Posts From trademagazin

The final 50 KitKats – Video of the day

KIT KAT White Final Fifty was a limited set of chocolate bar, which is not being produced anylonger. We liked it, nevertheless....

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The central bank offers loans to small-scale agricultural producers, too

From 1 January the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) offers loans to a wide range of small-scale agricultural producers and family farms as part of its Loans for Growth (NHP)...

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The standard of the education


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More and more people are looking for Hungarian food domestically

More and more people are looking for Hungarian food domestically; more than three million consumers only willing to buy Hungarian food – Fazekas Sándor, Minister for Rural Development said on...

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The consumption of households may expand

Low inflation helps the growth of real wages so the consumption of households may grow – according to analysts polled by MTI. The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) stated that...

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New trade mark guarantees the quality of the Hungarian pork

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) and the Livestock and Meat Marketing Board and Interprofessional Organisation (VHT), will introduce a new trademark to guarantee the quality of the Hungarian pork...

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KSH: the growth of earnings accelerated in January

The gross average earnings rose by 6.0 percent in January in the national economy after the 1.6 percent increase of December, calculated without public employment. In the private sector, wage...

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The world price of cocoa is expected to increase

Within a year, the world price of cocoa beans can increase by nearly 40 percent, due to the drier than average Central African weather. And due to the supply lagging...

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The development of the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region has begun

The Tokaj-Hegyalja Wine Region Development Program was launched in the historic wine region, to develop the settlements of the area, that is part of the World Heritage. To implement the...

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There will not be protective measures against European wines in China

The negotiations have been concluded between the representatives of the Chinese and the European wine industry. China finishes its dumping and anti-subsidy investigation on the European wines, which was launched...

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More than two thousand visitors at the Macaron Day

Extremely high interest surrounded the Macaron Day, held on 20 March. The event was held in the Bálna Budapest (Whale Budapest) thanks to the support of the GDF SUEZ. The...

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The school canteen selling the most Hungarian products won a fruit juicer

The school canteen “Selling the most kind of Hungarian products won a powerful juicer machine worth 150 thousand HUF. The winner of the competition became the Primary School and High...

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An invitation to Trade Star Festival 2014 competition

The Excellent Student of the Trade competition, launched by MKIK will take place from 14th to 15th April, at the G and F building of Hungexpo in Budapest. You can...

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The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2014

In 2013 the improvement in the economy was relative, temporary and apparent. Although GDP grew by 1.1 per cent, it did not reach its 2011 level. The improvement was mainly...

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Tens of thousands of chickens have been slaughtered due to bird flu infection in Guangzhou

More than 80 thousand chickens have been slaughtered in Zhuhai in south China's Canton province, because H7N9 bird flu sub-types were detected in some poultry – the Chinese media reported....

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Czech Republic: many are afraid grocery prices will rise

If we check what the latest consumer index is in Hungary, in the neighbouring countries (with the exception of Austria) and in Poland and the Czech Republic, what we see...

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We do not want this sign!


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Marketing Fórum: The PIN code of the world is 1113

With the steady demise of the old world of mass-markets, standardisation, security and stability, Kjell Nordstrom looks at how corporate complacency has given way to insecurity and fear. He sees...

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Magazine: On the threshold of successful years II.

What is the first thing on your mind in the morning? Saying hello to God. How much do you work a day? Minimum 10 hours. Where would you like to...

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Forum for reducing food waste

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) with the co-operation of the Hungarian Food Bank Association launches a forum in order to reduce food wastage and losses – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy...

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Thirty thousand tons of grain storage was built at the Gyermelyi Zrt.

The construction of the 32,000-ton grain storage and treatment facility, is completed at the Gyermelyi Zrt., dealing with pasta production. Thanks to the new facility, the company can store 100...

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Hell of rare bottled rock 'n' roll relics

This year, hell from heaven comes, but there will be no devil or brimstones. The Rézangyal bottled the rock'n'roll again next to the four Tankcsapda pálinkas. Now a fifth taste...

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The Chamber of Agriculture and the AVHGA signed a cooperation agreement

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) and the Ago-Business Credit Guarantee Foundation (AVHGA) signed a cooperation agreement on Wednesday in Budapest, to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector...

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Four pálinkas from Tarpa became medalist at the competition of fruit spirits

Four pálinkas from Tarpa became medalist at the World Spirits Award 2014 competition of fruit spirits in Klagenfurt – the managing director of the Tarpai Manufaktúra Kft. told MTI on...

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The Balatoni Kör wants a culinary revolution

The Balatoni Kör would llike to achieve a “gastronomic revolution” by promoting local products and initiatives and with greater collaboration on the shores of the Lake Balaton. Váli Péter winemaker,...

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The “Szövi” store was renewed in Csömör

The Gödöllő COOP Zrt. has re-opened its renewed store in Csömör. The store nicknamed “Szövi” was opened its doors to the public on 14 March, again. After 1.5 months of...

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Charity will take place at this year's Macaron Day

The Macaron Day, which is developed around the cult dessert will be organized for the third time on Thursday in Budapest. In the scope of the event this year a...

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The tax authority would like to see the datas of accountants online

The tax and customs authority (NAV) would like to see the system of the accountants as well – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. The tax authority wants similar controls, that they...

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The celebrity chef failed the sanitary test

Its $310 tasting menu makes Per Se one of New York City's most expensive restaurants, but its C grade from health inspectors puts it near the bottom of the heap...

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