Posts From trademagazin

Retail transaction tax can take tens of billions

The transaction tax can take approximately the same amount in retail that the crisis tax did. The crisis tax will be eliminated this year. Although the Orbán-Cabinet has kept its...

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Eastern opening with the organization of the trading houses

Domestic and foreign banks would be in the organization of the trading houses, that would improve the development of the Eastern economic relations; the Eximbank would be the partner on...

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VM: the government supports the strengthening of producer organizations

EU's new Common Agricultural Policy and the National Rural Strategy both encourage the strengthening of  producers' cooperations and cooperatives. The VM (Ministry of Rural Development) increased the national support for...

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Nestlé spends more and more at domestic suppliers

Every year, nearly 2,000 domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) deliver goods or provide services to the Nestlé Hungária Kft.. Nearly 85 percent of the company's external suppliers are Hungarians....

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Magazine: What is it that women need? (And what do men need?)

It may be true or it may be an urban legend: tourists judge a country by the state its toilets are in. Well, they definitely don’t want to see an...

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The success of agriculture is mainly affected by the availability of EU funds

“This year’s outlooks for the Hungarian agriculture will seem to be good this year, similar to last Year’s performance. On the basis of our survey, carried out among domestic SMEs...

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Hungaria champagne received a new image

The Carbon Group Communications, the strategic brand agency of Hungaria Pezsgőpincészet (Hungaria Champagne Cellars) has started a major image update during the spring, to bring a new look to the...

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ADNS against counterfeiting

It is estimated that approximately 10 percent of the Hungarian trade turnover comes from counterfeiting, which means several hundred billion HUF loss of revenues for the budget. The damage caused...

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Bona Farm: solely Hungarian meat is used for wintersalami

Pick fulfills the inherent requirements in connection with hungaricums, so solely Hungarian meat is used for wintersalami – told Csányi Attila, CEO of  Bonafarm Zrt. to According to Csányi...

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HUNGERIT Zrt. won the “Oscar award of packaging” again

The HUNGERIT Zrt. won the largest international packaging award, the World Star Packaging Award again in 2011, this time the packaging of the Valdor Mini products won the award. The...

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Hotel Association: hotels in Budapest are cheap in a regional comparison

The performance of Budapest was good in terms of room occupacy, but despite the high hotel room occupancy, in average prices, Budapest is only on the 28th on the list...

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Golden Dove coming again

A Direkt és Interaktív Marketing Szövetség 4 év után ismét megszervezi a hazai direktkommunikációs szakma legrangosabb versenyét. A 6 kategória mellett a zsűri különdíjat is kioszt Best Mobile Solution néven....

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The sales of food-stores increased by 6 percent in value, declined by 1 percent in quantity

Food retail sales rose by 6 percent in value and decreased by 1 percent in quantity in the last six months, between December 2011 and May 2012, compared to the...

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The weak forint mitigated the decline of pork exports

Most of the pigs were transported to Slovakia and Romania in this year's first quarter. The report of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) shows that 17 percent more Hungarian pigs...

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We stand an average six minutes in queues

The members of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) conducted a Europe-wide survey about the queuing habits of the different countries. On the basis of the results of the research,...

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More and more farmers' market in the country

The number of farmers' markets is growing from week to week in Hungary, because the government simplified the opening of these kind of stores. One only need to notify the...

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Magazine: Only the smell of the sea is missing

In the previous issue of our magazine we already reported on the opening of Dock buffet by the Budaörs fish market. Owner Péter Palotás used to be a chef himself,...

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The soft drink manufacturers association keeps the restriction on energy drinks excessive

The Association of the Hungarian Soft Drink, Juice, Mineral Water Manufacturers believes that the law that limits the consumption of energy drinks by children is excessive – said Bikfalvi Istvánné,...

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Tesco gives an over 9 percent wage increase to its employees

Tesco gives an over 9 percent wage increase to its employees  in 2012 – announced the Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. According to the communication of Tesco, after the 11.8 percent minimum...

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Do you have a program for Saturday? –

Please join us on the first Saturday of July with your family for an oustanding program, the BNI Juiális business and family day! BNI, as the most well-known business networking...

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No soccer without chips

There is no soccer-season without chips: according to a fresh research by Chio Chips, Hungarian soccer-fans purchased 360 tons of chips to watch to the games in the past few...

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The Milk Interprofessional Organization does not change its previous base price forecast

The presidency of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council decided to leave unchanged its previous 86 HUF base price forecast on its last meeting – the inter-professional organization told...

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Auchan: financial transaction tax may reach 300 million HUF

On the basis of the 280 billion HUF turnover of 2011, the financial transaction tax may reach 300 million HUF at the Auchan Magyarország Kft. – said Dominique Ducoux, the...

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Hungary's largest chicken meat processing plant was handed over in Bábolna

The American-owned OSI Food Solutions handed over Hungary's largest chicken meat processing plant on Thursday in Bábolna. The plant was establish with the extension of the former factory with a...

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KSH: 63 thousand more people have jobs than a year ago

In March-May 2012, the number of employees was 3 million 849 thousand, 63 thousand more than a year earlier. The labor market position of  men and women has improved almost...

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AB InBev has spent 70 billion USD on acquisitions

The acquisition fever and consolidation can end on the global beer market, if the American-Belgian-Brazilian Anheuser-Busch InBev, will completely annex the Mexican Modelo company. The AB In-Bev already has a...

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Zwack Unicum made a conservative business plan

The Zwack Unicum Nyrt. prepared a conservative business plan due to the difficult market conditions and because of the volatile economic environment. The company tries to mitigate the effects of...

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Registered watermelon producers can expect controls

Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister ordered the full control of registered watermelon growers from June 20. The control is intended to provide that only those primary producers can sell Hungarian...

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The Loyalty Awards goes to Spar Hungary

Spar Hungary won the -Best Loyalty Programme Marketing Campaign of the Year- Award during The Loyalty Awards on 12 June 2012 in London (UK). The Loyalty Awards have been created...

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Magazine: Flavour evolution

There is no stopping in product innovation – this principle is also true for spirits, especially for vodkas and other ‘white’ distillates. Some manufacturers make the packaging more attractive –...

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