and services and customer-oriented quality development – the...

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Philadelphia imposes a tax on soft drinks

Philadelphia became the first large American city to impose a tax on soft drinks in what could be a tipping point in the long-running war between health advocates and the...

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Difficult year for livestock farmers

Livestock farmers are ahead of a difficult year – the representatives of the chambers of agriculture from the Visegrád Four (V4) countries concluded at their meeting in Czajowice (Poland). These...

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Popular Hungarian strawberry

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that on the 17th week of 2016 fewer types of Hungarian-grown apples were available...

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Bath investment in Debrecen

The first phase of renovation of the bath complex in Debrecen is completed – the mayor of the town told at a press conference at the scene on Friday. According...

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Hailstorm damage compensation: new deadline

The Ministry of Agriculture originally set the 31 March 2016 deadline for applying for compensation in the Agricultural Széchenyi Card scheme. However, the ministry has given a new deadline, 30...

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A comprehensive dairy sector strategy may help

In the European-level milk crisis government help alone isn’t enough: market players need to cooperate in the medium and long term if they want to solve the problems – participants...

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Agriculture’s performance can be improved by one third

With the maximum utilisation of European Union and government subsidies, agriculture’s performance can be improved by 30 percent. Last year the value of the sector’s output reached HUF 2,400 billion...

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Magazine: Annual meeting

The general assembly of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held their annual meeting on 26 April. President László Kovács told that 2015 was an eventful and successful year. Members...

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The stores during the European Football Championship can expect increasing traffic

The stores during the European Football Championship can expect increasing traffic, not only from fan products, but also from beer and snacks considerably more are bought this time compared to...

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Nielsen: Nearly half of the Hungarians are happy to hunt for good promotions in stores

Excitement is part of the joy of shopping caused by the hunting for discount promotions. Nearly half of the Hungarian consumers (48%) is pleased to dedicate the time to get...

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MNB: card payments continued to increase in the first quarter

The expansion of electronic payments continued to increase in this year's first quarter in Hungary, mainly the increase in payment card turnover was significant – according to the summary of...

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Gyermelyi Zrt. established a new crop production center

The Gyermelyi Zrt. handed over its new crop production center on Thursday in Szomor-Somodorpuszta. The investment cost 1.6 billion HUF. “This is one of the largest agricultural investment in Hungary,...

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Hungarian wines and dishes will be presented in London

Over the weekend, on Friday and Saturday, Hungarian wines and foods, as well as the representatives of the Hungarian culture will be presented in the British capital, at the 1st...

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High-quality dairy products from the ALDI

It is especially important for ALDI Magyarország to offer high quality products that meet customer needs in any case. So it is the case in milk and dairy products. The...

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Sustainably grown vegetables have better taste

According to two thirds of the European consumers, sustainably grown vegetables – such as onions grown at the sample farm of Knorr in Hungary – have better taste – Unilever's...

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Nébih: more than 39 tons of pickles were withdrawn from circulation

The specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) withdrew more than 39 tons of pickles from circulation, after revealed several food safety deficiencies at a pickle production plant...

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Atmedia expects 200-300 percent growth

At the first press conference of Atmedia, Lukács Csaba, managing director of the company described the company's steadily successful development from 2010 to the present, and also said that this...

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Chinese are buying up Italian agricultural firms

It seems that China is serious about its economic conquest. The Chinese are buying up Italian agricultural companies – wrote. Recently it appeared on the news that the Italian...

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