Posts From trademagazin

What are the Japanese fond of? – Video of the day

New robot cabaret restaurant opens in Kabuchiko! We decided to check it out … sensory overload. Robots start around the 5:00 mark....

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Codes in several dimensions

Having become accustomed to the fruits of digital technology, it is hard to imagine how we had managed to live without them in the past. Retail has never been a...

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Magazine: 21st-century washing-up for professional kitchens

For a couple of years Coninvest has been selling dishwashers using salt granules for cleaning in Hungary. Granuldisk is a Swedish model that works with granules, water and a bit...

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Take a glimpes into the future!

This is the motto of the SMART SHOW that will be held in Hungary in two days. A real exhibition about the future, a place where the public can meet...

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Purchasing with a bank card would be tax free from 2014

According to the informations of, the financial sector has to pay the bank tax again next year, but it seems that the state will give up its transaction tax...

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Job-creating tobacco industrial investment in Debrecen

New tobacco factory will by built in Debrecen. For its 2.5 billion HUF investment, the Róna Dohányfeldolgozó Kft. won 322.5 million worth EU funding – Stefan Blattner, managing director of...

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Danone: Do Something Together for the Children!

The students and teachers of six elementary schools in Zugló are familiarizing with a new health education program in the 2013/14 school year. In the scope of the “Do Something...

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Rossmann is celebrating its 20th birthday in Hungary

On the occasion of its 20th birthday in Hungary, the Rossmann Hungary will amaze its customers with many surprises. The company’s Facebook page, that was launched in May has gathered...

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Lack of interest when it comes to Crown Egg Trademark

The special assembly of Hungarian Laying Stock Breeders was characterized by lack of interest on 24th September 2013, in the Darány Ignác-room of the Hungarian Rural-development Ministry. The main topic...

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The Wonderduck Agency carries out the autumn prize winning game of the Camping brand

The Wonderduck Agency carries out the autumn prize winning game of ERU Hungaria’s Camping product family. The Wonderduck Agency won the contract in a two-round tender. The complex campaign, that...

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The best brand-identity

Being confronted with the actual location, a self-serve formula is realized to best fit the product. low cost wooden boxes are constructed for service, concentrating all the consumer experience. a...

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The poultry processing plant in Pacsa will be restarted in one and a half months

The sales of the Zalai poultry processing plant ended with a valid agreement. The Puten Invest Kft. after the signing of the contract will restart the plant in mid-November and...

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Water Parade in the House of Drops

On the occasion of the 9th birthday of the Cseppek Háza Gyermek-rehabilitációs Központ (House of Drops Children's Rehabilitation Centre) the staff of the foundation organized a sportive integrated family program,...

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The Döbröközi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is building a new pig farm

The Döbröközi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. (Döbröközi Agricultural Plc.) is building a new pig farm for 3,600 pigs in a value of more than one billion HUF – Jakab Gábor, the technical...

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Dynamically developing domestic enterprise in the sports sector

We can find a company in the SME service sector in 2013, that has survived the economic crisis with an unbroken success and is growing rapidly. The Sportkártya tripled its...

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New progressive economic perspectives in the Central and Eastern European member states of EU

The objective of this report is to analyse the effects of the global financial and economic crisis on eleven Central and Eastern European (CEE11) EU member states as well as...

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Their life is the restaurant – Video of the day

Spinning Plates is a documentary about three extraordinary restaurants and the incredible people who make them what they are. A cutting-edge restaurant named the seventh-best in the world whose chef...

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They have a machine and they like to use it

Coffee’s retail sales develop in a strange fashion. Those rather narrow segments are able to expand which form part of a higher-level, premium form of coffee drinking: capsule and whole...

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GfK: consumer confidence is close to the 2010 September levels

In September 2013 all components of the GfK Hungária’s Consumer Confidence Index turned to growth, so the complex index is also higher than in the second quarter. In June, the...

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EuroShop is preparing with the most exciting trade innovations of all times

At the world muster of commercial investments, the EuroShop, 92 countries will exhibit their wares at more than one hundred thousand square meters between 16 and 20 February 2014 in...

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MNB: the number and value of credit card purchases increased in the first half of the year

In the first half of 2013, 146 million purchases occurred with domestically issued payment cards, the number of transactions were 14 percent higher, than in the same period of the...

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A significant turnover increase at award-winning products

In April 2012, based on the votes of consumers, products in 17 categories could receive the Product of the Year recognition. The GfK market research company’s Household Panel Survey compared...

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A catalog will present the Csabai Sausage

A catalog will be created for the Csabai Sausage, which became a Hungaricum a week ago. The publication was presented by Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister and Vantara Gyula, mayor...

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Intersnack compensates the effects of the public health product tax with development and exports expansion

Intersnack, which is the manufacturer of Chio Snack products compensates the effects of the public health product tax (neta) with development and exports expansion, Merkler Róbert, executive director of Intersnack...

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Family car and wellness weekend can be won at Auchan

All 19 stores of Auchan welcome the visitors during the Auchan month, which this time will be dedicated to families. Between 4 October and 7 November, a car, wellness weekend...

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Gamay is already harvested in Sopron, the main harvest begins in mid October in Tokaj-Hegyalja

Gamay grape harvest started at the end of the week in the Sopron wine region. The crop’s quality is good, but the amount is about thirty percent less than usual...

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Coca-Cola does not delivers high sugar content soft drinks to school canteens anymore

From Tuesday, the Hungarian network of Coca-Cola does not deliver high sugar content soft drinks to school canteens – writes. Accordinmg to the web page, the company wants to...

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White or red, narrow or wide

We drink the most, if white wine is filled in wide glass in our hand – the experiment of the Iowa State University shows. The researchers of the university requested...

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Stable market shares for various store types

Retail sales of coffee were worth HUF 34 billion between December 2012 and July 2013. Value sales plummeted by 3 percent and volume sales fell by 4 percent – reported...

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Even breweries are building hotels for their visitors

Here at Dogfish Head, we have places to eat, places to drink and places to play. The missing link? A place to stay. We're fixin' to change that. In late...

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