Posts From trademagazin

Advent International to acquire Provimi Pet Food

Advent International, the global private equity firm, today announced that it has agreed to acquire Provimi Pet Food (“PPF”), a leading European manufacturer of pet food from Provimi Group, a...

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Pick Szeged wants to increase wages in spite of difficult economic situation

The leadership of Pick Szeged Ltd. have voiced their definite intention to increase wages, in spite of the demanding economic situations. Therefore, the management finds it deplorable that that the...

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Cosmetic Industry delighted with BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL DÜSSELDORF

Exhibitors and visitors to BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL DÜSSELDORF closing on Sunday were once again delighted by this leading fair for professional cosmetics. Over 100 specialist events on the four focal points...

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VHT – do not protest, but they want a controlled VAT-reduction

The Livestock and Meat Association and Productcouncil (VHT) does not agree with the protest planned for 30th March in Kossuth tér, Budapest, which is organized by the Association of Hungarian...

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The retail trade turnover repeated the performance of last year's January

This January, the turnover volume of retail stores – on the basis of the calendar-adjusted data – was similar to the January of the previous year. According to the seasonally...

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Globally, sugar prices are decreasing

While in Hungary processed sugar prices are much higher than in the surrounding countries, at the world's commodity exchanges, the price of raw sugar and white sugar is on a...

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Japanese import foods are not contaminated by radiation

According to the previous studies: Japanese foods imported into the European Union are not contaminated by radiation. ” We did not find anything ” – said Frederic Vincent, consumer protection...

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Tesco is getting more and more greener

Environmental awareness is growing at Tesco. The major aim of the British retail chain is; that until 2050 the company will have zero carbon dioxide emission. In particular, they will...

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Joint venture would help the marketing of Hungarian food and wine in Russia

The Association of Entrepreneurs' Club organizes the establishment of Hungarian-Russian joint venture, in order to help the Russian marketing of quality Hungarian food and wine. Ujhelyi Sándor, President of the...

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Gyulai pálinka was awarded with several medals

Two gold and seven silver medals were awarded to the products of Gyulai Pálinka Manufaktúra at one of the world's most prestigious culinary conference, at the World Spirits Award 2011....

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GKI-Erste: optimism vanished in February

The business expectations decreased slightly in March, after the ten year peak of February, while the consumer expectations sharply fall to the depths of last April. As a result, GKI-Erste’s...

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IMF: Global economy may increase by about four and a half percent this year and in the next year

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects global economy increase of 4.4 percent for 2010 and a somewhat stronger, 4.5 percent for 2011, which is equal to its forecast published in...

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Japanese may drain the raw materials of Eastern foods out of Europe

The Fukushima disaster has no direct effect on the turnover of the Japanese restaurants and shops, that are operating in Hungary, because they supply range is produced far from Japan...

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Shopping carts dirtier than public toilets

An American study found that shopping carts are dirtier, meaning more contaminants can be found on them than in an average public toilet. A recent study showed shocking figures about...

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12 global root trends identified by Future Value Chain 2020

1. Increased urbanisation and the rise of megacities will impact the size of stores, logistics and the supply chain. • 2. Aging population will have economic and political consequences related...

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World Spirits Award 2011 was a success

More products, more categories, more distilleries, more countries, more medals, more Spirits of the Year, more awards – and more success: this was the sum total of the WSA 2011....

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Spar Verde spring water – a more environment-friendly solution launched

SPAR Magyarország Ltd. is a responsible company when it comes to environmentally friendly solutions, therefore they launched another sustainable solution in the past few years. A new environment-friendly product is...

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Environmental consciousness program ran by Kékkúti Ásványvíz Zrt

22nd March was the International Day Of Water, and 14 thousand primary school students celebrated it with Nestlé Waters and Wet Projekt. Kékkúti Ásványvíz Ltd. organized an interactive educational day,...

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Analysts consider food VAT decrease unlikely

Although the Rural Development Ministry would decrease the VAT rate of basic foodstuffs to 5 percent, according to the analysts polled by Origo, it has small chance to happen. The...

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Beyond milk

There are great opportunities on the market of special dairy products and on the milk substitute market because at the moment few products are available, while the number of people...

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Mosonmagyaróvár-based sausage plant closed

The new owner of the Mosonmagyaróvár-based cured salami factory, Debreceni Csoport Kft, will close the plant this May, only one and a half year later after buying it from Kaiser...

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GfK: the crisis can still be felt on the market of consumer durables

In Hungary, the biggest increase occurred on the IT hardware market. The consumer electronics market was saved by the flat-panel televisions, due to the football World Cup as well as...

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Budapest will be the culinary capital of the region

Between the 3rd and 5th of June 2011, the region’s largest gastrocultural festival the Dining Guide Food Show and the Budai Gourmet Festival will be held in one time and...

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Corvin shopping center: 36 thousand people greeted the spring on the Night of Discounts

Beside the discounts of countless shops, spectacular benefit programs also attracted the visitors. The Night of Discounts of the Corvin Shopping Centre attracted lots of visitors. Programs were the Rádió1...

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METRO plans to open 110 stores in 2011

After last year’s profit increase and and dividends increase  Metro plans to open 110 stores in 2011. The company expects a 10 percent operating outcome increase in 2011, if  the...

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Where will be the center of the wine region?

Debate broke out between Sárospatak and Tokaj, over where will be the center of the Tokaj-hegyalja historic wine region. Both settlements want the ownership rights – wrote the Észak-Magyarország on...

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The top managers would like to work for Unilever

According to the recent global survey of Hay Group; the best workplaces for managers are banks, the companies of the FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) sector, as well as large...

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Tesco considering further investments in Debrecen

According to local news informations; an entrepreneur sold 70 thousand square meters of area near the highway 47 in Debrecen, where investors plan to build two commercial units. According to...

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New CEO at Tesco Hungary

Gerry Gray is the new CEO of Tesco Hungary. The expert is going to arrive to Hungary within the next few weeks, and start working in mid-April. Gerry Gray has...

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Prowein opening soon

At ProWein, the entire world of wine and spirits gets together three days long. Besides the uniquely extensive, international range of wines and spirits, ProWein also offers a comprehensive exhibitors’...

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