Posts From trademagazin

Self-restriction in food advertising for children: also confirmed in Hungary

Eight major companies in Hungary created the platform of companies that will comply to the voluntary self-restriction of the EU pledge in the presence of Szalai Annamária, President of the...

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Coop received two professional recognitions

In a few days Coop received two professional recognitions. Hungary's oldest chain of stores received CSR Hungary Award for its corporate social responsibility, as well as awarded with Superbrands 2012...

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The “new” Hungaroring is under construction in Szikszó, near Miskolc

HELL ENERGY plans a new large-scale investment in the Borsod region. In the scope of the 6 billion HUF project a motor-sports complex will be built which will be suitable...

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A model project will be started to increase fish consumption in Hungary

President of Békés County Council Zoltán Farkas and State Secretary for Rural Development Zsolt V. Németh signed a cooperation agreement on Thursday in Békéscsaba regarding the development of a model...

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The first Lidl supermarket of Debrecen has been opened

Lidl’s 156th store in Hungary has been opened in Debrecen on 6 December under 31 Derék Street. This is the first Lidl store in Debrecen, so Somogyi Béla vice mayor...

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METRO’s private label product line consisting domestic product returns rejuvenated

The CORVINUS brand family of the METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. returns rejuvenated. The range of products featuring domestic meat products has a new modern design and will be available on the...

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Tradíció restaurant

The restaurant presents the flavours of different regions of the Carpathian Basin and traditional peasant dishes, and uses seasonal, ‘local’ ingredients, recipes are ‘old’ but food styling is modern. The...

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Tradíció restaurant

The restaurant presents the flavours of different regions of the Carpathian Basin and traditional peasant dishes, and uses seasonal, ‘local’ ingredients, recipes are ‘old’ but food styling is modern. The...

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NFC capability conquers on the mobile market

The Magyar Telekom, Telenor and  Vodafone mobile service providers have selected the devices that are recommended to the Mobile Wallet Service. The world's top ten mobile phone manufacturers, placed their...

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Wines of the past ten years from the Polgár winery

The name of the Polgár winery  has long been synonymous with the production of quality wines. The winery presented the best wines from the last ten years at a wine...

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Praktiker has become the Excellent Shop of Consumers

The Consumer Protection Association of Székesfehérvár organized the Excellent Shop of Consumers program for the 16th time. Praktiker’s store in Székesfehérvár won the award for the second time. Praktiker’s Székesfehérvár...

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An interview with André Mohr, from collects the catalogues of various merchants in one place, and offers them based on location. Each necessary information is listed: maps, open hours, coupons, special offers etc. Besides, users...

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Trade fairs from Riga to Chicago

Grüne Woche, 18-27 January 2013, Berlin: Grüne Woche was first held in 1926 and the next year will be the 78th time that this food, agriculture and gardening trade fair...

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Packforum 2012 – Food protection from farm to fork

This year’s Packforum opened its gates in Paris at the time SIAL was held and the event’s main theme was food safety. Through this topic organiser Sealed Air also called...

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This year SIAL focused on sustainability – we focused on winning a gold medal, too!

‘Food waste stops at the gates of SIAL’ was the slogan of this year’s biggest food event, held in Paris, where after 26 years Hungary won a Global SIAL d’Or...

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(HU) „Ez egy kölcsönösen előnyös együttműködés”

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Superbrands Hungary is eight years old

Independent organisation Brand Council was founded in the United Kingdom in 1995 and is present in 88 countries all over the world. It rewards those brands which achieve and sustain...

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Magazine: Interest representing organisations introduced themselves

Those working in the Hungarian catering sector protect their interests and define their vision for the future within the framework of several organisations. In the afternoon section of the conference...

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The vast majority of customers believe that consumer rights are stonger in shopping centers than in small shops

Seventy percent of the consumers believe that consumer rights are stonger in shopping centers than in small individual shops – shows the research of  Nielsen and the CP Contact Fogyasztóvédelmi...

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One-fifth less pálinka

This year, about 20 percent less home-made ​​pálinka will be brewed, because less fruit has grown due to the summer drought and spring frosts – said Mihályi László, General Secretary...

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Large decrease in the euro zone’s retail sales

The largest decrease of the past six months occurred in the retail sales of the euro zone in  October. The volume declined by an average 1.2 percent compared to September...

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The government complies on meat firms with the local governments

The government reviewed the issues on Gyulai Húskombinát and the meat plant of Kapuvár and Pápa in the scope of its Wednesday meeting and initates consultation for next Monday with...

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Hungary’s first shopping mall library opens in Eger

The first shopping mall library of Hungary opens in Eger, at the Agria Park Shopping Center on Friday. It will be the branch library of the Bródy Sándor County Public...

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Tesco can withdraw from the U.S. market

Britain's biggest retailer, supermarket Tesco, looked on course to withdraw from its struggling U.S. business Fresh & Easy as chief executive Philip Clarke on Wednesday said its presence would likely...

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KSH: Guest traffic of the Hungarian commercial accommodations rose by 9.1 percent in October

In October 6.6 percent more guest spent 9.1 percent more guest nights at commercial accommodation, than a year earlier – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday. 335 thousand...

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The wine marketing center opens on Friday in Sopron

The ForumVinorum wine marketing center opens on Friday in the downtown of Sopron. Rigler Zsolt project owner and Managing Director of the Bormarketing Műhely Nonprofit Kft. told MTI, that the...

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Cafés and shops may open in the soon moving FBI headquarters

The FBI headquarters in Washington will move from the heart of the city in a few years – The Washington Post wrote. “The FBI cannot afford to continue the status...

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The Austrian capital provides the highest quality of life

Vienna has reached the first position for the fourth time among the cities providing the highest quality of life  on Mercer’s list containing 221 ​​cities. The European cities acquired eight...

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Even more dynamism at the 25th LUXE PACK Monaco trade fair

Between 24 and 26 October the Grimaldi Forum in Monte Carlo was the home of this year’s forum for luxury packaging. LUXE PACK is held in Monaco, New York and...

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RAUCH Hungária processed record amounts of fruit in 2012

During the 2012 fruit processing season RAUCH Hungária bought and processed a record amount,nearly 150,000 tons of Hungarian fruits in its Nyírmada-based  factory. 90 percent of the processed fruits is...

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