Posts From trademagazin

The increase of freshwater fish production can be a break out point

The fish stocks of the European seas are depleted, Europe will soon look for new sources and Hungary has excellent features in freshwater fish production – Bitay Márton, Minister of...

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The Hortobágyi Lúdtenyésztő Zrt. established a joint venture in Russia

The Hortobágyi Lúdtenyésztő Zrt. goose breeding company established a joint venture in Russia. The leaders of the Hungarian company and the Kazan-based Ekoferma Zvenyigovo signed the agreement on Tuesday in...

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The DEFI Group and the Branded Cities Network carried out a global outdoor advertising sales agreement

The Branded Cities Network (BCN) and DEFI Group (DEFI) have entered into a selling agreement whereby each company will market and sell advertising to advertisers in a manner that complements...

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Pentecost Castle games in Hollókő

One of the largest castle games of the recent years in Hollókő will take the visitors back to the Middle Ages, when infantrymen will inhabited the castle and the village....

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Hotel Association: the hotels in Budapest have pulled the national hotel performance upwards

In the first-quarter, the hotels in Budapest have pulled the national hotel performance in the first quarter: the number of guest nights increased by 7.5 percent nationwide and rose by...

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The Nébih launches a nationwide seasonal controlling action

The National Food Chain Safety Office launches a nationwide inspection, before the start of the summer season – Zoltai Anna Head of Nébih’s hospitality and catering supervisor told M1 news...

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More than 200 billion HUF on tourism development

The government will spend more than 200 billion HUF on tourism development in the next five years – Csepreghy Nándor Deputy Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office told...

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The baths may receive up to one billion HUF

After the dissolution of the European Union’s tendering opportunities, the baths will be given development fundings for investments from domestic sources – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Chef groups in public catering can sign up until 30th September

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Buy and get healthy!

On 11 March there was a special press event in the health centre built on the second floor of the Príma Gourmet House in Pesthidegkút: the launch of CBA’s new...

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Magazine: Gold chains

Technomic recently published its USA Top 500 Restaurant Chains 2015 study. In 2014 the combined turnover of the top 500 chains was USD 274 billion in the USA only. From...

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Nielsen: growing consumer confidence in Hungary

Hungary belongs to the fifteen European countries where the consumer confidence index rose in the first quarter to 57 points, from the 54 points of last year's fourth quarter –...

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The reduction of bank tax is necessary to the expansion of lending

The government adheres the signed cooperation agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). According to the recent report of the EBRD, the image of the Hungarian economy...

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The self-control on food advertising aimed at children is effective

The latest report shows that the EU Pledge (voluntary commitments of the food companies regarding food advertising aimed at children) has reached significant progress in 2014 in Hungary. The Hungarian...

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Atradius: Hungarian companies are crediting to each other but pay on time

The Hungarian enterprises are using the deferred payment in the Central Eastern European region the most, however the payment deadlines have become tighter and the rate of paid bills also...

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The beekeepers are living from acacia honey

We need to shift the attacks against the Hungarian acacia, because the Hungarian beekeepers are living from acacia honey – the president of the Hungarian Beekeepers Association told the M1...

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SPAR collected twenty tons of clothing

The SPAR joined to the permanent national retail clothing collection action of the SZÜMA Kft. 10 years ago. Within the action, clothing bins were placed at 125 SPAR stores. So...

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The Famíliatészta received an AA certificate

The Famíliatészta Kft. received the AA certificate of the Bisnode international company rating firm. In Hungary only 1.75 percent of the companies have AA certificate. The Mezőberény-based company has always...

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National Wine Competition will be held under the Hungarian Wine Muster name

The Hungarian Wine Muster (Magyar Bormustra) aims to become the most important wine competition of Hungary. It was previously known as the National Wine Competition (Országos Borverseny). The National Council...

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GfK: the market of technical products grew by 11.1 percent in the first quarter

The Durable & Electronics sales increased by 11.1 percent in the first quarter of 2015, compared to the same period of the previous year. The growth was mainly driven by...

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The decline in prices has stopped in the European Union

The decline in consumer prices stopped in the European Union in April. The annual inflation rate was zero percent – Eurostat announced on Tuesday. According to the data of the...

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Weak first quarter for Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, posted first-quarter earnings that missed analysts’ estimates after U.S. sales grew more slowly than projected and currency fluctuations ate into profit. The retail...

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Every year one million tons of food products are thrown out in Austria

Every year one million tons of food products are thrown into the trash in Austria – according to a study presented on Monday in Linz. The study was made by...

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Mixed flavours are flying high

There are added vitamins in these low-calorie products, which offer a fruit-vegetable taste. At and on the SIÓ Facebook page the company continues its loyalty programme. New packaging designs...

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Magazine: Hungarian wines had their own tasting zone at ProWein

This year the ProWein Trade Fair for Wines and Spirits was held between 15 and 17 March in Düsseldorf for the 22nd time. Tamás Tornai, the president of the National...

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Sunday opening may be easier

Within weeks, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) may change the decree which lists the specific qualifications required for the sale of products – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. If certain...

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The Book of Red Wine Excellences has been published

Five hundred and eighty items were included into the Book of Red Wine Excellences in 2015. In the book, published by the Ministry of Agriculture the red wines of Szekszárd...

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The Nébih seized 9 tons of potatoes

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized 9 tons of edible potatoes sold as seed potatoes during the spring checks -the Nébih told MTI on Monday. The Nébih drew...

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An exhibition presenting Hungarian products was opened in Yemen

The world-class Hungarian products and services need to be introduced in a concentrated way – Magyar Levente, Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs told...

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