Posts From trademagazin

A decline in the EU's retail sales

The retail sales in the European Union reduced on a monthly basis in September, but increased on an annual basis. According to the seasonally adjusted data the volume of retail...

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That is how the Hungarians drink wine

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) carried out a survey on the wine consumption habits of the Hungarian population. The survey was also broascasted by the InfoRadió. 65.5 percent of...

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MNB: sustainable growth rate of the economy can be around 2.5 percent

The growth rate of the Hungarian economy will be around 2.5 percent, which means an annual 1 percent catch-up rate – Virág Barnabás, director of the National Bank of Hungary...

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The Hungarian Government and the Kőröstej Group signed a strategic agreement

The Hungarian Government signed cooperation agreement Strategic with the Hungarian owned Kőröstej Group (Kőrös Dairy Group). Photo: MTI, Koszticsák Szilárd The mainthemes of the cooperation are production development, innovation, research...

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The First Night Market of Budapest

The First Night Market of Budapest awaits its domestic and foreign visitors every Thursdays between 1 pm and 9 pm since October 30, with producer and artisan products, who can...

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The growth of retail sales accelerated in the Czech Republic

The growth of retail sales accelerated in the Czech RepublicI n September on an annual level growth was 6.2 percent, compared to teh 2.7 percent of August. The rate of...

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New Wines, concerts, at the St. Martin day in Szekszárd

Concerts, new wines, local products and daily menues are waiting for the visitors of the St. Martin day in Szekszárd on Saturday, while the Gemenci forestry invites the nature lovers...

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Doyen of pizzaboys – Video of the day

Bill's fifty-two years old, has a mountain man beard, and delivers pizza on a fixie in Brooklyn. Over the course of several shifts, DELIVERY unveils an intriguing man rushing food...

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Denver's Corvus Coffee

Cold coffee is suddenly hot. Not sat-in-the-pot-all-day cold coffee, but purposefully cold-brewed coffee. And now Denver's Corvus Coffee is taking it up a notch — bringing beer lovers and coffee...

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Farmers learn marketing

In September the Rich Farmer Roadshow started, the goal of which was to educate agricultural businesses about selling online and agricultural marketing. The conferences were organised by in Hajdúböszörmény,...

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Experts: the outstanding retail sales are due to the expansion of household consumption

The higher retail sales in September are due to the stronger than expected expanding private consumption – market experts told MTI. According to the Wednesday report of the Central Statistics...

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Magazine: What is in our hands? I.

Hungary’s catering and hospitality sector has been getting to know finger food for 15 years to Csaba Mossóczy, country manager with McCain Foods, one of Europe’s biggest finger food producers,...

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GfK: a further increase in the gap in the domestic purchasing power

Major realignment did not happen in the past year, but the gap in the purchasing power of people living in the richest and the poorest communities in Hungary has increased...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 4.5 percent in September

In September, the annual growth rate of retail sales accelerated to 4.5 percent from the 2.5 percent rate of August, according to calendar adjusted data. The unadjusted index indicates an...

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FM: apple consumption should be encouraged because of the good harvest

Much more than usual apples have grown in the country this year, so public consumption should be encouraged – Nagy István, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM),...

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A new method: the customer can pick up the eggs

Several large supermarket chains are considering to introduce bulk egg sales in Hungary – the wrote. The new method is that the buyers themselves choose the eggs they wanrt...

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The lavatory at the workplace is the private space of workers

The Global SCA’s Research put work hygiene into a new light. The lavatories at the workplaces often serve as the private space of workers. The research has shown that employees...

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The bluetongue disease is affecting fourteen counties

Fourteen counties are affected by the bluetongue disease. Restrictive measures had to be introduced because of the illness on two-thirds of the country – Földi Zsolt, chief technical adviser of...

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A state-owned company carries out the research tasks of the Tokaj wine region

A state-owned company will carry out the wine-growing and wine-making research tasks of the Tokaj wine region – this government decision on the matter appeared in the Official Gazette on...

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Russia suspended the imports of European beef products

Russia suspended the imports of beef products of ten European countries on Wednesday – the Moscow Times news portal reported citing a notification published in the Russian federal consumer protection...

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Forty-five thousand packs of cigarettes were seized near the Ukrainian border

Thirty-three million forints worth cigarettes were found in the outskirts of Tarpa by finance officers – the press officer of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told...

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They conquered consumers’ hearts, minds and wallets

At Nielsen USA’s Consumers 360 event for partners in June two experts were talking about how they use the great deal of information for better business results in their everyday...

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Exciting Y-men

Members of the so-called ‘Generation Y’ now make up one of the most desired consumer segments. They are loyal, influential and like to share their opinion. However, their consumer behaviour...

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Magazine: Health in focus

Nestlé Hungária Kft. and Gasztro Terni Kft. organised their partner event on 18 September in Pécs. Gergely Bálint, head of the Nestlé Professional division welcomed the nearly 500 participants, and...

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According to the OKSZ, the measure can cause 15-20 thousand dismissals

There are strong arguments in favor of keeping the stores closed on Sunday, but it should be considered that such measure would cause 15-20 thousand dismissals – the Secretary-General of...

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An Internet active family will spend up to 50,000 HUF on Christmas presents

The active Internet users plan to spend an average 33,000 HUF this year on Christmas gifts. In case of a family of 4 – if we take the common relatives...

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The Internet tax proposal to be withdrawn on Wednesday and the duties on cafeteria may remain unchanged under 200 thousand HUF

The Fidesz proposes that the tax level on cafeteria not to be changed under 200 thousand – Rogán Antal said on Tuesday in Budapest, after the Fidesz faction meeting, which...

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Atradius: A bankruptcy wave threatens the transportation sector

This year a record number of liquidation and forced cancellation proceedings were initated against the freight forwarding companies in Hungary – the latest analysis of Atradius Credit Insurance company reveals....

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