Posts From trademagazin

The price of raw milk may increase

According to the Milk Marketing Board; because of the raw milk price increases, the retail price of milk may increase by 5 to 10 percent of the, if the chains...

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KSH: Consumer prices rose by 3.6 percent

Consumer prices in August 2011 fell by 0.1 percent, compared to July – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Prices rose by 3.6 percent compared to last August. In a...

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The retail property market is characterized by duality

The retail property market is characterized by duality: the retail sales did not come back since the crisis, many of the tenants are in a difficult situation, but for the...

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The government recommends reverse VAT tax on agricultural products

The government has initiated a further extension of reverse VAT tax in connection with agricultural products. According to the expert of DTM RSM; the change that can eliminate the possibility...

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The biogas plant in Szarvas handed over today

The country's largest and most advanced biogas plant handed over today in Szarvas. The project costs about 4.5 billion HUF, of which 500 million came from EU funding. The facility...

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Winding up proceeding launched against AboMill

Liquidation proceedings were initiated against the Nyíregyháza-based Abo Mill Industrial Corporation. In 2008, the company reached a revenue of 14 billion HUF with one hundred million HUF profit. The company...

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The Széchenyi Rest Card system to be extended next year

From the next year, the system of the Széchenyi Rest Card will be extended – said Matolcsy György Economy Minister on Tuesday. The minister announced that the proposal for the...

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20th Farmer Expo: Rural Development Ministry to support family farms

The main purpose of the government is to support small- and middle-sized family farmer communities, hoping they would be the basis of domestic agriculture – József Ángyán, secretary of the...

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The draft law on Tourism has been completed

The draft law on tourism and hospitality has been completed. It will be discussed by the parliament this fall – announced Matolcsy György National Economy Minister on Tuesday. According to...

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Hungarian companies proved to be successful at Agromalim International Agricultural and Food Industry Fair

The trade show Agromalim – International Agricultural and Food Industry Fair took place in Arad, Romania last weekend. The frequency of the trade show is annual, with more than 10...

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More European agrar-export to Switzerland

The European Parliament, throughout its plenary meeeting in Strasbourg has accepted the development of the agreement between the EU and Switzerland about agrar-export. Switzerland is the third greatest market for...

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The rate of black trade is 30-40 percent on the Hungarian meat market

The rate of black trade is 30-40 percent on the Hungarian meat market – states Sákán Antal, President of the Hungarian Pig Breeders (MSSZ) Association in his statement. In relation...

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The producer price of agricultural products increased by twenty-five percent

According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); the producer price of agricultural products in July increased by 25 percent in annual terms. The measured price level during...

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Without government help the onion of Makó may disappear from the market

In recent years, the Makói onion-growing area decreased to 150 hectares from the former 4000 hectares, without government support this product may disappear from the market – can be read...

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GKI: Growth below 2 percent, stagnating consumption

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. the expected rate of GDP growth this year and next year will be significantly slower, only between 1.5 and 2 per...

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The Sugár-Holding heats its tomato factory with thermal water

A manufacturing plant will also be built beside Europe's largest thermal water heating tomato growning greenhouse in Tura, after the more-than-expected yields of thermal water breaks into the surface. Miszori...

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Modern cattle breeding in Hottó

Modern cattle farm was handed over on Saturday in Hottó, Zala County. The plant received 35 percent support from EU and state sources for the modernization of the 800 million...

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The operator of the Skála department stores will be liquidated

Winding-up proceedings started against the Skála Group Kft. owned by private Chinese individuals. This company took over the most of the rural Skála department stores, and transformed them to Chinese...

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Charity shop in Szeged

In Szeged's first charity shop clothes, toys and books will be sold that were given by companies and individuals. MTI Photo: Kelemen Zoltán Gergely From Hungary the charity shops, that...

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Hotel, office park and barter center will be built at the Liszt Ferenc airport

In the next 10-15 years, a 300 million euros (82.5 billion HUF) development can take place at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport, creating ten thousands new jobs. With the investment,...

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Community purchasing may increase the turnover of accomodiations

The community purchasing is the most effective marketing tool that – if used well and consciously – can significantly increase the number of guests and the hotels' reputation. Experience has...

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Twenty million visitors are expected for the European Heritage Days

Several thousands attractions and special programs of fifty countries, that can be rarely visited are waiting for the visitors at the series of events promoting cultural heritage in September. At...

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Coface country Risk Overview

The Coface country rating aims at evaluating the average credit risk of companies in a given country. The rating is based on economic, financial and political data. But it also...

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More than one ton of beverage boxes collected

Within two days, nearly 320 thousand, thus more than 1 ton of beverage boxes were collected by Italos Karton Environmentfriendly Association, within the compass of their Happy Box Days in...

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New local wine magazine in Debrecen

In order to resurrect the old wine-traditions of Debrecen, a new wine-magazine has published its first issue this September – Pál Kovács, president of the Debrecen Wine-friends' Publisher has announced...

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Minister wants HUngarian farmers to use domestic seeds

Rural Development Minister Sándor Fazekas recommended the use of local seeds to farmers in Hungary, on Saturday at the Ferenc Liszt International Airport within the compass of press conference. He...

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When the chips tax will appear in prices?

Contrary to the earlier belief the new tax appears much earlier in the prices. Those traders can even gain on the introduction of the tax, that purchased the products in...

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The foreign trade surplus increased further: the weak import reflects the lack of domestic demand

In the first seven months of the year, exports grew by 17 percent, compared with the import's growth of 14 percent. In July, the value of Hungarian export was 6.2...

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The old vine plantations forecast a decline in wine production

The current downward trend of the Hungarian wine production may continue in the forthcoming years, because the number of modern, newly planted vineyards in Hungary is low – said Varga...

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