Posts From trademagazin

In one year more than 7,500 tons of banned import foods were destroyed in Russia

More than 7,500 tons of food has been destroyed in Russia since the Kremlin's introduction of a ban on Western imports in August last year – the Russian Agricultural Supervision...

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Melon Day to be held in Ópusztaszer

A Melon Day will be held on Saturday in the National Historical Park in Ópusztaszer. The guests can taste the luscious fruit there. Kodácz Csengele, the institution's chief marketing officer...

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Romanian retail sales increased by 18 percent in the first half of the year

The volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 18 percent in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian national statistical...

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The Beer Association is looking for the beer nuts of Hungary

On the ocassion of the World Day of the Beer, the Beer Association announces a tender for restaurants, caterers to find the beer nuts of Hungary. “The project aims to...

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Accommodation and restaurants can be qualified as dog friendly officially

The accommodations restaurants and shops can be qualified as dog friendly places within an official trade mark system. Currently 120 such qualified places are operating in Hungary, but according to...

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How Not to Cook Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving birds, botched. Even if your Thanksgiving turkey comes out less than ideal, surely it can't be as bad as any birds in the video above....

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Food products were the most frequently advertised in May

In May 2016 television commercials for groceries reached the most 18-49 year old viewers, as their GRP was 30,813 points, 6 percent higher than in last May. The GRP shows...

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A call for Gundel-award

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Magazine: Our own abbey beer

Brewing company Zirc Abbey Manufacture Kft. was established in March 2015. The brewing masters aren’t monks but laic experts of the trade. Sales and marketing managers come from the Heineken...

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Analysts: retail sales growth remains in the long-term

Among other things, due the growth of real wages, the increase in employment and the strengthening of consumption, retail sales growth may remain long-lasting for the remainding part of the...

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Watermelon floods Europe

The purchase price of watermelon is low not only in Hungary, but all over Europe. There is an oversupply on the markets – the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK)...

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ALDI expands in Hungary with two new stores

ALDI also opens a store in Kecskemét, thus the supermarket chain increases the number of its stores in Hungary to 113 – ALDI told MTI on Thursday. According to the...

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FM: conscious management and control in the wine sector

The Hungarian wine sector needs conscious management and control, this could be a long-term guarantee of success – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture announced on...

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The number of employees continued to increase in the agricultural sector

The number of employees continued to increase in the agricultural sector this year; in the first three months, the sector has employed more than 211 thousand people – the Minister...

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The Hungarian Wine Route Rally visits new locations

The Hungarian Wine Route Rally this year visits smaller wineries that were previously not involved in the tour. The 21st Hungarian Wine Route Rally has 250-300 participants and will start...

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Farmers' Days in Bábolna again at the end of August

The 30 years old Farmers' Days in Bábolna opens its gates in the last day of August again. The primary theme of the exhibition will be the presentation of machinery...

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Nearly 300 exhibitors are expected to the 25th Debrecen Farmer Expo

Almost three hundred exhibitors will take part in Hungary's oldest and largest regional agricultural exhibition, the Debrecen Farmer Expo that will open on 18 August – Vaszkó László Fair Director...

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Illegal wells may become legal

A legislative change appeared recently that will legalize the illegally created wells. The legislative change was initiated by the National Agricultural Chamber and will allow the owners of the wells...

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Retail sales decreased in the EU

Eurostat announced that retail trade volume in June in the Eurozone was unchanged from the previous month, while sales decreased by 0.2 percent in the whole European Union. In a...

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Euro zone’s economic growth has accelerated

Euro zone’s economic performance increased with a slightly faster pace in July. It seems that the region got over quickly over Brexit – the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) of the...

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NAK membership registry complete

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has approximately 400,000 members, from primary producers to sole traders to family farms and food industry enterprises. This year the revenue from membership fees...

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The number of guest nights increased in Romania

In the first half of the year, the number of guest nights in Romania increased by 8.8 percent to 9.422 million at commercial accommodations, compared to the same period of...

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Winemakers allowed to use more grapes for vin de pays

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PRÉSIDENT Trappista cheesecream


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Magazin: Taste and style

Those who couldn’t watch the competition inside had the chance to follow the final on television screens outside. In this area a so-called Taste Hungary zone was set up, where...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 5.7 percent in June

The volume of retail sales in June, increased by 5.7 percent according to both the raw data and calendar effect adjusted data, compared to the same period of the previous...

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The Bakers’ Association suggests VAT rate cuts and clear market conditions

The Hungarian Bakers’ Association suggests a reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) and to create fair market conditions, in the baking industry – Septe József, president of the association told...

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Wheat beers did well in a food safety test

Wheat beers did well in the test of the food chain safety authority; 18 products were checked by the staff of the authority and no deficiencies were found – the...

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The tobacco supplier does not infringe EU competition laws

The European Commission will not initiate a procedure on the central tobacco supplier – MTI was informed from sources in Brussels. The European Commission has accepted the Hungarian Government's argument...

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NGM: retail is expanding for three years continuously

The retail sales are continuously growing for thirty-six months. In the past year, except in January, growth was 4-5 percent each month, compared to the same period of the last...

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