Posts From trademagazin

Goldman Sach: growth in 2011

The world economy can expect another strong year of growth in 2011, according to our annual economic forecast. The United States can expect substantial acceleration in real GDP growth over...

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GfK Hungária: declining consumer confidence

The value of the Consumer Confidence Index, decreased in the last quarter of 2010, compared to the previous growth, just like the consumer expectations index, which fell by 34 points,...

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The largest CBA-outlet of Szeged closed

The largest Szeged-based CBA-outlet has just closed this week – newspaper Délmagyar has published on Thursday. The information was announced in the form of a note attached to the front...

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German newspaper opinion: the surtax do not discriminate the foreign companies

Handelsblatt has published a commentary over the surtax on Friday. According to the correspondent of the German economic and business daily; the German Minister of Economic Affairs became the servent...

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Critical situation in the pig sector

The Hungarian Association of Pig Breeders (MSSZ) told that the pig breeders are ready to demostrate, because of the critical situation of the Hungarian pig sector. The price of live...

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100 million to promote local wine culture

Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) published an open tender invitation, on the basis of the proposal of the Wine Marketing Commission (AMC), on the implementation of  “local small projects”, that are promotes...

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Tesco Hungary’s Chief Executive leaves

Per Bank will continue his work in England as a Director of Procurement – reports Magyar Nemzet. Per Bank has recently talked about plans to open 30 new stores open...

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The dioxin-contamination flooded Lower Saxony

Dioxins were not only found in chickens and eggs, but pigs were also infected with it. Due to the risk of dioxin-contamination, almost five thousand farms are being closed in...

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Euro zone’s economy increased by nearly 2 percent last year

The euro zone's economic growth declined more than estimated during the third quarter of 2010- reports Eurostat. The revised data shows that, the quarterly growth was 0.3 percent, while the...

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The revenue of Praktiker reduced

According to preliminary datas; the sales of one of Europe's largest DIY store, the Praktiker decreased by 5.9 percent – below 3.45 billion euros – last year. The fourth-quarter sales...

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Counterfeit drugs at retailers

n Nigeria, the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has carried out an operation to identify fake pharmaceutical products in retail outlets using Thermo Fisher Scientific's...

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Ted Williams Kraft commercial premiere is on

A week ago, Ted Williams was another downtrodden guy panhandling along the interstate that snakes through Columbus, Ohio. Today, he’s only the most famous dude in America. And get this:...

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Not much is known about the most popular breakfast drink

Even though two-thirds of Hungarians drink coffee on a daily basis, there are plenty of misbeliefs linked to instant coffee. Only 16 percent of those asked are aware of the...

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No uniform rules for FMCG-packaging exists in Hungary

Tere is no fixed consumer protection law for the packaging of various products, including FMCG-products: there are no requirements to indicate data like origin, producer ingredient etc., which may lead...

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Product placement will increase the revenues of TV channels

The media act allows product placement from January in a number of television programs, so – despite the fact, that the channels must warn the viewers – it will be...

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The dairy farmers received 25 billion HUF support last year

The producers of the milk sector received 15 HUF per kilogrammes support in 201 This amount is almost double of the support of 2009 – said the Ministry of Rural...

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Man of The Year: Engelbert Liegl in logistics

Every year, the logistics journal Navigátor appoints the “Man of the Year” on the Hungarian forwarding scene. In 2010, the prestigious award went to Austrian-born Engelbert Liegl. The 44-year-old managing...

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The special taxes may fail

According to experts; the taxation of the telekom sector is a clear violation of the EU laws, and problems may occur with the taxes imposed on the hypermarkets, because of...

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We explain how the new card-system at Sziget festivals work – from merchants point of view

In order to reduce queuing time at the sales pitches of this year's Sziget festivals and thus increase traffic, no cash will be accepted at the festival areas. Instead of...

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In Hungary, there are no dioxin contaminated eggs

Hungary did not receive from those import poultry meats and eggs, that were contaminated with dioxin. Holger Eichele, spokesman for the German Ministry of Agriculture told that the dioxin contaminated...

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New participant at Fashion Street

The offer range of Fashion Street expands with a new Spanish-Hungarian bistro and with a delicatessen shop. The Picanter terrace & delicatbistro – which is a delicatessen shop, a bistro...

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The sugar factory of Kaposvár operates with biogas

In the only sugar factory of the Magyar Cukor (MC), Inc. in Kaposvár such a post-fermenting department was built with EU support, that covers half of the energy demand of...

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New logo at Starbucks

One of the world's largest coffee chain the Starbucks has changed its logo, however, the green color has remained. One of the world's largest and most famous coffee chain the...

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Eurozone’s retail trade fell unexpectedly

Retail sales of the Eurozone showed a decrease unexpectedly in November. A fall occurred in both the food and non food products. The most pessimistic expectations were only about stagnation....

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New marketing leader at Neckermann

Personnel change at the marketing department of Neckermann travel agency: since Andrea Farkas is looking forward to welcome a new baby, the new marketing leader at the company is Péter...

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Price of Hunguest Hotels will be spent on agricultural investments

With the uniting of SCD Group Zrt. and Hunguest Hotels Zrt. (HH) the largest Hungarian tourism company will be set up. Tamás Leisztinger wishes to increase his agrarian-revenues by selling...

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Red Bull conquered the sports world

If someone spends nearly a billion dollars annually financing sporting events, and for the sponsorship of teams and athletes to promote its products can gain tremendous influence in the sport...

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Ipsos: consumers are optimistic in 2011

You can read the latest results of a recent Ipsos survey on the general mood of consumers here: New Years G@16[1]...

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Retail sales may accelerate this year

The Christmas season has confirmed the optimistic expectations of the traders. There were several among the big supermarket chains that reached two-digit growth during the Christmas season, but the number...

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GKI-Microsoft: improved competitiveness in Hungary

According to the joint survey of Microsoft and GKI Market Research Company; the Competitiveness Index (Vex) decreased in Romania in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the previous quarter....

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