Posts From trademagazin

Demonstration for the Hungarian meat industry

The Union of Meat Industry Employees (HDSZ) organizes a nationwide demonstration in the next week. They will protest to protect the jobs in the meat industry – HDSZ told MTI...

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The market of Kolosy square was handed over in Óbuda

The Kolosy square market was re-opened in the 3rd district of Budapest – the local government informed MTI on Wednesday. The market – that kept its former tavern, inn, stables...

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The Hungarian National Tourist Office aims to increase the number of guest nights

The Hungarian National Tourist Office aims to increase the number of guest nights at commercial accommodation with 1.6 percent in 2013. Next year's marketing plan was unveiled at the professional...

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Domestic economic expectations remained pessimistic in November as well

GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects has been essentially unchanged since May. A modest increase at the beginning of the year was followed by a fall in May,...

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GfK Hungária expects more conscious gift purchasing

The experts of GfK Hungária’s Retail and Technology area expect more conscious gift purchasing this Christmas from the buyers. Properly to the trends of the previous years, increase in demand...

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NGM: retail sales are stagnating or decreasing throughout Europe

The unfavorable retail data is not only a Hungarian phenomenon, the trend is typical in many other countries and regions of Europe – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told...

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The Milk Marketing board would consult with the Ministry on the draft of the land law again

The Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization requests the Rural Development Ministry to consult again over the draft of the land law again with the Milk Marketing Board, because they are...

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K&H SME confidence index: liquidity is drying out

According to the latest K&H SME confidence index carried out among domestic SME managers, the deadline of customer accounts increases again also accompanied by worsening expectations. In parallel, the execution...

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The local government of Kapuvár opens a meat store

The local government of Kapuvár opens a meat Store, because due to the liquidation of the Kapuvár Meat Co. the closure of the company’s store caused meat supply problems in...

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U.S. “Black Friday” More customers with smaller wallet

This year, more customers were purchasing during the “Black Friday” action in the United States. However, they spent less than last year – shows the first summary, published during the...

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Bonbonetti group calculates with declining revenues

The Bonbonetti group calculates with declining revenues this year compared to last year, due to the decline of the domestic market – CEO Sánta Sándor told at a press conference...

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Having a mobile phone will access internet – maybe

More than half (55 percent) of the people use their mobile or smart phone devices at least once a week for online activities – shows the survey of Ipsos. If...

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The Mirelite Mirsa Zrt. has won the Food Ambassador of Hungary Special Award

The National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) has launched an application for those domestic micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, that have their own manufactured products and their export activities are greatly...

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Wine and feast at the Bénye Christmas Wine Fair in the Millenáris Fogadó

The winemakers of the Erdőbénye awaits everyone who have already been to the charming village of Hegyalja and of course those who would like to meet, the wines and winemakers...

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Celéebrating together: Bacardi is 150 years old!

Bacardi was celebrating its 150th birthday in Kiscelli Museum on 16th November 2012 in Budapest. Bacardi founder Don Facundo Bacardí Massó was a man of enormous vision and passion. His...

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Magazin: Vodkamerketing

Royal vodka is to get a new bottle again this spring – for the third time in this decade. What is behind this constant urge to change? Competition is the...

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Retail sales fell by 3.1 percent in September

In September, the volume of retail sales decreased by 3.1 percent, compared to last September and in the first nine months of the year it was 1.5 percent below the...

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GfK: decreasing overspending in December

In December, households are spending more on fast moving consumer goods, than in the other months of the year, but this difference is decreasing year after year – shows the...

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OKSZ: the amount of the decline in retail is worrisome

The analyst of the Savings Bank and the National Trade Association (OKSZ) calculates with an average of 1.7 to 2 percent downturn in retail for this year. According to the...

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Coop is the second in the rankings after Tesco

Relentless price competition and market restructuring taking place on the declining retail market among the retail chains – Heti Válasz writes. Earlier this year, the French Auchan took over the...

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Lidl’s supplier give their faces and names to their products

Transparency is becoming increasingly important in the saleability of products, particularly in the saleability of food products. The Hungarian Lidl stores have also recognized that if the customers can meet...

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The dm drogerie markt held an exclusive perfume meeting to its facebook fans

Twenty lucky fans of dm could take part in a special experience on a November afternoon, as the drugstore chain organized a meeting to the fragrance lovers for the second...

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Promising talents in this year's Christmas campaign of Coca-Cola

Christmas songs, that have been written to Coca-Cola campaigns are almost legendary. After the “Shake Up Christmas” of the past two years now the “Something in the Air” will carry...

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More than 90 tons of non-perishable food donations were collected by the Hungarian Food Bank Association

In the scope of the Hungarian Food Bank Association customers donated ninety-three tons of long-term food to families in need at the collection points set up in food stores. The...

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Budapest hotels performed outstandingly in October

The average price and the RevPAR index of the Budapest hotels showed an outstanding growth in October, compared to the previous year – shows the statistics of STR Global –...

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Turtle soup and goulash – a hundred thousand pounds weas paid for the menu of Titanic

One hundred thousand pounds record price was paid at a weekend auction for two lunch menus of the Titanic. A first class lunch menu from the Titanic has sold at...

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Olympos Ice Tea

Olympos is offering two new products within the compass of the fresh ice tea category, for the whole family. The new 1.5 l lemon and peach tea is a pleasant...

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Potatoe prices are increasing unstoppable

From potatoes half of the amount has grown this year. According to the estimates of the National Association of Potato Marketing Board, domestic potatoes will run out of stocks in...

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The advantages of retailers

The advantages of the small businesses are in fresh and specialty products. They have preserved their importance in small towns, providing work for hundreds of thousands of people. The small...

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Entrepreneurs seek for budgetary resources to replace cash registers

The IVSZ (IT, Telecommunications and Electronics Enterprises Association) and the KISOSZ (National Federation of Traders and Caterers) are expecting government subsidies for the building out of the cash register system...

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