Posts From trademagazin

95 percent recycling in the Lidl stores

As an innovative and responsible company, the Lidl Magyarország has modernized the procedure for waste management in 79 out of its 164 stores. As the result of the network-wide environmental...

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The HELL boosts the body with more vitamin from the winter

As the gloomy autumn-winter period approaches, there is an even greater need for extra vitamin sources, therefore the HELL puts its ENERGY Multivitamin energy drink into focus where in addition...

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Beer Market acquisition: AB InBev agreed with SABMiller

Anheuser-Busch InBev has agreed to buy its main rival SABMiller for £68 billion ($104 billion), creating a super brewery with sales of $55 billion. The combined firm will be the...

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Hungary would increase its trade with Latin America

Hungary is ranked 23rd among the European Union member states in terms of the South American trade. Bus Szilveszter, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and...

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The Nébih warns of the dangers of wild mushrooms

It is important to ask for professional inspector examination of wild mushrooms, before consumption, both for the operators of catering unit and for hikers and mushroom collectors – the National...

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New headquarters for SEFAG

Kaposvár-centred forest management company SEFAG invested HUF 550 million in modernising its central office. For instance a 15-unit, soil-probe heat pump was installed for heating and cooling purposes. Employees of...

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Hungary has the chance to become an innovation centre

State secretary for economic regulation (Ministry for National Economy) Béla Glattfelder told that through the use of European Union funding, Hungary has an excellent chance to become a centre of...

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Alpha-Vet’s 400-million-forint development project

Alpha-Vet Kft. invests HUF 400 million in building a factory where they are going to manufacture a solution that increases plants’ desiccation tolerance and makes them stronger, giving higher yield...

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That's the way the best Chicago-based restaurants dine – Video of the day

Earlier last month, Alinea chef Mike Bagale and his team brought their culinary mastery to New York, giving diners a one-of-a-kind experience at Chefs Club. The 17 course menu features...

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Sole-Mizo improves curd and whey drink production

Sole-Mizo Zrt. has used European Union funding for modernising its curd and whey drink production. From the HUF 1.8-billion project HUF 845 million was financed by the EU. The company’s...

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Magazine: Useful website for Hungarian enterprises, organisations and institutions

In the 2014-2020 programming period the Hungarian Development Centre (MFK) does information providing and coordinating work related to direct funding opportunities offered by the European Union outside the framework of...

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A unified system for the dairy sector

The Agrár Klub that includes the profession's leading firms aims to develop a method to calculate milk own-costs. By using this method the industry participants will become measurable and comparable,...

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FM: sugar beet growers will receive 2.5 billion HUF from 1 December

The sugar beet growers will receive about 2.5 billion HUF production-linked subsidies in 2015. The payment of the subsidies is expected to start from 1 December. The amount of the...

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The OECD indicates a slowdown in growth

The August indicator of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicates a slowdown in the economic growth rate. The CLI (Composite Leading Indicator) that is predicting the differences...

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Eggs should be rehabilitated

Eggs play an important role in the human diet for thousands of years. At the end of the last century, it has been linked to several diseases, such as arteriosclerosis,...

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The unified logo would incite the consumers to buy domestic products

Hungary's best-known trademarks origin marking operator the “MAGYAR TERMÉK” Nonprofit Kft. “HUNGARIAN PRODUCT” Nonprofit Ltd. showcased the results of its most recent consumer survey within a harvest feast combined with...

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Hungarian foods at the Anuga in Cologne

The Anuga in Cologne is one of the world's largest food trade fair and is a good opportunity to acquaint the high quality and safe Hungarian foods with the world...

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NGM: the structure of industrial production is getting more and more balanced

The structure of industrial production is getting more and more balanced. In addition to the automotive industry, the pharmaceutical and food industries also helped the foreign trade in August –...

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FM: the administrative burden on grape growers and the mountain judges to be reduced

Due to the regulation amendment of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), the administrative burden on grape growers and the mountain judges will be reduced from mid-October. The Ministry of Agriculture...

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The Arbitration Board also helps in case of foreign online stores

In disputes related to foreign online stores the Budapest Arbitration Board makes decisions quickly and free of charge in Hungary – the board told MTI on Friday. The board points...

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A Pálinka order was founded in Transylvania

The inaugural meeting of the Transylvanian Pálinka Knight Order will take place in Haller castle in Marosugra, near Marosvásárhely. Domokos István, one of the founders of the Knight Order told...

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The Future of Food photo exhibition opens in Budapest

‘The Future of FOOD’ looks at food from all angles and on all continents. It includes portraits of food producers – a potato farmer in the Peruvian Andes, a cabbage...

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Hungarian tourism broke a record in Croatia

The Hungarian tourists spent more than 2.4 million guest nights in Croatia this year breaking a 20 year record – Marin Skenderovic informed MTI on Thursday. The head of Croatian...

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Successful TAB information forum in Szabadszállás

The Bács-Kiskun County branch of NAK organised an information forum for members of the management of various local agricultural committees (TAB). TAB leaders were informed about changes in the chamber’s...

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Increase in the size of Hungary’s livestock population

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), Hungary’s pig stock grew by 64,000 to 3.1 million. By 1 June 2015 the size of the cattle population increased by...

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The most bizarre cake of the world – Video of the day

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Changes in the system of agricultural higher education

NAK opines that the system of agricultural higher education needs a restructuring, in order to give students more complex and practical knowledge. The chamber has also stressed that it is...

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Magazine: Uncertainty in the financial markets

InthesecondhalfofAugust the world’s leading stock exchanges suffered a 10-20 percent drop. The reason behind this was the Chinese economy’s fear of slowing down, which resultedinthe government imposing measures to avoid...

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Processed meats rank alongside smoking as cancer causes

Bacon, ham and sausages rank alongside cigarettes as a major cause of cancer, the World Health Organisation has said, placing cured and processed meats in the same category as asbestos,...

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Optimising our fast-paced world

Head of IT Zoltán Gulácsi told us that Kőröstej products are present in more than 30 countries, so for the group it was important to introduce cloud computing-based solutions, in...

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