Posts From trademagazin

Magazine: Milk as a magnet

The price of raw milk has dropped considerably this year because of two reasons: the European Union lifted milk quotas and this created an oversupply in the market; and because...

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FruitVeB: 100 thousand tonnes less vegetables has grown

About 100 thousand tonnes less vegetables has grown this year, compared to last year. This year 1.7 million tonnes of vegetables are expected to be harvested – the President of...

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The growing area of the red pepper is decreasing rapidly

Despite the more and more support, the pepper market is in crisis. The ministry that is keen to support Hungaricums seems to be helplessly watching as fewer and fewer ground...

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The recovery of domestic demand increased imports

Analysts polled by MTI explained the 7.386 billion euros import data of September, with the recovery of the domestic demand. In September, imports grew by 8.2 percent to 7.386 billion...

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The Ministry of Agriculture would increase the support on hungaricums

The agricultural ministry intends to increase the annual support on hungaricums in the coming years, – the Minister of Agriculture said on Monday in Budapest, at the opening of the...

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The Internet users are thinking about less, but more expensive gifts

The Internet users are thinking about less presents, but more expensive gifts, while the amount for a gift increased by nearly 12 percent increase – the online survey of Árukereső.hu...

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KSH: export surplus amounted to 814 million euros in September

In September, the value exports in euros was 5.6 percent higher than in September 2015, while the value in imports was 8.2 percent higher than in the previous year. The...

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Negro to be sold

The Mondeléz Hungária Kft will begin selling the Negro and its Győr-based production plant – the Népszabadság Online wrote after Faktor. The company in the future focuses on top brands:...

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The local government initiates the liquidation process in the case of the Meat Plant of Pápa

The local government of Pápa initiated the launch of the liquidation process of the Meat Plant of Pápa – the local government informed MTI on Monday. According to the communication,...

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A new IKEA store may open in Budapest

The Swedish furniture store had already bought the plot in the 13th district of Budapest next to the Auchan store in Soroksár. The opening is not yet certain, the IKEA...

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X-ray showed hidden cigarettes under the iron ore

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) found 22 million HUF worth contraband cigarettes in a freight train came from Ukraine. Dávid Zoltán press officer of...

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The Turkish national drink was violated verbally

The Turkish Customs and Trade Ministry fined a state owned company for 220 thousand Turkish liras (22 million HUF), because the company with an ice tea advert “violated” the ayrant,...

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Hungarians spend more using their bank cards when on holiday

Hungarian Visa card owners spent almost HUF 4 billion more abroad this summer – Visa Europe revealed at the end of September. In the June-August 2015 period Hungarians spent nearly...

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David Allen will held two lectures in Budapest

The world's most popular time management guru David Allen will held two lectures in Budapest. The world-famous American writer and self-efficacy advisor arrives to the Hungarian capital on the occasion...

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Dairy products: value sales grew

Value sales of the fourteen dairy product categories audited by Nielsen grew 2 percent to HUF 187 billion in the December 2014-July 2015 period. As for the performance of dairy...

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Sales up 6 percent on average

Combined retail sales of spirits in the nine categories audited by Nielsen amounted to HUF 47 billion, growing by 6 percent in December 2014-Jul 2015. Bitter (15 percent), pálinka (14...

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Let's build a Millennium Falcon cake – Video of the day

This awesome time lapse video shows the process of making an elaborate sculpted cake like this Millennium Falcon....

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The culinary luxory hotel of the year


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Lidl introduces modern waste management technology

Lidl Hungary has already modernised its waste processing in 79 from its 164 stores. When the project is complete (by the end of the 2016 business year), Lidl will be...

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Magazine: Tax levied on ‘feelings’

At the end of the year spirits are among the most popular gifts – the category realises 15-20 percent of annual sales in this period. However, the introduction of the...

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Nielsen: the value and volume of food retail increased as well

The food retail trade achieved a turnover of close to 1,300 billion HUF, between December 2014 and September 2015 in the ninety product categories measured by Nielsen; 5 percent more...

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FruitVeB: third less fruit grown than last year

It is estimated that about 30 percent less less fruits grown this year than last year – the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI...

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Czerván: wine producers expect a better than average vintage

The wine producers expect a better than average vintage, based on the quantity and quality of the grape harvest – Czerván György Minister of State responsible for agri-management said in...

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Online cash registers: the NAV imposed two billion HUF fines

Due to abuses in terms of online cash registers, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) imposed two billion HUF fines – the Világgazdaság Online wrote after Magyar Idők. Kis...

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The leasing companies will also be involved in the financing of investments in agriculture

In the EU budget cycle that lasts until 2020, 628 billion per year will be available for the support of agriculture, of which 80 percent will be available for investments...

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The Christmas season starts online

The range of gifts will not change significantly, mostly various books, toys, electrical goods, computers, electronics sorts of clothing, household equipment will be under the Christmas trees. Toys are the...

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Hungarian wines are promoted in China

Eleven domestic exhibitors – including the leading wineries of Tokaj, Villány and the Lake Balaton represent themselves at the community booth of the Hungarian National Tourist Office’s Agricultural Marketing Headquarters...

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Tesco: agreement on working time roster during Christmas

The Commercial Employees' Union clarified the misunderstandings about the working hours during Christmas with Tesco (KASZ). According to the union’s communication sent to MTI, the Commercial Employees' Union held a...

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The Hungarian Highlands Depository has been established

With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Civic Association of Farmers organized a conference titled Hungarikum and the Hungarian values of the Hungarian Highlands in Fülekpüspöki. At the...

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Closer agriculture ties between Kazakhstan and Hungary

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) negotiated with Szaparhan Keszikbajevics Omarov Kazakhstan’s Deputy Minister of the Agricultural Ministry to tighten agriculture ties between Kazakhstan...

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